Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Angelina Jolie Says She Was Sexual In Kindergarten

When I first saw the headline I said to myself that this would explain a great deal about Ms. Jolie. However, when I read it I thought it really didn't sound all that different from what many children do when they are that age. Kissing boys and touching each other is not unusual. I don't know how that is perceived to be sexual by her. Maybe that is her problem or maybe that is a headline which is designed to get people like me to go OMG, I have to read this.
When I read the headline I imagined the article would talk about she and boys had full on sex next to the cubbys and that a first grader taught her how to give a proper lap dance. Playing doctor is nothing.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    She probably thinks she is unique but, like you said, that is what most kids that age do.

    She's egocentric - it is all about her. She adopts those kids so that they and the whole world will think good things about her instead of all the crappy things she has done.

  2. Oh Jesus H! Why in the world would she be talking about such a topic? GET THERAPY B*TCH!

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I call bulls*it on that story. The tabs are in full-frontal attack mode for Jolie.

  4. Anonymous10:22 AM

    she really is she just put the crazy into another outlet

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I wish she would just go and be a mom - I'm sick of her.

  6. Anonymous12:29 PM

    This is an old story. Jolie talked about the Kissy Girls when she appeared on "Inside the Actor's Studio" a few years ago. Actually James Lipton brought it up along with a bunch of other questions about her sexuality. He came across as such a pervert since the show is supposed to be aboutacting.

  7. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Man, I don't see what the big deal is, either for angelina or someone else. People need to stop caring about this shit; that's the only way it'll go away.

  8. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Ok...playing Doctor for most kids is normal.

    Couple that with the cutting,promiscuity ,depression and emotinal detachments that we've all heard about is a giant red banner that reads "Angelina was sexually abused as a child" I really hope I'm wrong..but sadly as a MD in doenst look that way. Another big sign is the fact that most vicitims of abuse are desperate fro love and affection they can call their own and often resort to having babies prematurely or for other reasons than are normal.

  9. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Stories about her get attention, so all manner of bullshit is being slung online to feed the fenzy.

  10. Anonymous1:25 AM

    I don't know...I was head of Catch and Kiss at my kindegarten, I used to cut when I was a teenager, I've suffered from depression, but I was never sexually abused as a kid. Its not the only reason.
