Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Links--Did You Know That Sometimes Photos Contain Clues?

Jennifer Hudson continues to make friends and influence people.

Laila Ali is getting married. Some advice to her new husband to be. Don't cheat on her. She will kick your ass.

Sometimes a guy just has to masturbate. We can't help it if an accountant is there. Maybe they should have provided better reading material.

I think Sylvester Stallone thought human growth hormone(HGH) would make him taller, not shrink his testicles.

Leonardo DiCaprio's bodyguards like to fight.

Tori Spelling and her mom are going to kiss and makeup. I think Tori just wants to stop running the inn and start staying in one.

Never too early to start making movies or adopting kids.


  1. Nuh uh. I'm not clicking these links at work.

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    OK-Think I am beginning to see what you meant about Jennifer Hudson now!

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I'm so happy someone besides me is way past being over about Jennifer Hudson.

  4. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Anon~agreed. At first I thought Beyonce was hatin' on her, but now I understand. Go away JHUD.

  5. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I have to say that JHud is over! She has won that award and watch her barely get any damn work! She better save that Burger King Card they gave her for when she becomes broke and needs to go there and eat. She looks like she can tear some Whoppers up! Her CD is gonna flop too, no doubt. Everyone wanted to blame B. Nah, just blame B for the horrible poses and wigs.

    Shiloh is soo cute!! She looks like Angelina now!! Pretty baby.

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    OK ET! I have studied all the photo's and have failed at finding a clue! Another hint???

  7. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Like Ross would say, when was anyone under her? Overhyped. Are these links supposed to be clues to BIs?
