Monday, July 02, 2007

Blind Item Updates

The items to be revealed will be revealed on Friday. My plan is to give you November updates today and then to update the other months each day except Wednesday. As a little bonus, I have asked two of the three people who know the whole story so to speak to write their impressions of me but with no identifying information. One of them is done and the other will be done in time for you to read them both on Friday. Next week sometime there will be buttons on the side of the page which will let you link to these hints and updates a little more easily.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM


  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Oooh, MV? Please please please?

  3. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Links and updates. I like it!


  4. Anonymous11:59 AM

    More bullshit. Trying to keep it alive w/ people's impression of you.

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Hez has been giddy on the other board about new DS/ZX updates coming this week. Maybe she is one of the two people to write her thoughts of ENT?

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I meant DS, not Hez... Then again........


  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Hey people there are reveals going on! Buck up!


  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Whoo hooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous2:46 PM

    i for one would love to see some more DX/ZX stuff especially if it contains some proof that DS is really ZX. i think that would wipe out most of the negativity that has show up in the comments in the last few months.

  10. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Agreed. I really could care less about DS and didn't particularly care for her posts, but I really hope there is a DS/ZX update this week, including the "proof" people want so we can get rid of the annoying attacks (by anons and regs).

    On a side note, I have always hoped that ZX was fiction and not really DS. I live in LA and drive through many of the same areas. Great...

  11. Anonymous5:46 PM

    ENT- This is fabulous entertainment whoever you are! Frankly, I don't care...just keep it coming. :-)

  12. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I this is old but if you need a chuckle. Watch on Funny or
    Good Cop,Baby Cop by Will Ferrel.
