Monday, August 13, 2007

The Birthday Party

More pics later.


  1. Hope it was a good party!!

  2. shall we look for you, Enty, in the photos?

  3. Pocahontas should have strapped on a fake Brad and 4 kids and come as Angelina Jolie. They look identical in that pic!

    And DS - are you Julia Roberts as Pretty Woman??

  4. Pinky-LOL! She could pass as Angie, maybe even a sober Blohan. She was doin the headband thang too!

    DS is on the left I believe. And she's rockin that negligee, where's her boy toy?

  5. Yeah - that's her on the left. I'm just wondering with the reddish hair and the vava dress if she's rockin' the Julia Roberts as *Pretty Woman* look.

    I'm guessing she and Ali are keeping their toys in the box.

  6. awww, yay!!!
    Randomly saw Face/Off on tv the other day and saw DS in it! I didn't remember her being in that. Mostly though, I hadn't seen any of her since she's been on this blog, so it was a wonderful little moment. =)
