Thursday, July 19, 2007

Morning Links

Gwyneth, Angelina and Brad are just asking for trouble.

Next thing you know she will be asking if you want fries with your Big Mac.

Didn't the one legged gold digger and the aging rock star already come to a deal like 200 times?

You too can end up with manure all over your driveway. All you have to do is piss off the wrong people and not pay your bills.

Paris is out of Victoria's league and Victoria let her know it. Later today I will show you how she is trying to get into that league though so to speak.

Mary Kate Olsen wanted to do that guy Tyler Atkins. You know Tyler, he is the one bragging that he actually was with Paris Hilton. Brag all you want Tyler, but now you just put up a big red stoplight to getting any more action. By the way, when you click, there are some Mary Kate photos from her new spread in You magazine.

If you want to read the NYT review of the new Harry Potter book, click here. From what I understand it does not give away the big secret, BUT, it has some spoilers and brought down the wrath of JK Rowling since the book was reviewed early. Basically she said America sucked and the UK was cool because we broke the embargo. She even compared it to the Boston Tea Party. Ummm. that might be going a little far, but we get the point.


  1. I love how the tabloids keep describing Angelina as "slender".
    Bitch is scrawny.

  2. Nothing significant revealed in the NYT review of the Harry Potter book but major praise for JK Rowling. If you're not a HP fan, understand one thing about these books: today it may be pop fiction but 300 years from now kids and adults alike will still be reading them.
