Friday, April 20, 2007

ZX Reads Some Scripts While Her Dog Eats The House

**First, a clue. ZX wears a size 8 shoe. With all the discussion about shoe size, I just had to ask her. Also, when her identity is revealed she is inviting all the people who live in LA and elsewhere to come stand at the f**king pool and see what direction it faces. Finally, next week ZX is going to document a whole day of her life with photos. To make it even more special, I will be tagging along and we will have the post next Friday at this time. Don't worry. If she gives me up, I'll post directions to her house.**

Spent the day reading scripts- the first is from a director I've previously worked with- he kept telling me that the script was too light for me, what am I, Gothic? It's a very cute romantic comedy and it turns out that he met a financier whose absolute favorite movie of all time is the one that we did together years ago. So tomorrow I'm going to dinner with the two of them to attempt to make this happen. The second was a hideous movie about vampire chicks for Jesus. If that had been the title, I would have understood the tongue in cheek vibe but it was totally absurd and I can comprehend neither how this kind of drivel gets made, nor how it gets to my doorstep. On the other hand, I find crappy scripts to be totally inspiring because as a fledgling screenwriter, it makes me think that I am the next William Goldman.

So while I was revisiting my material, my dog was on the warpath and ate my camera charger, my shoe, and my purse, which is particularly annoying because I thought she was anorexic and she just sits there looking stupid with her tongue hanging out of her mouth when I try to discipline her.


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    love the post, read is a while ago and just had to come back and post b/c i totally can't get over lol-ing @ the "vampire chicks for Jesus"!

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    You're so funny Ent'l now that you have a co-conspirator. I hope neither one of you gets given up, but I don't know how long it will last. I know you're itching to shove huge hints under our noses about ZX until she is secret no more!

  3. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Neve Cambell

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    EL - too funny. You really are in touch with your feminine side. ;)

    I think ZX is really getting the hang of this blogging.

    Hope you continue after you're revealed. :)

  5. Anonymous11:08 AM

    zx: What kind of doggie? :o)

  6. Anonymous11:09 AM

    meme:good point. how could they continue writing?

  7. EL, can we get some reveals please? Its been awhile.

  8. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Zoeey Deschanel?

  9. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I'll come look at the water ZX...because I believe in you!!! (Even though I apparently have no clue who you are...)

    We will be at Disneyland in a couple of weeks, so we'll pop by and take a family picture of the pool to help you prove your story! :)

  10. Anonymous11:30 AM

    explanation: the whole shoe comment was purely poking fun at all the people that dissect everything in her pictures and posts...just have fun with it and wait till ZX reveals herself!

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    What about Ione Skye? Random.

  12. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Ione Skye has at least one kid - so I doubt she would be living by herself in an apartment.

  13. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I loved the debate on the angle of the sun myself - it was key to figuring out zx...

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Still a ficitional character. I loved that there wasn't one specific answer to all the naysayers "inconsistencies" from 2 days ago. Those are still hanging there & no they weren't about shoe size or sun angle. I think the 'recaps' were from GAC & naysayer. Watch out for those Zen drivers on Mulholland!

  15. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Is is just me or is this post extremely vague?

  16. Anonymous2:01 PM

    ^ it's just you. ;)

  17. Anonymous2:41 PM

    It's not you, naysayer, of course it's vague. Details would be exposing the "writer" to more ridicule I guess. 12:11 is right, this is fiction & not one point that was brought up the other day was addressed OR refuted interestly. Convenient. GAC

  18. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I really enjoy this site - but also am pretty skeptical. ZX seems to be pretty literary one day - with Vonnegut and Goldman references - and talking about her girlfriend grabbing her crotch on another day. It just seems to me to be written by more than one person.
    But whatevs - it's fun if it's fake and it will be interesting to see who it is if it's real.

  19. Anonymous3:48 PM

    jesus christ people, if you dsont beleive it then kindly f*ck off to the next site and leave this to us.

    Nothing worse than bitching about it and then coming back everyday...

  20. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Your dog sounds cute but she obviously has

    Hope the dinner goes well. So how many screenplays have you written so far ZX? Do you find writing comes naturally or is the process a challenging? I dabble a bit but I'm going through a dry spell right now.

  21. PAGE 124 of this week's People magazine, folks!

    Jessica Alba -- photo shoot for Revlon on April 16. Shows her outside, city in the background (but some buildings closer ... but we only get that one view in the post).

    Photographer is Ellen von Unwerth; found one pic of her online finally, she's a blonde ... can't tell if it's her or not.

    Too excited to post this to read through ALL of ZX's clues again, but I know the blogs have been having a field day with her break up (has she or hasn't she???), we know she has a dog she's photographed with a lot ...

    Whaddya think?

  22. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Ellen von Unwerth on a photo shoot w/ ZX? ZX is fake, the pool is real. There is no way in hell a photographer of that caliber would be involved w/ this blog. NO WAY. Just looking at the photos of those cheap old clothes & shoes made me cringe. A high-dollar fashion photog would walk out of that mess in two seconds flat. Yes, there's a pool in CA somewhere that someone POSTED a picture of. That's it though, just a picture of old shoes & a pool. No actress unless she's hiding at Parc maybe?

  23. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I like the poster who suggested the commenter Hez as a source for the photos the other day saying that she used to work for a swimsuit company. The writing sounds alot like her trying to be funny style and not quite hitting the mark.

