Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yesterday it was ZX at 3am. Today 330am

I'm guessing ZX has trouble sleeping and it seems to have something to do with her quitting smoking. Although she didn't post this as a blog yesterday, she e-mailed me this after she had read her post from yesterday.

i can't write at 3AM. I just reread that last post for a lark and the grammar is all over the place and it's more disjointed than usual. I'm on the patch and after I take it off it takes about an hour for the Nicotine to peter out of my veins. Well, I have to go see a man about a photo shoot.

Here is today's post.

So I stalked him. So what. So I accidentally might have shown up in a very conspicuous car in two places he might have mentioned he would be. What's the matter with that? God, I blew it. It went from spinning his computer chair around and giving me a surprise kiss which I shied away from because I thought he might bite me to an awkward A-frame hug goodnight. When all I wanted was for him to walk me to the door and give me a good night kiss with my wrists pinned to the wall. In the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

New subject. I went to a friend's house for game night and he was drinking pineapple juice. "Oh, you don't drink either?" "No," he says. "You know, not AA or anything. I just don't drink." I find it so weird that there's such a stigma about alcoholism. An overweight person is not going to order themselves a cheesecake just to prove that they don't have a gland problem. It would be hard for someone who DOESN'T have a drinking problem to never drink. But it's really interesting to watch drunk people play games, calling people they've just met 'fucking idiots.' I also went to see an accountant today and I've come to the conclusion that I should probably deal with my corporate taxes which haven't been filed since '03 and the stack of mail which is two and a half feet high. I never take them seriously until they turn something off. It's just hard to discuss a time frame for life goals like a house and a family when lately it's baffled me where I'm going to find a guy I can stand being in the same room with two days in a row and not scare off by stalking.


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM


  2. Mystery Actress, you win the Internet Post of The Day award. Anyone who can use the words "peter" and "vein" in the same sentence and NOT be talking about sex is a genius in my book!

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I would love for this to be Lauren Graham.

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I don't know about anyone else, but I want a clue or two about who ZX might be!!! The leading guesses are Zooey, Heather Graham, and maybe Janiston. ZX - help! ENT - help!

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Hey ZX, I have no clue who you are, but just want u to know I've got 4.5 years sobriety, never ceases to amaze me how smoking is so evil (yeah quit that a year can do it!!!) but drinking to excess and acting like a drunken douche is not only acceptably funny, it's encouraged- even after your college years. Oh well.

  6. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I couldn't care less who this woman is, just that her posts keep coming. It sounds like she lives in a whirlwind. It's true that the biggest game in H'wood is how much the players can mess with each other's lives. I've seen that in DC, but the people are uglier and more bitter.

    Keep them coming ZX!

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Loving your posts ZX! I don't want to know your identity,would spoil the suspense! Thanks for your "behind the scenes" glimpse into the life of an actress.

  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Heather Graham...definitely!

  9. Anonymous1:11 PM

    no one has gotten it.

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Anon 1:11 - Do tell !

  11. Anonymous1:31 PM

    don't worry honee i stalk too :) just don't get caught BWAHAHAHA

  12. Mandy Moore.

    Gotta be.

  13. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The awkward A-frame hug is now a phrase I plan to somehow incorporate into my daily vocabulary...hope you don't mind me using it...brilliant!

  14. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Soooo... I was under the impression that ZX didn't read this blog, but y'all seem to be talking to her. I missed where EL said she was reading it, huh?

  15. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Looks like I forgot to comment on the good night kiss with wrists pinned to the wall. Makes me want a significant other.

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    it's good to see an actress out there that doesn't party every night...keep it up ZX!

  17. Anonymous8:12 PM


    I like your posts but you may want to consider being a little less self involved.
    From what I understand EL wanted us to see behind the scenes, not read a livejournal reject sort of post.

    For example "Dude I liked apparently is an ass and so I wasted my time"
    etc. See how you could have summed it up easily thee?

    Self edit, brevity and involving other objects aside from yourself can go a long way.

    Just trying to help

  18. Anon @ 8:12.....Jesus H. Christ its a f***ing blog, blogs are usually aout YOURSELF. If you're looking for a literary experience, go read some Oscar Wilde or something.

  19. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I kinda think her blogs are boring, and I still haven't gotten a real "feel" for what the "real" life of an actress is, but it must be cool to not take bills seriously.

  20. Anonymous11:00 PM

    anne hathaway

  21. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Naysayers just shaddup and let the lady write.

  22. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Thanks for posting!

    keep it coming.

  23. Anonymous1:47 AM

    zx, he only gave you the weid hug because you bruised his ego when you ducked his kiss earlier... just be honest (in a cute/flirty way) and tell him you were afraid he was going to bite you, and then he won't be convinced that you simply don't want to kiss him. easy peasy.

  24. Anonymous2:02 AM

    ZX- don't listen to the negative people here. Your blog is still fascinating and makes the point that regardless of celebrity, we all go through the same experiences of doubt, excitement, dread, regret, etc. I love it and keep it up. By the way, you may want to be up front with the guy you are talking about- take a chance and tell him how you feel! If he doesn't return your feelings, it might sting for awhile, but at least you will be able to move on.

  25. Anonymous3:53 AM

    mary mac - the "A Frame" hug has been around for many years now, started as a joke but it's now part of the "guy" dictionary along with the side hug and the one handed hug. The feel of this writing is Urban dicitionary & lifted "chick X" blogs.

  26. Anonymous4:34 AM

    it can't be heather graham, i heard she was as dumb as a door nail. zooey d sounds like a good guess. she has lots of movies coming out in 2007, plus she is eccentric enough to write this blog.

  27. Anonymous8:08 AM

    oh dear god, stop with the anne hathaway, cameron diaz and mandy moore guesses - this is not any one of those people!

  28. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I'm throwing this out there, but I think it's Ali Larter. On another note, I also used to stalk in my college years. I even went so far as to take an extremely boring class I didn't need just to sit next to the object of my affection. Sometimes I would drive by his house hoping like hell he wasn't standing outside and could see me. Good luck with the stalking, hope it works out!

  29. Anonymous11:22 AM

    ananymous 8:12

    hmm...shut up and be nice.
    just trying to help:)

  30. Anonymous2:04 PM

    anonymous 4:34

    It's not Heather Graham, think a little younger. Heather is in her mid 30's and by the way she is not dumb. My friend went to school with her in L.A. and she was a straight A student and very smart. Graduated with honors. Just thought I would throw that out there to anyone who might think it was her.

  31. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I was looking at som epics from fashion week and saw one that made me think it could be zx it was

    Taryn Manning

  32. Anonymous7:08 AM

    >>I like your posts but you may want to consider being a little less self involved.
    From what I understand EL wanted us to see behind the scenes, not read a livejournal reject sort of post.

    For example "Dude I liked apparently is an ass and so I wasted my time"
    etc. See how you could have summed it up easily thee?

    Self edit, brevity and involving other objects aside from yourself can go a long way.>>

    Anon 8:12, honestly? ZX's posts are far more engaging.

