Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I would like to take a second here to thank everyone who participated in the CDANCON event. From the very beginning it was Hez' brainchild and she saw it through to the end. None of it would have happened without her efforts and so any credit should go to her.

I'm sure she is already planning to make next year's event bigger and better and with an entire year to plan, it will be incredible.

Thanks to all the people who came to the events whether it was from LA, or other spots around the globe.

Thanks to all the people and companies who contributed prizes for you the readers so you could feel involved even if you couldn't attend.

I also wanted to give a special shout out to Anna Kosturova. Many of you may know her from her incredible swimsuit collections and other great sportswear fashions. Anna was here recently for Fashion Week and she opened her gifting suite to many of the people that make this blog possible. She took care of my spies as well as other celebrities who serve up much of what you read in the blind items. I can't begin to thank her enough, and thanks to Hez again for introducing me to Anna. I encourage all of you to check out her site which is linked above.


  1. For my part, I'm incredibly grateful for the friendship and camaraderie that inspired and propelled the whole thing in the first place.

    I took home some great memories of LA and the people I met (including the utterly charming DS), and I'd also like to thank everyone who helped out and cheered us on from near and far.

    There's still a lot to blog about, but Hallowe'en is my favourite holiday, so abide awhile longer, if you don't mind...

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM

    i checked out that Anna Kosturova link. nice, very nice. anyway can women actually swim in crochet bathing suits or is it strictly pool deck only stuff?

  3. I looked at the photos, and I know nothing of photoshop, so I can't speak for that. I think Hez is pretty and the comment from before (if that's what they meant) was uncalled for. The question I have is: Why is Dominique's hair parted on the far right side in the close-up with Hez, and then when she is shrouded in her brown sweater in the others, it hangs down the other way from a far left part? Why aren't Pinky and the other somewhat recognizable names identified at the table? (And yes I am a "hater," of tomfoolery - I always wanted to use that word!)

  4. Have fun Hez..Happy Halloween! was Pinky on about on the other site???

  5. @ meryl: Most of the group shots are from my regular camera (empty case on the table in the pic here) but pics taken using Photobooth (on my Macbook, sitting in front of Dominique in this shot) produce mirror images that I'm often too lazy to flip... frankly, laziness is what makes me use Photobooth in the first place. You can see another example further down on my blog in the pics of Hallowe'en - the writing on my shirt is reversed.

    Pinky didn't want to be photographed, and it was important to me to respect the privacy of all the participants who asked for it.

    @ some: Hope this answers your questions about the swimwear. Anna also does a lot of cover-ups, and there's a range of stuff for little girls now, too.

    Thanks all for your kind words. See you over at my place I hope, and in your case jax, in person for a drink here in Vancouver soon. ;)

  6. Oops! Hez beat me to it! But as long as I wasted my time writing this.........

    Meryl - I wasn't there (unfortunately!), but my guess is that:
    1) D.S. took off her big sweater at some point (it looks a little warm, doesn't it?!)

    2) One of the images was reversed when it was posted. I can't believe I'm looking this closely, but if you look at Hez in both photos, you'll see that her hairline is also reversed! (Left part in the 1st photo, right part in 2nd.)

    I hope that clears up any "tomfoolery" concerns! :)

  7. curious cailyn your explanation attempts are appreciated but really the "DS" photos I just looked at were photoshopped. Short of importing them to a program & posting it for you, I can say the pixel counts are wrong and there are other fairly obvious clues if you check the specs on flickr. Aside from that it just doesn't ring true, too busy yet can respond here. There have been many "stories" here and all ended the same, no absolute proof or any REASONABLE LOGICAL reason for lack thereof. Fiction w/ some blatant self PR her own blog and for an employer or sponsors.

  8. Jeez guys chill out- it takes a good 3 weeks for DNA samples to return.

  9. Just went back & read the previous relevant posts here regarding the infamous DS as ZX luncheon & I see there was supposedly audio & video to back it up. In this day and age I would imagine there would also be other sources such as others' cameras & phones, so I suspect that this will go the way of the no "skydiving" pics. Just defies all odds that simple proof can never be delivered here for ANYTHING. So, Fictional Fantasy at best.

  10. Wow, Claudiasfix.... must be a really slow, conspiracy oriented day at your house. I was at the lunch and only two people had cameras. Hez did tape the lunch but because her laptop battery died, the program wasn't able to save it. I'm really not sure what it is you think was faked. The people in the photo? The photo itself? And why would Hez or anyone else BOTHER to fake it? All I know is that yes, I was in LA that weekend. Met some great CDANers. Had fun. Don't really think I need to provide DNA samples or lie detector test result to prove to anyone I was there. And fun, at the end of the day, was what the weekend was supposed to be about.

