Thursday, May 24, 2007

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Mike Myers is going to star in the remake of The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty. Kind of appropriate in a way.

Alec Baldwin is back with CAA.

Hmmmm. God didn't work so let's try Buddha.

Andy Samberg and Natalie Portman? I guess it could happen. Lyle Lovett did marry Julia Roberts. For ugly guys like myself it's a chance to at least dream. Way to go Andy.

VH1 ran an incredible special about Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes over the weekend. In the special they had video footage of the last seconds before her fatal crash. The video is powerful and emotional and I actually wish it didn't exist. But, it does and if you want to view the video you can click here. I encourage you to watch the entire show and not just the tragic clip. The entire show will be repeated on VH1 tomorrow night at 8pm Eastern and Pacific.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    is that real>?

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I'm telling you - there's something that Mike Myers is hiding (and doing a good job of it) Ent keeps hinting and no one is picking up on it.

    I've mentioned it here before.

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Well, let's see there are rumors of Mike being gay, and that's why his wife divorced him. And Danny Kaye was also gay, so there's that what you're talking about 10:49am?

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    hmm, i picked up a little something in the post about Mike Myers too. I do think he will be amazing as Walter Mitty though.

    I watched the VHI documentary and was surprised at how moved I was when the credit rolled (yeah, i cried). It was amazingly well produced.

  5. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Andy Samberg is adorable!! Not ugly at all.

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I heard the VH1 doc was pretty good. The only thing that seems weird is that all of the things I've read said she WAS wearing her seat belt, but watching that clip, I didn't see one over her shoulder...

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    no, no! say it isn't so!!!
    i don't think ANYBODY could remake any of danny kaye's movies. when i was a kid, the first real record (vinyl LP) i had was danny kaye. of course in those days, folks in the 'burbs didn't know gay from may.
    he was classy and talented.

  8. Anonymous11:12 AM

    what i've read in the discussions on other sites is that it was a lap belt, not a shoulder belt.


  9. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Buns! - my first record was Danny Kaye too, I think it was him doing Peter Wolf. He'd sing "Baro, baro, baro - ca-pu-eh?" ring any bells for you?

  10. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I watched the doc and cried too. It was weird that she was having premonitions of impending doom and thought a spirit was chasing her. The doc was really good, ya'll should watch it.

    On another note: I believe Ent is doing a half reveal with the Mike Myers comment. There was a BI about a recently divorced A-list actor who was gay.


  11. Mmmmm, Andy Samberg... that hair begs to be rumpled. Well played, Nat.

    Look out lads, The Hez has a touch of the spring fevah!

  12. Anonymous12:39 PM

    LOL! We can tell you got the "spring fevah," from the Clooney remarks to this post I can tell that ur wearing green, you horny gurl you! LOL!


  13. Tracee... what a difference a day makes! (Or should I say an evening.)

    Sunshine and a cloudless sky don't hurt either!

    Oh, Dane Cook might try, but Mike Myers is sofa king the new Robin Williams, and that is NOT a compliment. If he doesn't stop doing those pathetic accents I am going to campaign to have him as comedian-in-residence on the International Space Station.

  14. Anonymous1:29 PM

    OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!

    Because, like Female First says Andy is dating Natalie, like, it MUST be true! OMG! I must rush out and get some His 'n Hers wedding towels and matching bedspreads! OMG! OMG!

    Omitted ramble about cuteness of their babies. Another great magazine supposition whereby 2 peeps standing next to each other are like, OMG, "dating".


  15. Anonymous3:37 PM


    I was going to mention the same BV you did reagrding the divorced actor w/o kids who was actually gay: Hints def pointed to Mike Myers

  16. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I actually watched the documentary about Left Eye too, and cried the ugly cry when the credits rolled. Although the end is very sad and uncomfortable to watch, I belive she would have wanted people to see it. I ended up with such an overwhelming sense of love for this brave woman that I could't sleep for hours afterwards.
    I agree that the premonitions were creepy, and also the clear signs that death was close to her door. So sad.


  17. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Everyone knows that Mike Myers is gay though, right

  18. Am I the only person in the world not taken with Natalie Portman? She doesn't strike me as that strong an actress and rather than beautiful, she just looks to me like she should be in some fresh episode of something or other.

  19. Anonymous5:07 AM

    No, you are not the only person in the world not taken with Natalie Portman. She is the most overrated actress ever. Every magazine article on her gushes about how "perfect" she is. No one is perfect - and certainly not her!

  20. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The documentary about Left Eye was very moving. I liked how she tried to encourage others to be healthy and how she took that other band into the jungle. She was really young to do that. I'm glad her family decided to release all the footage. She was really in touch with the energy.

    I think Paris had to calm down and detox. Do you think she could take it cold turkey in the slammer??
