Thursday, June 14, 2007

GQ's Leading Men -- The Results

In order of finish.

#1 - Brad Pitt - June 2005

#2 - Russell Crowe - March 2005
#3 - Robert DeNiro - January 1991

#4 - Harrison Ford - April 1982

#5 - Tom Cruise - December 2004

#6 - Clint Eastwood - March 1993

#7 - Christopher Reeve - October 1979

#8 - Bruce Willis - October 1986

#9 - Henry Fonda - March 1965

#10 - John Travolta - October 1995


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    has dominique swaine actually released any sort of staatement that confirms that she was zx or are we still taking ent word for it?

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    has dominique swaine actually released any sort of staatement that confirms that she was zx or are we still taking ent word for it?

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Brad Pitt used to be so hot...That cover and the pictures inside were the last time he ever looked good. Now he looks like one of young hollywoods used vaginas.

  4. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Didn't you hear? The whole thing was orchestrated by Ent specifically to mess with YOUR mind. Beware, conspiracies are everywhere!!!

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    What a motley collection!

  6. Anonymous10:49 AM

    You can totally see the crazy in Tom Cruise in that cover.

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    hahaha TravOrca's cover..."John Travolta THROWS HIS WEIGHT AROUND"


  8. What happened to you Brad?

  9. Anonymous4:19 PM

    my once beloved harrison ford was SO hot back then!
    that skinny be-yotch just sucked the life out of him.

    and i'm sorry, but that pitt pic is the pits! i never got him, but couldn't he shower first?


  10. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Russell Crowe!!! ♥

  11. Anonymous3:38 AM

    "You can totally see the crazy in Tom Cruise in that cover."

  12. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I think Harrison Ford is still the hottest man on the planet and always will be. I'd marry him or Paul McCartney today or any other day, old and shaggy or whatever. Love them both and always will!

    (Too bad I'm already married! Oh well, I'll have to put them on my elevator list-laminated)

  13. Anonymous7:54 AM

    mmmmmmm, Russell Crowe, yummm, slurrrrp....

  14. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Anon 10:24, who cares?! Now a days, "conspiracies" are a way of life. Like, why does Piggish not post bad shit about Paris? He fucks with heads too. That's gossssip.

    That pic of Brad back in the day, made me cream my panties. Sorry! And why didn't I get the "sugar in his tank" feeling about Travolta sooner. My gaydar must've been off that year.


  15. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Travolta is sooooooo gay.
