Monday, September 24, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This award winning B+ list television and film actress is having second thoughts about the whole marriage thing. Seems as if her significant other is dying to make it official and she used to be. Just things have changed now and she wants to see what's out there and see if she can find someone more her equal in status.

#2 This closeted B+ list film actor was seen having a very hushed, very whispered, but yet very heated argument with his boyfriend of the moment. Seems they wanted to get away and spend some time in a hotel, but our actor wouldn't check in and wanted his boyfriend to do the checking in and call down with a room number. The boyfriend said he didn't have enough money for the room, and even if he did, he was tired of hiding and tired of all the sneaking around. When our actor sensed that people were starting to notice the argument, he just left the boyfriend standing right in the lobby of the hotel and disappeared outside. Later, the now very pissed boyfriend laid into our actor and told him his behavior was unacceptable and walked away.


  1. #1 katherine heigl
    #2 ???

  2. #1-Jennifer Hudson? If she's a diva did she change and doesn't want to be with her long time boyfriend anymore?
    #2-Can't believe Jake's acting like that. Don't be a douche, be nice to your lover.

  3. is jennifer hudson considered a b+ list television actress?

  4. Katherine is a much better fit.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Katherine. They've been engaged forever and still haven't set a wedding date.

  6. #2-Wentworth Miller

  7. How about Jennifer Love Hewitt for #1? Ghost Whisperer is doing well and her boyfriend doesn't ever seem to work.

  8. #1 - jamie presley

  9. i think america ferrara is also engaged (ugly betty)- please correct me if i'm wrong. If she is, i think she'd be a good choice for a b list tv and film actress

  10. 1. Katherine
    2. Wentworth Miller (Jake isn't on TV)

  11. It says film actor not TV guys, so it's not Wentworth. I think it's Jake still. Although I made the same mistake with my Jennifer guess thinking she did TV.

  12. 1. I think its definitely Katherine Hiegl. I wonder if the "significant other is dying" is a reference to Denny Duquette? Or I'm just really tired.

    2. Sigh...hate to say it, but I think its Jake and Austin.

  13. 1. Alba, maybe?

    2. I think Jake, too.

  14. I agree with Peggy in the America Ferrera-guess for #1. I hope Ent does a reveal.

  15. Is Jake only considered to be B+?

  16. #1 have no clue i'm afraid, as i'm not overly familiar with us tv actresses except the ones that are always mentioned in gossip blogs (longoria et al)

    #2 i immeiately thought Jake too, but wouldn't you say he's A-list? i think EL had previously pegged him in that category, but still it's the best i can come up with at 8:05am ;)

  17. Jake is A list. I don't think 1. is Katherine....she just said they are getting married at Christmas, and I think Josh Kelley is awesome....can't wait for his next CD....he isn't someone that is going to be known as Mr. Heigl.

  18. So sorry for not thoroughly reading #2!! I'm changing my answer to Jake though I really thought he'd be A-list.

  19. Brad Pitt and George Clooney are A list. Jake isn't in their league.

  20. I think Kevin Spacey for #2.

  21. Ellen Pompeo for #1.

    Katherine Heigl gushes about her fiance fairly often, and I've read that they set a wedding date for later this year.

  22. BI # 1

    There are really alot of choices for this one... so many engagements in the last year. Very few weddings. The guess I like the most if Katherine Heigl. For numerous reasons I will skip listing... but she seems to have changed alot in the last year...

    BI # 2

    I have no idea... but if he wants to be in the closet... don't take your bf to a very public hotel. Especially if the date can't afford it. Duh. But I tend not the believe this is a Jake G. item.

  23. Yeah gong with KH, she has a history of dropping guys who can't help out her career.

    2: Jake

  24. #1: I don't think its Pompeo, she IS a film/tv actress, but the only award she's won is a SAG...which went to Grey's for best drama. I agree that she doesn't seem THAT into her fiance though.
    Hiegl and America Fererra definitely fit...

  25. #1 - Megan Fox? (she's dating long-time bf Brian Austin Green)

    #2 - don't know but don't think it's Jake - I thought he just broke up w/ Reese?

  26. I think #1 is Katherine Heigel, as she just won an Emmy and has been big in both TV and film this year. I also read somewhere that she has become quite egotistical about her fame lately...

  27. I don't think #2 is Jake/Austin since (a) I doubt Austin's too poor to afford a hotel room and (b) it refers to "boyfriend of the moment," implying that the B+ actor often changes boyfriends whereas Austin & Jake have a longish history. (At least according to Internet legend.)

    The other go-to gay blind item guess, Matt McC, could work but there really aren't any clues to work with, other than B+ list.

  28. OK, duh. It's not Wentworth Miller. I should've read it better. I'm changing my guess to Bradley Cooper or maybe even Matthew M. I don't think it's Jake (Austin has money).

  29. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I think he is saying in #1 that she has been married before... has KH been married?

  30. Heigl and Spacey
