Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Matt Damon In GQ Magazine

To read the incredibly long interview with Matt, click here.


Anonymous said...

Loved the interview - like his 'mystery' - and somewhat agree with him - makes him more believeable as a character - but since BP/AJ are in the paper ALL the time isn't him saying that kind of insulting to them??? That BP will never be great because he is too much of a press whore?

Unknown said...

Is it just me or does he look a lot like Tom Brady??

MnGddess said...

Love Matt Damon. Love it more that he marries a "regular" girl.


jax said...

Gee GQ..don't try too hard to do any orignal looking photos..i think we all saw this same shoot with Law, Affleck,Pitt and McConaghay at one time.

Unknown said...

he does look like tom brady. and my boyfriend looks just like both of them. i am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world :)

JMS said...

The ending of BU sucked.

Production Girl said...

I am not usually attracted to Matt, but damn he looks HOTT in that 3rd and 5th picture.

tigereye said...

yes, these made me quiver, but I've always been a fan, in every way! and yes Allison, you're a damn lucky girl!! =)


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