Tuesday, August 21, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which druggy young actress, who commands in the solid seven figures per role, is infamous for pocketing the rolled-up bills of her pals after snorting cocaine?

If you look in my blind items, you will find that money is not the only thing she steals.


  1. Got to be LiLo. If she has no qualms about stealing everything she can get her hands when in the homes of other people does one expect she will be scrupulous about handing over cash used as drug paraphernalia?

  2. leelie sobieski? doesnt she steal hair?

  3. Is this a BI ref about the girl who talked a housesitter into letting her "borrow" the homeowner's (a model) clothes and then later denied she had them?

    I'm thinking Lindsay Lohan, only because Winona's too obvious a choice -- but does Lohan still reliably command 7 figures?

  4. i think ur guess is way better reese!

  5. What about Sienna Miller-known as a major coke head AND man stealer(Puffy)!

  6. Wasn't it Lindsay who was supposedly calling the photo agencies trying to get them to pay $30K for photo ops?

    Maybe after she licks the residue off those bills, she uses them to buy cigs.

  7. (According to imdb, LL was paid $7,500,000 for Just My Luck.)

  8. I like Kirstin Dunst for this

  9. Its definitely Lindsay Lohan, this isn't the first report of her stealing from friends. Remember when she went into her ex-buddy's house and stole all her clothes?

  10. Not even a blind item. Enty's told us about LL's sticky fingers in the past, and there's been other stuff on the ethernet about it too.

  11. Old news Zzz...lol.

  12. Yep, this is Lindsay and she does make 7 figures for her movies.

  13. the only two regular roles lindsay's had lately are that horror movie and georgia rule though. the rest were supporting roles in indie films, that she def did not get seven figures for...
