Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Random Photos

1. This is an alien portal.
2. Suri is almost as tall as dad.
3. Did people used to watch your movies dad?

I wonder what Orlando Bloom did on the flight to Asia.
One way to get rid of that baby weight. I guess she's not breast feeding.

Speaking of breast feeding. I guess Ken can pretend he's with John or something.

I think Johnny Depp just accumulates stuff to put on until he falls over. Then he takes it all off and starts again the next day.

The good Brittany eats ice cream with her boyfriend.

Ummm. The wrong one's being walked.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I can't stand Denise, but I will take that cute puppy of hers. The dog's the best part of the pic.


  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Really - ENT the comments are LOL
    but you know you are just riling up the Denise fans - hmmmm... on purpose? :) Rile away - they are kind of funny in their blind defense of her...

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Shut the FUCK up ENT

    IF you have an issue with Denise WHY won't you just come out and say it for FUCK sake? Say it and PROVE what you are saying

    Bitchy comments dont get you anywhere

    And yes i'm probably just falling for the ''rile'' but HEY I can say what I want just like this PRICK EL does.


  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    BTW, Liv Tylers son is over 2 1/2. Lets hope she is not still breastfeeding...

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Re anon 12:31 ... and they're off!

  6. Anonymous1:07 PM

    :snark: The Denise faithful crawl out from their rocks right on cue don't they?


  7. HAHAHAHAH Renise Dichards @ 12:31, you slay me! Our favourite piƱata is back, like muffuggin clockwork!

    I take it back... posts like THIS are the reason I love this blog.

    @ Renise:
    She's a cokehead!
    She's a mental midget!
    She's an ex-hooker!

    Heyyy batter batter batter batter batter batter SWING!

  8. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Hez, you are f'in hilarious! Your comments always make me laugh! BTW its not ex-hooker. It's current whore! (HEEE!)


  9. Anonymous1:40 PM

    ha, ha, ha anon 12:33, that shit is funny.

    as always hez, love the comments.


  10. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "I wonder what Orlando Bloom did on the flight to Asia" = he wears glasses because he doesn't want to show his dilated pupils or something like that = he sniffs drugs! lol

  11. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Looks like Orli needs something to wake him up! Ever taken a flight to Asia? It SO sucks - it's far from everywhere! There's just no way to arrive looking/feeling any way but the way he does.

  12. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I wonder if Suri is the reason Scarlett and Josh broke up?

  13. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I am all for Denise postings! One time we got to see her and Richie do cocaine on a beach.
    How many other celebs give a display like that?

  14. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Denise is a skank. Period.

    So 12:31, I mean Denise, sorry... if bitchy comments don't get you anywhere, then what the hell was your comment all about? Sure seemed bitchy too me. Funny that you're so defensive about the things you claim are untrue.


  15. Anonymous3:15 PM


    Look, poser, no self-respecting British person even knows who Denise is, let alone publicly defends her.

  16. Anonymous3:23 PM

    ZX is Denise Richards!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha Now wouldn't that be funny?

  17. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Denise Richards can't put three words together. Much less be able to contribute to a blog.I agree it would be funny.It'd also be proof she's as crazy as we think.

    I bet that will set off her google alert.

  18. Anonymous4:57 PM

    What I have trouble believing is that Denise Richards has a fan. Jeez, how can this woman have someone defend her so religiously?? She really deserves to be a receptionist for a lawyer or something--not a well paid actress. See I'm nice. A receptionist is a far cry up the ladder from hooker.

  19. Wow 12.31 - who knew denise had fans..

    as for johnny's outfit - thank god he's a genius!

  20. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Denise's actions speak for themselves. Also, don't believe for a minute that she is the one that broke it off.....

  21. Anonymous8:43 PM

    ANON 12:31: Bitchy comments dont get you anywhere

    So why are YOU bitching????

    Gets you no where

  22. ROFL @ ptail, b:), n, et. al.!

    Ent must either really like us or think we're depressed. Two days in a row of Renise Dichards-baiting... in some countries that would be considered a holiday!

    Has anyone considered the sheer comedic value of a website called something like DeniseRichardsIsAHo.com? The indignant, breathless, INTENSELY CAPITALISED hate mail you'd get would be pure GOLD.

  23. LOL @ anon 12:31 aka. WANKER - or wasn't that his signature at the end of his post?
    Gotta love the "WHY won't you just come out and say it for FUCK sake?" but posting anonymously himself.

  24. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Er no, the right ones being walked...

  25. Anonymous11:28 AM

    being bitchy gets me into a LOT of places.

    there's an idea there, hez... look how well the
    TOMCRUISEISNUTS guys did for awhile!
