Friday, March 16, 2007

More Links--Hey It Is Something To Do Plus Tara Loves Ketchup

First one actually is not a link and I can't find the story anywhere. Tara Reid is opening a new fast food restaurant called Ketchup. It should be open by the end of the month and will be fast food like you have never seen before. **UPDATE**Thanks to hez who found a link. Also, the article suggests Ms. Reid does not have any money. I might check real estate records before I made that statement.

Did you enjoy Little House On The Prairie? How about the career of Patrick Swayze? I am a no on both but I understand most people are not like me and probably loved at least one. Patrick Swayze and Melissa Gilbert are going to be the leads in The Little House On The Prairie musical which is planned for next spring. Next month they are going to do an invitation only practice run.

Simon Cowell was once offered $100K to watch a couple have sex and then critique their performance. He turned it down and now regrets it. Hell, for $100K I would even watch Randy and Simon have sex. Thought I was going to say Ryan huh? Remember, it is be nice to Ryan week.

Angelina Jolie says she is going to be a stay at home mom. That doesn't mean she will not be in a different hotel each night of the year, it just means I am guessing that she will stay at the hotel with the kids? How come there is no Pitt on this child's name? Did Brad pull a Billy Bob?


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Check your email, Ent - I sent you the Ketchup link.


  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Uh EL...its not legal to adopt a child from that coutry as an unmarried couple so AJ adopted on her own..arent you a LAWYER?

  3. HEY HEY leave my girl alone please, she is just trying to complete her "rainbow"!!!


  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Damn you hez, I was going to be the hero!


  5. Anonymous11:26 AM

    AJ to be a SAHM, for a about a month I bet. AJ is a gemini and we are always restless. Kiki had the opportunity to see Ms. AJ up close during a long customs wait in the airport in Feb of 2005. AJ was with one child at that time. Kiki was impressed at what a hands on mom she is with Maddox and quite energetic too. AJ at the time seem to be traveling only with one stern faced woman assitant and you won't be surprised to know that in person she is tiny 5'5 and prettier with out makeup than she photographs.

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Come on, EL, get off Angie's case. She's adopting as a single parent because in Vietnam, unmarried couples aren't allowed to adopt but single people are.

    People read waaaaay too much into Pitt not being there. It's just an issue of practicality. It would be much too hard to take two baby girls on that long a flight for so many days. Besides, he's still working.

  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    10:57 The answer is obviously NO. All the info here everyday is available on the Web w/ googled facts thrown in to make it look "real". The "non-lawerly" mistakes typical and the BI's are (from the bottom of every page):
    situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "Simon Cowell was once offered $100K to watch a couple have sex and then critique their performance. He turned it down and now regrets it. Hell, for $100K I would even watch Randy and Simon have sex. Thought I was going to say Ryan huh? Remember, it is be nice to Ryan week."

    Forget what I said. I think this guy is a lawyer.

  9. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I'm sure Brad will file adoption papers for Pax once the Vietnam papers are complete. Then they can go through the U.S. red tape.

    It doesn't make sense that a single person can adopt but an unmarried couple can't. I mean how stupid is that? One income is better than two?

  10. Anonymous3:03 PM

    PAX PITT oh my.

  11. Anonymous4:10 PM

    oh kiki...Why didnt I think of that?! Poor kid. I do like the name Pax though....

  12. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Vietnam sets the rules for eligibility; not the US or any other country. Brad will adopt Pax when they get back. Much less paperwork as well given that P will then be a US citizen.
    Why do people think that attorneys know every single law in every area of law? You wanna know about int'l. adoption laws in various countries? Check the US State Dept. site.

  13. Anonymous8:40 PM

    anon 10.57...haven't you already been outed? geez. either you have incessant and continual pms or are a seriously bitter person. go back to your own blog if this one bugs u so much. or is it that this one has more readers and u need to see what the hoopla is about?
