Monday, September 24, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which aging action hero travels around with at least three of his "boys," aka equally aging pals, and has them do his dirty work to get rid of women when he tires of them?


  1. agree.i vote bruce willis.

  2. Yeah, Bruce Willis.

  3. Isn't is lovely when we all get along?? LOL


  4. I would guess George Clooney. He played Batman and is constantly heading out with his gang of guys. And no, I don't believe the whole girlfriend thing of late. I don't thing he can ever date/bed one woman.

  5. So Bruce gets a bunch of old men to get rid of teenage girls? What a punk!

  6. BW is mostly alone and he wouldtn´t need somebody else to do the "work". He already known to exchange them fast. So why bother?

    Sounds more like Steven Segal, who always has a posse nearby. And he really travels a lot. Asia, East Europe.

  7. I would agree that it's that fat tub of talentless lard, the Dalai Segal. I'm surprised he needs minions. The women probably run away themselves.

  8. Hmmm...I was thinking maybe Jean Claude Van Damme, but he's married, no?

  9. van Damme is a coke head who just impersonates his old successes. but there is no obvious reason to care about the "bad karma" thing, Segal has going.

    One more thought about the minion thing: it´s either the old japan time reminescence or he doesnt get his belly up higher.


  10. Sounds more like Sly Stallone to me. When he was in Australia recently he always had a few guys with him and they were in charge of getting rid of his illegal steroids...which they didn't do very well since he got busted. He is also a total perve from way back.
