Friday, June 01, 2007

Lindsay Lohan And Howie Day Romance?

Promises seems to be working its magic once again for Howie Day. During his last stint in rehab he thought he had found true love with Britney Spears. Unfortunately for him, she didn't feel the same way. Given a second chance at love in rehab, Howie wasn't going to let this one get away. He and Lindsay have been spending time with each other and really have a connection. A source at the facility says they are always together and are whispering and you can really see they have that special something. "It really could be love," the source added. Another source went on to say, "They both seem so happy and this is just what they both need. You can just see that they really want to support each other during this difficult time."


  1. Ent, sometimes I just love your guts like crazy.

    You are one twisted mofo and I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Light 'em up and watch 'em burn!

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I love it too! This is too funny. I'm willing to bet we'll see something pop up in a tabloid within a few days.


  3. Anonymous12:34 PM

    It used to be you snagged yourself a player at the AA meetings, now its rehab.
    ~~ they tried to get me to go to rehab, and I said No, No no ~ ~

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    ARe you serious???? " "It really could be love," the source added."

    She has been there 2 DAYS!!! Get real

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    not even two days - she checked herself out once already to "work out" long does drug detox take??

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    apparently, this is also a good test of who actually reads the posts and who just like to just rant for rant's sake.

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I'm starting to think this Howie might be the "in-house" pusher. These girls have to make it look like they're in love with him, so they can get close enough to score the goods.

  8. Anonymous12:42 PM

    i have to learn to read from the bottom up here so i dont get suckered in like i just did! LOL

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Hmmm. You got me! ;)

  10. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Me, too. It is pretty plausible the way these idiots switch around.

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Good one, Ent...can't wait to see who picks this up...I'm sure we'll get a nibble before the big ZX reveal!

  12. Anonymous12:59 PM

    What color is that kettle? It seems to me that the vast majority of the posts on this site are simply snarky comments relating to headlines of other gossip sites and celebrity dresses. Wait! Is there a blind item reveal in my response?

  13. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Re the last line to that paragraph - who the hell actually talks like that?

  14. Anonymous1:06 PM

    An hour with my therapist didn't make me laugh as much as this EL.

    You're awesome!

  15. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Love, Love Love it! Good one ENT - I say before Monday it'll be somewhere- Probably Perez or Janet charlton. HEE! ~Irishstayc

  16. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I'm surprised the staff at the rehab place isn't discouraging this budding "romance"; from all I have heard new romances are strongly discouraged for at least a year after one has gone through rehab, the reason being that one is simply transferring their addictive behavior from one or more substances to a human. Doesn't sound like this rehab center has the best staff, or maybe they realize Linds isn't serious anyway, so why bother?

  17. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Oh christ i want whoevers job this is to make shzz up...meaning the gossip,not you my lovah Enty.

  18. Anonymous3:37 PM

    ok scratch a moroon.


  19. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Puleeze! These inside source stories are insane. She still barfing and has diarhea from detoxing - love connection my ass.

    She's so dope and alcohol sick right now it's not even funny.

  20. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Man, I love how many people are already being suckered in to this who read this blog from the top down.

    I hope they read the next "Even More Links" section and realize now how easily they've been had!!

    I give this under 24 hours before it's all over the internet. Perez will surely use it without scrolling down lower to realize it's a joke.

    I love you EL. You make my day.

  21. Anonymous6:46 PM


  22. i love it! this is a fall on the floor laughing riot.

    rehab would be like THE healthiest place ever to start a relationship.

    i just smiled thinking of ll going through withdrawels. is that cruel?

  23. Anonymous3:23 PM

    This is abs. hilarious. What the funk is wrong with this Howie Day fellow anyways that he has been in rehab since brit brit did her stint?? Lohan is addicted to a lot more than oxy's. Oxys dont make u that freaking nutso. But coming off those things is hell. Your legs cramp up, you barf, and you get the worst runs ever ...cause any painkillers block u up (know from expierence w/oxys and vicodin). Maybe thats why she so crazy, she needs to take a big dump!!! That said better her than me again.

  24. Anonymous9:33 AM

    mmm. oxycontin doesn't make one nutso?
    i like a good healthy buzz as much as anybody, but those damn things, while working quite well, pain-wise, but i don't like THAT buzz. they also make me talk non-stop. kinda luck giving a drunk coffee to "sober them up". there's nothing worse than a wide-awake drunk.

  25. Anonymous10:25 AM

    there were way too many buts in that sentence.
    does that make me a butthead?