  24. Oh, 5:08 ... what's in it for you to continue to read this blog if you're so sure it's a waste of time?

  25. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Kathy all the reasons people read this crazy fake crap was listed a couple of days ago in the "ZX" comments section. Worth a read because no one's looking to argue, just stating their honest opinions like good Americans are prone to doing.

  26. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I believe it's Alba as well. There is a Pic of her with darker hair on Perezhilton's website. There is also pics of her without Cash warren. She has fantastic 4 coming out next month. She will probably be on the mag covers next month.

  27. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I don't see how it can be J Alba... I get the impression ZX is older. In today's post she says 'he met a financier whose absolute favorite movie of all time is the one that we did together years ago.

    As I said yesterday, I'm not guessing anymore:)

  28. Anonymous5:58 PM

    5:25 & 5:37 People you really need to read ALL the posts & comments before you write. This blog has a rep for the "stupidest" commenters anywhere on the Net including Perezers & it's not just that you can't follow a thread.

  29. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Can't follow a thread? I'll be shocked if they can learn to thread a needle, let alone use it.

  30. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Can't follow a thread? I'll be shocked if they can learn to thread a needle, let alone use it.

  31. Anonymous6:22 PM

    5:58- Be angry all you want your dick is still going to be small.

  32. Anonymous6:26 PM

    kathy -- Good research on the Alba shoot. However, Ellen von Unwerth was born in Germany in 1954, making her 52/53. If the woman in the picture is in her 50s, she must have an amazing surgeon. Here is some information on Ellen, including a small photo.

  33. Anonymous6:29 PM

    PS -- Anyone interested in a wonderful collection of her work can visit here.

  34. Anonymous7:26 PM

    miss zx, i'm sorry i doubted you but you are indeed an extemely righteous chick, and you inadvertantly upped EL's stock.

  35. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Is ZX Laura Allen?...I think maybe

    She's on the Courtney Cox show "dirt" so I was thinking she has the level of annonimity to do something like mystery blogging. Plus, sometimes I get psychic vibes and when I read that post, I immediately got a feeling Laura's our girl.


  36. Anonymous10:04 PM

    another guesser (for lack of a better word) thought ZX was Nikki Reed. Did that get thrown aside as a guess? I thought it was a pretty good one...

  37. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Dont think its Jessica Alba Kathy,

    No film coming out in which she might win an award, or the film itself has award buzz.

  38. I'd like to hear more about this vampire chicks for Jesus screenplay! Sounds.. interesting. And Ent, I think the day is approaching where you're going to have to make everyone who writes on this blog have a Google account. I know other blogs which are having to do this due to anonymous bitches and trolls. I'm not saying all anons are bitches, the majority are fine.

  39. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Jessica Alba mentioning Vonnegut and Goldman...ummm....noooo? I don't think so. I'd be very, very stunned. I'm willing to bet serious money that's not our girl. (If our girl actually does exist.)

  40. Anonymous12:09 AM

    ZX I love to read your blog. It is fun and I miss it when you miss a day. Anyway, I can't wait to find out who you are.

    Oh. Please ignore the haters. They have nothing better to do then to read what they think is fake blog.

  41. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Lacey Chabert???

  42. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Rose McGowan fits so well. Her european upbringing, she has dogs, the Gothic reference might be a clue 'MM'. I imagine ZX is in her 30's. Indie movies etc.

    Although I think the pics below are from another photo shoot. When I saw the pics of the clothes the other day I thought they would suit a redhead.

  43. Anonymous12:25 PM

    These blogs truly make my head spin. Who is she? Is it real or fake? Where is the photo shoot? How big is her shoes? Who cares! Enjoy it for what it is "a blog" entry or a diary if you will. EL thank you for thinking of this idea it's a concept I have been waiting for and it also feeds our basic voyeuristic natures. ZX, I have theories on who you are or if you are real but am enjoying your blogs - keep it up and good luck in LA LA Land.

    Holli from San Francisco

  44. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Vampire chicks for jesus?? LMAO Sounds like something a 12 year old boy from the bible belt would write. Isn't it great when you read something really crappy and it makes you feel like you could be the next Hemmingway?

  45. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Rosario Dawson?

  46. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Can't be Laura Allen from Dirt she's married

  47. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Kirstie Allie?

  48. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Argh, I'll come over. I miss LA so badly :(

  49. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Anon 4:03...good guess!

  50. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Kristy Allie would be a good guess, but she's doing the American version of "the vicar of Dibley". It's filming now, there are pictures if Ms. Allie molesting a fence at the shoot. And she didn' gain weight recently due to quiting cigarettes.

  51. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I like the Rose McGowan guess, however I believe she is still w/ Robert Rodriguez (her Grindhouse director).

  52. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Fergie in the Candies commercial...but then again, I'm sure I saw a pool in the background of the Heather Locklear, L'Oreal Preference commercial!

    Midwest Surfer

  53. Yeeesssss... I finally got it!!!

    After a ridiculous # of dead-end "sleuthing" efforts, all I did was follow up on ONE (old) clue and the answer just fell in my lap! >:0

    But NOW, of course, I can see clues everywhere...

    BTW: I luv luv luv the new cut, ZX! (Thanks Ent - this is FUN) :)

  54. Anonymous3:29 PM

    'vampire chicks for Jesus?" Wasn't this a movie back in the 70's?

  55. This is driving me crazy...I NEED TO KNOW!!!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.
