Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Paris Is Already Drinking And Doing Shots

So this past weekend, Paris was out and about at Area nightclub and was seen doing shots of tequila and vodka. Of course she rarely drinks so I'm sure this was a one time thing and it will never happen again. All of the people with her were drinking as well, but they couldn't be her friends. Why not? Because as you well know, Paris said that she doesn't hang out with people who drink.
I think Larry King should come out and admit that he didn't prepare for his interview with Paris Hilton and that he just asked what she wanted him to ask and that the only thing he cares about is kissing ass. I think he and Barbara Walters should have their own show called "I kiss better ass than you." They can each take turns on their knees in front of celebrity guests and convincing the celebrity how they can make them look the best. The winner gets a new pair of kneepads.


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Does anyone want ENT to come back? I miss him. His replacement just isn't the same.

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Exactly what I was thinking as I was scrolling through and reading the blog today

  3. Aww! More Paris? I thought we were over the bimbo? But love the kneepad comment!

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Paris Hilton is a fucking sleazoid whore and a disgrace to everything good and righteous. Can we stop talking about her already? If we do, she will just go away as will her sycophants, Laxative Larry King and Puerile Perez Hilton.

  5. Anonymous3:10 PM

    aha! Ent did the swan dive.

    I had a feeling with the snarky post about Hilary Swank.

  6. Anonymous6:02 AM

    surprise surprise..cough

  7. Anonymous6:19 AM

    yeah - i'm surprised he didn't call her out when she said she reads the bible everyday, then when larry king asked her what is her favorite verse she said "..ummm... i really don't have a favorite one" lol...

