Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jessica Alba Has Convenient Morality

Jessica Alba has insisted she will never go nude in a movie because of her strict religious beliefs. "I will never do a nude scene in a movie - not ever. I can act sexy and I can wear sexy clothes but I can't go naked. I think I was always very uncomfortable about the way my body developed. "I come from a Catholic family and it wasn't seen as good to flaunt yourself. I can handle being sexy with clothes on but not with them off."

Those religious beliefs must have taken a holiday when she decided to break with Catholicism and go ahead and live with her man whore. Either that or maybe her family didn't want her taking off her clothes but encouraged her to go ahead and sleep with guys and live with them because you need some kind of sin in your life. Of course all this piety won't mean crap in five years when she can't get a role and is forced to seriously consider whether being the center square is such a bad thing. Cash would have left her for someone younger and wealthier and she would be forced to fend off the advances of fat bloggers and James Woods. At that point, I don't think she will remember this little interview she gave, and instead will be contemplating whether they will give her extra for going full frontal. Never say never.


  1. "I come from a Catholic family and it wasn't seen as good to flaunt yourself.

    This chick is a full-blown, hypocritical idiot.

  2. I seem to remember her doing a strip tease in the TV commercial for that movie she did with Dane Cook. I guess she and Katie Holmes subscribe to the same interpretation of Catholicism.

    LIttleoleme, you understate your case enormously.

  3. Every time she opens her mouth, everything she does in public - Alba just annoys me!

    I recall an interview with somebody who worked with her on Dark Angel, who was asked about her reported bad behaviour on set. He didn't deny it - he defended it by saying that she wasn't comfortable in the role and was going through a lot in RL.
    Bollocks! A professional does not bring her problems to work & make co-workers' lives miserable. Plus, her rep for treating people like shit didn't end with the show.
    Alba ought to look out - as her looks go, fewer & fewer will let her get away with being such a hypocritical, bitchy little princess....

  4. She may be bitchy, and the way she states it may have a phony ring, but living with someone you love, versus exposing your entire body for the world to gawk at are two entirely different matters, and shouldn't be compared.

  5. She's such a douche. Doesn't wearing sexy clothes and acting sexy fall under flaunting yourself? Whatever!

    She reminds me of my ex-husband's wife.... Catholicism this and catholicism that. Such a fake.

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    She is stupid. Didn't she make a comment about her not speaking spanish just because she was in the USA. Kind of denying her heritage. She seems to have issues about her heritage.

  7. Sylvia, she has talked some non-sense about her Dad basically denying they're Mexican. She says she doesn't relate to Latin-Americans because she wasn't raised as a Mexican, but as an American. It was something to that effect. To each their own, but don't go around to the Alma awards and get on covers of Spanish-language magazines if you don't relate. That's just hypocritical.

  8. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I saw Good Luck Chuck, there was side-boob and wearing panties. I don't recall seeing a nipple. So technically, she hasn't been "nude" in a movie.

  9. Bryn said...
    She may be bitchy, and the way she states it may have a phony ring, but living with someone you love, versus exposing your entire body for the world to gawk at are two entirely different matters, and shouldn't be compared.
    EXACTLY, and that is why Ent said she has "convenient morality." It's called "Meism," as in my beliefs reflect my behavior rather than the other way around.

  10. "Meism", finally a name for my disorder. LOL.

  11. Whatever. I'm sure that if I had a large number of my comments documented there would be lots of contradictions too. She said she was raised Catholic, not that she follows Catholocism now. She's been quoted as saying that she and the church parted ways in her teens.

    The woman states her intentions in the quote you give - that she doesn't want to go nude, being half-dressed is different. And given the number of guys who groan collectively whenever they hear her saying she doesn't intend to go nude - it is a different thing.

    ENT, you need sort out this love-hate thing you have with this chick.

    Sometimes you come off petty.

    You're a lawyer, you know the semantics more than anyone. Stop baiting the haters, and just accept it if you think she's hot but are disappointed every time she opens her mouth. Get in line with everybody else.

  12. Reese - I wasn't stating a case but simply an opinion.
