Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Is Worse?

There have been reports and photos of Mel Gibson allegedly drinking cocktails while in Bali. This of course is the same Mel Gibson who vowed to never drink again after his arrest and racist rant back in July 2006.

Mel Gibson's spokesperson says that Mel wasn't drinking cocktails at all but was instead enjoying virgin cocktails like a Virgin Colada and Virgin Daiquiri.

Waiter 1 - (In Indonesian) Hey look here comes Mel Gibson.
Waiter 2 - (In Indonesian) Oh you mean that guy who killed everyone in Braveheart and all those Lethal Weapon movies?

Waiter 1 - (In Indonesian) Yep, that's him. Damn he's pretty tough in those movies.
Waiter 2 - (to Mel Gibson) Sir, what can I get you to drink?
Mel Gibson - Could I get a Virgin Colada with extra fruit and umbrellas please?

Waiter 1 - (In Indonesian to Waiter 2) What did he order?
Waiter 2 - (In Indonesian) Let's just say now I understand why he's here with that guy instead of his wife.


  1. That photo of Mel reminded me of why he used to make my heart flutter.

    He's a drunk, and will not give up control enough to quit.

  2. Dear God, he was gorgeous! He's a drunk and that means he has a disease. I have alcoholics in my family and there are a myriad of reasons why they can't seem to quit. Not wanting to give up control may be only one of them. Sometimes drinking is the only thing they feel they CAN control.
