Friday, July 20, 2007

Britney Spears Music Video

Britney Spears is filming her first music video in over two years and this is one of the outfits she is wearing in the video. It will be interesting to see how the finished product looks when all is said and done, but the raw version in the harsh sunlight is not really the best look for this outfit or Britney. I'm not exactly sure if she's going for the Elvira thing, a Dominatrix look, or just a hooker funeral, but since she's acting as her own manager now, it should be spectacular.


  1. honestly, I think this is the most pathetic sight I've seen in a long time. She must be clinically insane

  2. Wait, she'll top herself.

  3. i agree wtf .. she is so starved for attention she makes paris look good .. wait, maybe thats it .. paris is paying brit to make a fool of herself every day so paris actually looks normal ...

    btw .. kfed getting full custody doesnt seem like a bad idea after all, now does it?

  4. "i don't need no stinkin' manager or publicist.
    hell, i been me own stylist for years and who coulda' done a gooder job dan dat?"

  5. Well at least she's dressed the part to mourn the loss of her career...and dignity.

  6. I don't understand this mentality. My mom used to say people like her were "gluttons for punishment". Why does she have the "need" to be held up to ridicule? She can't honestly think she looks good, or that her behavior is normal. How can she think making a fool of herself time after time is ok? I just don't get it. I feel sorry for her kids - they'll grow up as nutty as she is.

  7. The pillbox hat is a classy touch. Like adding a sprig of parsley to a pile of barf.

    Get it together Britters, ferfucksakes. I'm still crossing my fingers, and I don't mind telling you, they are getting a little cramped up...

  8. Lol I saw these somewhere yesterday and photoshopped one of em. Not too bad, but still needs work. I got bored with it after a while.(I'm talking about my photoshops, not Britney. lol)
    Anyways, good on her for getting back to work, but she needs to use a little more common sense.

  9. Anonymous11:26 AM

    i think her career as a music star is over. now she is just going to be a tabloid celebrity like paris and nicole.

  10. "...sprig of parsley to a pile of barf."

    That was excellent!

  11. This is so sad. She just looks like a bigger and bigger Tart ready to explode. I can't help but think that either she is totally out of touch with how bad she looks or she has lost the big grip.

    That dive into the ocean in her unders was a good case in point.

    Oh and would someone please rescue that poor puppy??

  12. Didn't she essentially wear the same outfit in the Toxic video, only that outfit was in blue? The hat looks the same...

    -the commenter formerly known as betsnup

  13. beth! ! thought the same thing. But these photos are hideous...having trouble keeping down my lunch with her wobbly bits swirling across the screen.

    Kelly, you're effin fabulous! You got her down pat! :)

  14. I think I am officially on the bipolar bandwagon. There is no way this girl is sane. No way.

  15. Its just gotten too easy to rag on Britney - I'm backing off on her, its just too scary.

  16. Words fail me.

    At lease she brushed her hair? Um... yeah, that's all I've got.

  17. Her legs remind me of Tara Reids tummy... lipo-scars?
