Friday, March 09, 2007

So Was It $3500 A Person Or $3500 A Photo Because That Is One Big Family

You would think it would be much less humiliating to just go on tour with your family. You would make much more money and everyone would go. Even me. But these photos are just creeping me out.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    oh my god. That first picture I really thought that was a wax figure of him.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Why is he clutching at everyone's hair?

  3. A jackson family tour would tank just like it did in the 80's. I don't want to see a freak with his pencil-thin mustachio'ed brothers.

  4. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Plus if you calculate it - he made 1.4 mil just for this one day stunt... 400 people x $3,500 each... not bad eh...

  5. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I am dating myself, but I saw The Jackson 5 in concert years ago (I was 5 people...and they were hot)in Shreveport, LA. Michael was still black and did not look or act like the FREAK he is today. Of course, he was still young and under Joe's thumb. For that matter, no one knew all the Jacksons were rather freaky.

    What is wrong with the Asian culture that Wacko Jacko is still "it" over there?! Desperate much? Get out much? BLECH.

  6. Notice none of the kids are smiling?

  7. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Guess Michael likes to fuck and suck oriental children now

  8. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Good Lord, that suit is hideous! Those poor kids, they'll be having bad dreams about this, I just know it.

  9. Anonymous4:33 PM

    His nose is now the size of a peanut. I used to know someone in the music industry who said he's a smart guy and self promoter and a freak , he is loathe in music circles no surprise. Sherly Crowe used to tour with him and took to drinking a lot back then.

  10. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What IS that design on his suit? Those poor children look horrified. He was creepy before, but this takes the cake....

  11. Anonymous6:11 PM

    the design is lions go on to see a close up of suit and his face.
