Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Ashley Judd By Stewart Shining


  1. I'm sorry, I don't know of any dirt on Ashley...with that being said; I think she is SO pretty. How nice it must be to look so great without make-up.

  2. classic natural beauty and under-rated talent

  3. I've read more than once about her arrogant and condescending behavior to anyone who isn't "someone". She is really beautiful and talented. She doesn't need to behave that way.

  4. Yeah, my sister was on a flight w/ her and said she was an annoying prima donna.

  5. One of the most scathing things I've read about a "pretentious, second-rank actress" was on a blog written by a man who accompanied Ashley Judd on a humanitarian trip to South Africa. I'd provide the link but the author's employer (the humanitarian agency) made him take that post off. She is apparently a nightmare bitch from hell 24/7 and ended up costing the agency major $$$ because she insists on flying first class on British Air everywhere and her list of demands would have been exhausting for an A+-lister. Slamming her sister at every opportunity is a favorite past time. She behaved the same way on a similar trip to Asia as well. She is a phony of the highest order.


  6. Yeah, I get the bitch vibe from her. Having said that, this photo spread is dull, dull, dull. Zzzzz.

  7. I want to like her but she always gives off the vibes of being a selfish, pompous ass. She's very talented, but I get the feeling her attitude prevents her from getting more jobs...

  8. I always liked Ashely Judd despite the rumors that she was a prima donna.
    @ reese: PLEASE tell me it wasn't the trip she took with India.Arie a few years ago.

    She did to go rehab last year so maybe she's changed. EXCELLENT pics regardless!

  9. Gammagirl - No, this trip was different, and post-rehab. Apparently she is as awful after treatment as before.

    I copied the post and saved it to my hard drive; if there is a place on this site where it can be put I'd be happy to do it. She really is from hell.

  10. @ reese: BUMMER! But at least she didn't terrorize India.Arie. You could always try posting it on the message board?


    I posted the bit on the Message Board under Random Gossip. Too bad the pictures couldn't go on as well; they were quite something.

    Just another little something to add some juice to a Wednesday afternoon...

  12. reece that was delightful. The writer is exceptional.

  13. Reese, I just read the article about Ashley.
    Someone needs to get her ass kicked--GOOD and HARD.

  14. Reese, thank you for posting it! It certainly confirmed my suspicions about her!

    And the pictures are really boring btw.

  15. HOLY SHIT! I honestly don't know what to say after reading that.
    It sorta reminds me of the sorority girls at my uni who "pretended" to care about the "Invisible Children" campaign and then started talking about how conflict diamonds were "so convenient."
    Thanks for posting that.

  16. Ummm, ok, so i read the story reese posted...

    ...nevermind, I take my original comment back. Ashley Judd is a very ugly woman inside & out.

  17. She is very pretty, but I always got a bitchy vibe from her.

    I guess it's true

  18. the pictures are totally forgettable, she needs to spice it up a bit.

  19. Anonymous7:55 PM

    She has Teri Hatcher syndrome, her face never changes

  20. Thanks Reese - that was a great read!

  21. Hi! For those of you (and I'm happy to see there are many) who hate Ashley, please see the category "I Hate Ashley Judd" at I think you'll enjoy it!!
