Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cute And Sweet Or Angelina Jolie Freaky?

I can't decide if this is just being sweet, or just plain freaky. I know many of you are still staring at the bare chest of Ryan Reynolds, but if I could have your attention just for a minute. It was recently Ryan's birthday and so Scarlett Johansson gave him a very special birthday present. No, it wasn't the loving that her publicist felt the world needed to know about, but instead a wisdom tooth. Not just any wisdom tooth, but one out of Scarlett's very own mouth.

Scarlett just had her wisdom teeth removed, and so as a special gift to her beloved, had one of her teeth dipped in gold and then strung on a necklace for Ryan.

There is no way Ryan was expecting that present. I don't care if he really wanted it or not, you know when he was pulling it out of the box, he was saying to himself, "wtf is this?" Maybe he thought it was a gold nugget, but it has to be really small, so you know ideas of what it was were just racing through his head.

So the way this works is Scarlett is at the dentist, and tells the dentist she wants all the wisdom teeth because she doesn't want the dentist or one of his employees selling them on E-Bay with some photos of Scarlett drooling from the Novocaine as authentication.

She keeps them jiggling around in her purse for a few days, and just can't decide what to get Ryan for his birthday. Perhaps she forgot it was his birthday, and was reaching for a stick of gum when she felt one of the teeth rolling around at the bottom of her purse amidst all the purse lint.

The light bulb clicked, and now Ryan has a permanent piece of Scarlett. Most of us would just settle for a temporary piece, and as for myself I can say with certainty that she wouldn't feel anything and it would be over in less than 30 seconds.


  1. Gross and creepy.

  2. It would be for sale on EBay soooooo fast!

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    this story is probably BS.

  4. I agree with Reese... wtf?

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM

    EL thank you for the man candy.

    And it looks like Scarlett's hopped on the crazy train that seems to be regularly stopping in Hollywood.

  6. AJ Freeky - that's just disturbing.

  7. I agree dnfrommn, she must have jumped aboard the ct. What the heck was she thinking? Oh wait, she wasn't using any brain cells on that gift. I wish i was a fly on the wall to get his "real" reaction.

  8. This is serial killer stalker territory. Run Ryan, RUN!!!!

  9. gross. if this story is true i hope he looked at her, said "wtf" and gave it back to her.

  10. Just yuk. If true, it may be for publicity - she may be trying to appear edgy and push the envelope. Unfortunately it just comes off as disgusting.

  11. future note, if you EVER want to to actually READ a post like this, you best be postin' pics like that at the bottom cause DAYUM.

    any one got any spare panties?

  12. What, nobody ever gave one of ya'll a Toofie of True Love????

  13. Yuck. Looloo bitch. A piece of ass would have been greatly appreciated.

  14. ROFL, EachOfTheTwo!

  15. My wife was looking at a LV purse for our anniversary but now... How about a toenail-clipping charm bracelet??? ;D

  16. ggg LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure she'd love it ;)