    I used to laugh off the "DS/ZX is a fake" and similar postings but having actually been at the lunch (I'm the one behind DS and near Hez and because I really hate having my picture taken, am very happy to be half-hidden) all I can say is it's time for all you super sleuths to turn your sharp minds to something really important. Like who else was on the grassy knoll that ill-fated day in Dallas. Go get 'em, tigers!

  11. Check the specs on Flickr? How? Photobooth photos don't show any specs on Flickr.

    There are two Photobooth pics in my CDANCON photostream, but all the others from my camera have full EXIF details. They were all processed using my brand spanking new copy of Adobe Lightroom. I don't own and don't use Photoshop - the programs aren't the same thing and don't do the same thing.

    I'll address the other stuff in my write up over at my place, but first, I gotta go get ready for Hallowe'en.

  12. I was there.

    You can see me in the pix.

    We had a good time.

    Lay off the haterade already & plan to be there next year.

  13. I never have understood this need to have everything proven. If you don't think its real, why waste your time?

    Murders need to be conclusively proven. Luncheons do not.

  14. awe, next year I'm there for sheazy. glad to see you guys had fun!

  15. If it were real, you'd think she could've at least held up a sign or something....

    j/k. I was there. I had the other camera.

  16. I was there too. It was TOTALLY real. I had a fabulous time. We played charades, drank martini's, and had a Shimmy look alike contest. Then we all pranked Owen Wilson pretending to be Kate Hudson. Ent hopes if we do this we can push OW over the edge. Hee hee. And Doninique was the SWEETEST!

  17. @ brenda....

    "Murders need to be conclusively proven. Luncheons do not."

    fookin priceless. lmfao

    ~crazy peanut~

  18. I'd have loved to fly over and participate but there has been too much stuff going on here that I just couldn't get away. I'm hoping to join you guys next year though! I'm in the USA in September anyway, so Hez, if you're already planning it, like Ent thinks, please consider a date in September or early October, hehe. :-D

    I suspect that this will go the way of the no "skydiving" pics. Just defies all odds that simple proof can never be delivered here for ANYTHING. So, Fictional Fantasy at best.
    Hez = She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!

  19. I can't wait for the Vancouver Chapter of tomfoolery! I will let you all know if I can see if hez is photoshopped into my Vancouver reality and if I can see her pixels!

  20. That's a cute one, Lauramart! I feel kinda sorry for these hard-core "doubters," though... Just think how drab/uneventful their lives must be if they view a weekend trip to Hollywood/lunch with Dominique Swain to be so unimaginably GLAMOROUS that they refuse to believe it actually happened!!?

    Sad for them, but I guess it makes me feel pretty good/fortunate about my own life. :)

  21. why do i get the feelin that Claudiafix's email is

  22. Claudiasfix, I'm with you. Ent/Hez could very easily prove things beyond a reasonable doubt. Either it is untrue, or they ENJOY our playful theories and doubts. I'm sure DS is such a cool chick (if Hez thinks you're cool, you must be!)- I bet she'd get a kick out of saying something about being the mystery blogger. Hez's laptop ran out of batteries? C'mon. At least make it that space aliens came down to earth, and were so interested if ZX was DS that they enjoyed lunch with all 3 of you, and to get back to their home planet Vancouver they needed to confiscate Hez's laptop battery to get back. Now, I'm believing that more than someone so computer-centric wouldn't be able to post a better picture, some kind of video on the web. The one of her and DS looks like an over-excited fan being star struck and taking a quick pic!

  23. Why do some people have to personally insult/belittle anyone who questions something on this site? What is your stake in it, for goodness sakes?

    I think it is reasonable to find it odd that it has been almost a week since this long-awaited and announced event, CDANCON, has taken place and there is no "report" on it except for Hez posting a few snapshots of the lunch. Whether Dominique Swain actually wrote on this blog and "knows Ent" has been a sore spot and caused a lot of arguing on this site. Hez said there would be live-blogging, video, audio, whatever, and I, for one, though not a big DS fan, was curious to see her acknowledging her role as ZX and answering readers' questions, etc. Hez is very computer-savvy and seems to be into photography and video-making, as well as public relations, and the best she produces is a few photos and an explanation that she is too busy with Halloween and it was too complicated to explain what happened? Of course it looks suspicious.

