Monday, March 26, 2007

Links And Photos

I think it is only fair that since I always show photos of John and Jessica where they look like robots and uninterested in each other, that you see the opposite side as well. This was from Saturday, outside Hugo's in West Hollywood. They actually look happy.
Hope Scott Weiland isn't back on the heroin. Hey at least he can still trash a hotel room. And like good parents should, his wife joined in the trashing and the kids got to watch mommy and daddy yell and scream at each other and just absolutely destroy the hotel room.
Jude Law is hot for Natalie Portman. She doesn't exactly fit his pattern of trashy ladies, but maybe he thinks he needs a change of scenery.
I'm sure you all heard that two photographers are suing Denise Richards and Pam Anderson in that whole throwing the laptop episode. What you may not have heard is the extent of Denise Richards' vocabulary. It seems as if she is very proficient at saying f'ing c**ksuckers over and over and over and over and over.
Now, if I was going to be mean I could say something like when you do something often enough then it becomes part of your vocabulary. But, since I'm nice I just won't say anything.


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I read things that John Mayer has said, have listened to his music, and I just don't get the JS/JM thing. He's smart, her...not so much. And his smarts seem a bit off the charts, so what's he doing with such a dumb blonde???

  2. Those Weilands have always been some crazy folk. They should double-date with Pete and Kate.

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    What John wants from Jessica doesn't require any conversation.
    I'm just wondering how long it will take him to get bored with her in the sack cause I don't think much is of interest to him. Her on the other hand probably doesn't understand this.

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Yeah, but you can get smart and sexy all in one package. Of course, he's getting a lot more exposure than he ever got before, so I suppose that's good for his career. But honestly my opinion of him has gone in the crapper.

  5. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Pinky I will give you 2 big reason on what John sees in Jessica. Remember this is the guy who also dated Jennifer Love Hewitt and wrote Your body is a wunderland.

  6. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Okay, I guess youse guys are right. But for me this makes his cred go to zero.

    And has Jennifer Love Hewitt dated EVERYONE? Sheesh.

  7. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Jennifer is a Hollywood pincushion. She's been stuck by just everyone.

  8. Anonymous4:48 PM

    About the Weilands thing... his wife was arrested for burning his clothes on their front yard this weekend... mmmm... drugs or groupies?

  9. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Is it just me or is it only her that looks interested? He is again walking in front of her, not holding her hand and somewhat seems to be trying to get away. She is walking behind, trying desperately to cling to him. She reminds me of an insecure little girl vieing for his attention. They are such a strange couple.

  10. S, I agree. Mayer looks like he's totally oblivious to the cocklebur attached to his coat.
