Monday, April 16, 2007

Morning Links Of Weekend Stories

Britney speaks to X17. For someone who is allegedly hiring back her publicist, this would be the opposite of what any good publicist would have you do. (4 part video)

Edward Norton scheduled to portray Bruce Banner in the latest adaptation of Hulk.

Prince William and Kate Middleton are done. I believe it was just about a month or two ago that the headlines were saying they were getting married and that Buckingham Palace was going to announce their engagement, blah, blah, blah.

Larry Birkhead partying like a rock star. Who's watching your daughter? Maybe he's already sick of her.

Sanjaya booed at a Dodgers game.

New details about Heather Mills' hooker past.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Love ya, Ent, but the baby is with HKS due to all the delays and wranglings.

    LB is now the most eligible bachelor on the face of the planet...let him live it up and get it out of his system before its sleepless nights. He's cute and sweet and young and single. Is he not supposed to party and enjoy the company of pretty women? I would hope not!

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    good for lb. enjoy life. totally agree w/ mm^.

    seriously, what was britney thinking?

  3. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Ent, News Of The World as a source? Better stay away from those grocery checkout lanes.
