Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Random Photos Part Two

So, if you are Kelly Rowland are you happy Beyonce came to your launch party or are you thinking she's trying to steal your thunder by being there and wearing that shirt?
Brittany is still wearing the ring, but this is a new guy/gay.
Ben Affleck coming out of his therapist's office. (Seriously)
I've never heard one bad thing about them. Ever.
On the other hand, this is the queen of bad things. About to do Letterman and then off to do Diddy.
Porn Star mustache anyone?
If you looked at a photo of Boy George from 20 years ago and made him blonde, this is what you would get.
It must be because the camera is out of focus, but Cameron actually looks pretty.


  1. OMG what is UP with Mr. Affleck? Nevermind, I read the reveals last week.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG, that is soo boy george! wtf is up with her and her flipping hats?

  4. Yeah, I wish I was as "ugly" as Cameron Diaz, lol

  5. But guys, what about the porn stache. Really Orlando? It's not helping your rep with that stache man. Somewhere Mario is missing his brother.

  6. I think Orlando looks totally hot with the stache.

  7. Boy George was MUCH prettier than that.

  8. I beg to differ, Ent. That's not a porn stache, that's a pirate stache.

    Porn staches are a lot, um, longer. I used to date one. It works on the right guy, but Landy is not the right bi- I mean, guy.

  9. Hez, you used to date a porn stache? How was that? Hairy and itchy I bet. But knew how to use that stache I'm sure. LOL!

  10. Ha! Hez beat me to the "pornstache" comment...

  11. Oh wait, guys. Cameron is holding her belly. I'm sure we'll see rumours that she's pregs, too.

  12. I missed the Affleck reveal.I am sure it'd incl. gambling,liquor,strippers,blow?

    He probably sleeps all day.Cursing the day he took out a full page ad declaring Jlo the most prof. blah,blah....Hoping to work with her on every project.

  13. I also missed the Affleck reveal, I looked back at the reveals (briefly) but did not see anything.

  14. MiMac - I tend to agree with you. If the trade off was her acne-plagued skin and Joker smile, I'd love to have her legs and butt and eyes. I get a little tired of hearing "hermaphrodite" -- if anyone looks manly it is Jessica Biel.

  15. any reason why the same pic of the "lovely and talented" kim stewart is showed up twice ....
