Monday, May 21, 2007

Even More Links

iddy does his lion trainer impression.

Kate Beckinsale says she hasn't been getting enough sex. Publicity or not, that is not something you want to hear in public if you are her husband.

Cindy Crawford says she's a size 8. Somehow I think that's not true.

Ryan decides he would like to see the kids.

Pete Doherty played soccer over the weekend and there are photos to prove it.

An interview with Hanson. MmmmBop.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    OK I now know absolutely that this blog has a female writer, perhaps the authors take turns with posts.

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    OK I now know absolutely that this blog has a female writer, perhaps the authors take turns with posts.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    re Cindy Crawford - the link is to a UK website. A UK size 8 is the equivalent of a US size 4.

  4. Anonymous11:59 AM

    UK size eight is US size SIX. The standard size for US models was size eight, all couture mockups are done in this size.

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I didn't know. Diddy changed his name again. I guess he dropped the D, if he keeps going he'll be a symbol like prince. Just messing with you, EL!!!

  6. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Does Ryan Phillippe really want joint physical custody of his kids or is his lawyer the type to ask for it as a bargaining chip?
