Monday, June 11, 2007

Kindness Plug

As always, the words are those of the letter writer.

Good afternoon Ent

My name is Carla Donnell, and I am the Afternoon Drive announcer at Magic FM in Guelph, ON, Canada. For the last two years, we have participated in the CBCF/CIBC Run For The Cure (, with this year's event happening on Sunday September 30th. As a team, we have raised just over $3000 dollars and would like to do even better this year! As well, this year we have an additional reason to run - the week after last years Run, a co-worker was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a radical mastectomy and many rounds of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, she returned to work part-time last week. Therefore, Pink Ribbon Radio will be running in Jo-Ann's name this year.

To aid in our fundraising, we have set up a Spreadshirt shop, selling Pink Ribbon Radio items - it includes t-shirts, messenger bags, mouse pads and pins. All net proceeds will go towards Pink Ribbon Radio.

If possible, could you provide a link to our Spreadshirt shop?

Thank you so much for all of your help and for providing a great (and very humorous) blog.



  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    watch for a MAJOR announcement tomorrow 6/12

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Attention thrills, and then it kills
    They make you king, and make you ill
    'Til you're alone, dead on your throne
    So my idea of fun
    Is killing everyone
    My idea of fun
    Is killing everyone
    My idea of fun
    Is killing everyone
    Now is the season for war with no reason
    Now is the season for war with no reason
    They break your skin, when you're a kid
    They steal your soul, and keep it hid
    And that is why, I hate mankind
    'Cause my idea of fun
    Is killing everyone
    My idea of fun
    Is killing everyone
    My idea of fun
    Is killing everyone
    My idea of fun is killing everyone
    My idea of fun is killing everyone
    My idea of fun
    My idea of fun is killing everyone
    My idea of fun is killing everyone
    My idea of fun
    The Stooges: My Idea of Fun Lyrics

  3. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Ummm, I raised $1025.00 by myself last year for the CIBC Run for the Cure. Don't pat yourselves on the back too hard.

  4. Hi Ent

    Thanks so much for the plug. Pink Ribbon Radio does additional fundraising through the year (and I raised nearly $700 for our team on my own last year), but our team felt this was another way to raise funds and, more importantly, awareness.

    Cheers to you and all your readers.

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I doubt if you would have a following if people knew the real reason you posted this 'act of kindness'.

    There is know way an intelligent attorney would expose himself or his firm to an harassment suit as this you do.
