Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Random Photos

I guess Ashley Judd is pretty excited about her husband winning the Indy 500. Great photo.
Kind of looks like Courteney Cox is a ghost. Pale, no face to be seen really and the freakiest hands/claws this side of Paris Hilton.
I just like the poster in the background.

The Donald goes for the through the pocket adjustment.
And how did David Spade hook up with Heather Locklear?
Haven't seen much of Jim lately. Maybe it's time for Ent to move back into the picture.
The fun Gyllenhaal.
They look like two people who are supposed to pose for a photo together because of who they are. It doesn't look like either is thrilled with the other. Not as bad as Kevin Costner and Madonna, but definitely no love either.
I love Salma's shirt.
I don't know how old this photo is but Sarah Jessica Parker has a kid with what looks like a photoshopped head.
Singing..."You slept with Lindsay, I slept with Paris, next stop Nicole and Nicky."
Photos courtesy of flynet and justjared


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I just love the fact that SJP is channeling bored alcoholic housewife circa 1967. Isn't that what all the Manhattan mommies wear for a stroll with the trike and the Photoshopped kid?

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Has Ashley had breast implants? She looks rather large in that photo.

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I can't read what Selma's shirt says.

  4. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I read at another site that Salma's shirt says sexy, stylish, pregnant.

    As if she needed to print it on a t-shirt. I sure hope the kid takes after its Madre.


  5. Now if all these Hollywood IT Girls need a lesson in how to be discreet, they need look no further than Heather Locklear. She is Top-Notch Party Girl, never see pix of it, though, and she manages to still look good at 43 y/o.

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Heather's breasts are not covered by her swim suit top; that is hardl "discreet". She looks good for her age, but 43 is about 10 years beyond the time bikinis are appropriate (or hair that long). She is mutton dressed as lamb.

  7. I didn't mean to imply discreet in her attire. i meant discreet in her party "habits" and believe me, she likes rock stars cuz she parties like a rock star. As weird as this might seem to others outside of L.A., she is not dressed all that inappropriately for the average 40 y/o in this town (aside from the bottom cleavage - most of the ho moms go for the standard to cleavage). I know, it's a very weird town. I don't disagree with you.

  8. ROFL 3:09! Those girls need a home!

    If she needs a new swimsuit that badly, I know some people...

  9. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Has anyone else seen the video of Heather Locklear unknowingly (I sincerely hope) flashing the audience at some award show a couple of years back? If you haven't, you certainly should! Let's just say the clip showed me that her original hair color is dark brown.


  10. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I have to say Wilmer looks hot with his buzz cut.

  11. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I really don't like to see Maggie G give the finger. It looks too aggressive on her and is unneccessary. I don't want her to become another grumpy Michelle Williams. It means the paps have defeated you if you salute them.

  12. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Yes, great photo of Ashley.
    Was Trudy Styler taking the photo of Sting and Penny?
