Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Morning Links

J-Lo doesn't want to be called J-Lo anymore. Instead she wants to be known as D-Va and as an alternate you may call her Mrs. Skeletor. This may have something to do with the fact that she can't get a job and can't sell a record and figures people will think she's a different person if she uses another name.

Lily Allen knew she was going to be arrested. I think I remember reading about that somewhere.

Diddy and Sienna reunited over the weekend.

New additions to Desperate Housewives. I just want one big subtraction.

Oliver Stone wanted to make a movie about the Iranian President and he said no. Seems Oliver Stone is a part of the Great Satan cultural establishment. The President did say he would welcome Tom Cruise and all Scientologists and that Tom Cruise was very powerful for such a small man and quite good looking as well.

Ron Burkle makes it seem like he has developed some new skills or charm to help him land the ladies. What he's got is a billion dollars and surprisingly to some women that is more important than good looks or charm. I have neither so I spend a great deal of time alone with my blow up dolls.

Let's celebrate Lindsay's birthday in a very appropriate way. The drunkenstepfather way. (site NSFW)


  1. Could the catty name-change comment for JLo actually be a hint about MV?

  2. Anonymous12:00 PM

    i was thinking the same thing, in search of...

    the eva comments go way over my head - what's up with her? why doesn't Ent.L like her?


  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ya know J.Lo and Puffy, ahem, Diddy can shove there names up their ass. We didn't coin these names for them, they pushed it on us. "I go by J.Lo." "Everybody's calling me Diddy now."

    Jennifer you will always be J.Lo, get used to it. It's like changing your dog's name when it's 6 years old, it's plain wrong.

