Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lindsay Lohan's Dad Out Of Prison--Wants To Save Souls And Be A Reality TV Star

Lindsay Lohan's dad was expected to be released from prison at 9am Eastern time today. It turns out that while in prison, Michael Lohan became an ordained minister and kept in touch with Dina Lohan. His soul saving skills will be tested there. Michael also has a bunch of ideas for reality television shows. My favorite idea is the one where Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and their fathers are all stuck on a desert island together. How much you want to bet that Pimpa would try and sleep with Paris? Anyway, as I said before when Lindsay went into rehab I think that Michael has made some positive changes to his life. He was instrumental in getting Lindsay into rehab along with the insurance companies. Michael needs to avoid repeating his past behaviors now that he is out of prison. He just needs to concentrate on being a good father to Lindsay and her siblings and not worry about pitching television shows. Oh, and stay away from Dina. Run very fast from Dina.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Lindsay also has a little sister, Aliana (?), and I think an older brother, in addition to the little one.

    Just FYI

  2. natd,

    duh. My favorite photo is Lindsay's mom and sister with Wilmer. Thanks for pointing out that I need more sleep.

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I think he will be a good father now that he's out. Hopefully he'll get Hohan to attend AA again and really participate this time instead of just showing up.

    Other than that, he needs to work, what's he going to do? Be like "white oprah" and live of Hohan and Ali's income?

  4. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Why is it that folks go to jail and find God?

    I wish him the best and I hope Lindsay is able to patch up her relationship with him. You only get one father and one mother.

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    This guy is a violent, raging alcoholic. Her entire family are felonious grifters. This isn't his first prison stint and it won't be his last either.

    He's a con artist who believes that he's owed money for being Lohan's father.

  6. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Yes, sexec, he needs to tend to his own addictions, continue to work his own program. Prison's a controlled environment; all he's done is replace one obsession with another. Lindsay's an adult; her parents need to be there when she needs them.

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    her parents are useless twats
    her situation in hopeless
    too bad because she must be very talented for the studios to have put up with her antics all this time... i wouldn't know myself whether she has more talent than scarjoe or anything (devoid of meth and booze of course)but too bad... she got her chance and shat upon it

  8. Anonymous6:13 AM

    He was on one of the entertainment shows last night and my impression is that he hasn't changed ONE BIT and is just as bad as Dina - w/the cameras ON he was calling LL - so obvious that he is using her just like the mom - it was actually kind of sad - even her parents use her...