    Overall, right, who cares? But you would think that Hez and all the others who criticize the "trolls and haters" would want to get Dominique to shut people up once and for all, instead of creating more doubt that maybe it was staged.

    Where are Mistik and Winegirl and whoever else was there? You have been sarcastic, but if we are so foolish tell us some details of meeting Dominique Swain and the lunch, and post one of your personal photos you no doubt took of her and Hez together.

    You have to admit, there was a big "reveal" of DS, and the skydiving video never showed up and Ent was sick. Then DS has a big BD party Ent hypes and Ent didn't take photos and his friend is supposed to get them to him and never does. Now DS is meeting with Hez and her computer battery dies (didn't plan for the big event, Hez?) so all we have are a couple of photos, no audio or video and not even a recount of the lunch. People question why and again, they are called haters and losers and miserable. This site is nuts.

  24. "But you would think that Hez and all the others who criticize the "trolls and haters" would want to get Dominique to shut people up once and for all, instead of creating more doubt that maybe it was staged."

    Or, you know, maybe they just don't care if the "trolls and haters" believe if any of it is real or not.

  25. brendalove, why are you continuously reading the comments for this if you are so uninvested in the whole thing? I don't know how your computer is set up but I have to intentionally scroll to the post and double-click the comments to read them. Unless you just have it set on the comments and you refresh every now and then.

    Let's all grow up and ditch the "trolls and haters" crap. Some people wondered about this event and questioned it, and that is all it is. Others don't question it. That's all the deeper it gets.

  26. Um, why do you think I am uninvested? On the contrary, I visit here every day so I consider myself invested. I'm glad those people got together and had some fun.

    The question is why are YOU so invested in something that you don't believe is happening? Also, why would you get so upset if someone questions YOU and why you could possibly care so much? Are the doubters the only ones allowed to question?

    I haven't talked to anyone that was there, but what I see happening is a group of people and a website owner that really don't care if you believe or not.

  27. Incidentally, I participate in another site where some of the "regulars" got together in London and had a killer party. And now there's a couple of people whining because there's too many pictures posted of them having too much fun.

    If the CDANCON people posted your "proof", then someone would just find something else to bitch about, so why bother? Nobody cares if you guys believe or not anymore.

  28. The problem is that no one here really has the TIME/inclination to provide all the "proof" that some people seem to require. Yes, it would be nice if Ent followed up on EVERY single photo, etc., that he promises to get... but, so what? I have a hunch he does this on purpose (sometimes) b/c he knows it'll keep people harping on him and coming back to create conspiracy theories. But if you just focus on what actually IS provided, in most cases it's MORE than enough. I apologize for the occasional "snippiness," by the way, but the incessant questioning/doubting just gets really TIRESOME after a while...

    About the "SKYDIVING" incident: Again, it would have been nice if Ent had bothered to track down/post a copy of the video. But again, so what? As I recall, DS was sick to death of all the lurker-nastiness at that point so she probably didn't feel like providing a personal video for people to rip on/dissect. However, THIS PHOTO was posted on the message board a few days later. Dominique's sister Chelse had posted it to her MySpace page about three days after the big REVEAL. She even posted a POEM about the whole skydiving experience! And their other friend (Christine, I think) posted more skydiving pics from that day on her OWN page. I saw it all for myself (before Chelse made her MySpace page private), so I'm not taking anyone else's word for it! (And if you don't want to take MY word for it, well... DON'T.)

    You know - MANY little items of "proof"/corroborating evidence like this have been introduced along the way, but they seem to be conveniently forgotten within a week or two. What we need is a separate "CDAN: Here's Your Damn PROOF!" site where we can collect it all. Hmmmm....

  29. Meryl, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The lunch was fun. People getting together and talking about the site, about their lives, about other things. Yes, Hez audio taped it. Yes, her battery died. There is nothing more sinister about it than that. Even techy people experience technical failure. No, I didn't bring a camera, but others did and if they want to post their pix, I'm sure they will. Though why would they, since they will probably also be accused of conjuring Dominique up through the magic of Photoshop. Dominique, by the way, was under the weather and still came out, which was nice of her. She talked about shooting her last movie, getting ready for her next one, some of her travels. She was, as Hez noted, very sweet (another term which seems to be offensive to some on this board). The lot tour that Pinky organized on Friday was absolutely amazing and kudos to her for taking the time and trouble to do it. It was the highlight of the weekend for me, to be honest. As was meeting the other posters who came out. I have no idea how any of this can be proved to anyone's satisfaction, but there you have it.

  30. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Hez, can I eat your pussy and make you cum?
