Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I don't think I watched that show as a kid but I feel like I'm watching it everyday now when I see Britney's new guy. So, according to him and to everything I've read, his name is John Sundahl and he's supposed to be some big hotshot real estate investor who is filthy rich and is basically just a drug counselor for kicks and to pick up women who are desperate. Hello Britney!

So you have this guy with a wig for hair dating a girl with a wig. I think, ok, he's got money so he must not be after Britney's. Well how come everytime they go out, they go in her cars? Where are his cars? Is he hitchhiking over to her house, or does he live in the woods and just come out for his Geico commercials and scratchy Bigfoot videos.

How come they never spend the night at his place? Does he have a place or does he just move from one rehabber to another as long as they have a gym and a very tough brush? Now he could be great for her and let's hope so. But, everyone seems to think that he's this great guy. Well I'm not convinced as of yet and he sure does talk to the tabs a bunch which is never a good thing. Next thing you know he'll be selling stories just like K-Fed.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I thought we established that this was her bodyguard from before minus the porn stache?


  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    He's a push the face into pillow kinda lover. Great body, unfortunate face

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I could've sworn that there was a picture of Sundahl in a publication/interview, and this guy was DEFINITELY not him. I hope you did some research.

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Yeah I think this is a different guy from the rehab one. This is Elliot Gould/caveman.

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Whaddya mean where does he live? That's his little house, right there!... Isn't it? LMAO!!!!!

  6. I don't know if this is Sundahl or not, but it definitely appears that their relationship extends beyond employer/employee. Knowing brit's track record with men, I have to assume he is probably not the most stellar citizen on the planet. But if he is influencing her to take her children to church and spend the afternoon hanging around the house with them, then he's certainly an improvement. Perhaps next he can guide her toward more appropriate church attire and the benefits of taking her smoke break away from the kids. If he can accomplish those 2 things, he's a keeper.

  7. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Exactly. He seems to like hanging out w/Brit & her kids, so if he's encouraging her to actually be a mother and spend time with them, then he can't be all that bad, if just a tad hairy.

  8. Anonymous12:09 PM

    11:56 and 12:02...kudos to you both for acknowledging the positive....I think we are all so used to the train wreck, we are waiting for this to reveal something more than what it looks like...Brit actually being a mom.

  9. His body is HAWT. I was so distracted, didn't even notice Brit or his face. -drool-

  10. Anonymous1:37 PM

    He is not that baaaaaaaad looking. Come on, KFed wasnt a prize either.

    Where is Allie? Did Brit kill Allie?


  11. Anonymous2:20 PM

    This guy is so full of steroids I doubt this relationship will last.

    How can that be allowed in AA? It is a mental and physical addiction.

  12. Anonymous3:49 PM

    They take her cars because if they were in his the paparazzi might not know it was her and then she wouldn't
    be photagraphed that day.

  13. Anonymous5:21 PM

    He's hairy but what happened to the chest? WAXED.

  14. Anonymous3:45 AM

    But...that's her bodyguard. The one that caught the kidlet that infamous day when she nearly dropped him.

  15. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Wait wasn't the writer posing as a lawyer hooked up w/ inside Britney people? 10:36 is right, this isn't John Sundahl. Must be hard when all your info comes from other sites & they screw up huh?

  16. Anonymous8:47 AM


    At least she's smoking outside in OPEN air, hopefully not in her house.
