Friday, October 26, 2007

Look, But Don't Touch

To show that I am not beholden to corporate interests, and because I already got the perfume in the mail, I feel safe in telling you this. Mariah Carey can be a bit of bitch at times. I know, I know. Who would ever think that Mariah Carey had it in her to be bitchy? At the launch of her new perfume M, which I have now mentioned more than any other product and for which I didn't get to do anyone up the butt, and certainly didn't get any coke, Mariah met all her fans.

Well, not all her fans. She met as you know the fans who were first in line and who gave her $300 in cash, in small bills and in return, the fan got a photo and an autograph and a telemarketing call later from some woman named MiMi that night asking for more money.

Well when you pay $300 you kind of expect a little something extra if you know what I mean. In Tokyo, all the fans who paid $2500 to meet with Michael Jackson got to have their hair pulled by Michael and also a courtesy grope if you were a young boy.

Well back in New York, fans who were getting their photo taken with Mariah wanted to actually be in the photo. Instead there was some kind of one foot rule. If you came within the one foot line, you were shown the door. No photo for you. One guy actually had the nerve to try and touch Mariah. Well after he was shown the floor by security and Mariah disinfected from her brush with human contact, the offender was shown the door.

The good news was that since her fans couldn't get that close to Mariah they didn't have to smell the perfume known as eau de Mariah.


  1. I might be amused if Mariah went the Howard Hughes route and started bottling her own urine, etc.

  2. This does not surprise me. I dislike when famous people get famous because of "FANS" and the seem to forget all about those same "FANS" when they want to meet their idols. Honey you signed on for this gig. You better get some manners....oops I forgot just because these people are famous....they don't need manners. They are above that kind of humanity.

  3. This entry makes me think the bathroom thing was Mariah without a doubt.

  4. Well, those fans should have known better! They should have wrapped themselves in new white towels before even approaching her. What were they thinking??!?!!?!?

  5. ^ Lol.

    Typical diva behavior from Mooriah.

  6. This ain't even true because there are pictures of the fans who got to meet Mariah and they have their arm around her or vice versa. Go to, scroll down to Oct. 24, and see.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous12:42 PM

    If this was true I would have returned the perfume and gotten my money back.

  9. She is bat shit crazy.

  10. Sura is right, if you go here:

    you will see pics of her with her arm around fans. I'm no Mimi fan - I think she's a big ole diva, but this sounds like bullshit to me.

  11. Mmm. Bitchy, stinky. Reading that last sentence makes you think twice about entering the contest.

  12. Good ole DogWhistle makes the word Diva one of the nasty four letter word variety.

  13. Mariah loves her fans..she keeps everything they send her in scrapbooks (see the MTV tour of her home). Can't see her doing that to alienate her fans. They did stick with her when she went kookoo, after all.

  14. When I saw her in concert she stopped the show to let a fan come on the stage because they had a sign saying "You owe me a hug." Throughout the entire show she was very nice to the crowd. Surprisingly, her perfume smells good. Beats the hell out of most of the other celebrity fragrances, IMO.
