Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A New Use For Home Equity Loans

Most people use home equity loans to make repairs on their homes, or do a little construction. Other's take the money and blow it on a vacation which they pay back for the next fifteen years. Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones did a little of each. Back in the 1970's he got a home equity loan for $70,000 and did in fact paint his kitchen green and but some blacktop on his driveway. With the remaining $60,000 he had a wild six week one man party where he blew the entire amount on coke.

It got so bad at one point right after this one man party that "I would be on my hands and knees looking for crumbs that might have fallen out of the pipe. I even banned my children eating meringues in the house after I ended up smoking sugar, believing it to be cocaine."

Well at least Ronnie didn't smoke his dad's ashes like Keith Richards. Yes, I know Keith said it was a joke, but he only said it was a joke after the whole world gasped. If you don't think he wasn't capable of it, you didn't read the story above very closely.


  1. the world has the greatest role models ever, dont we?

  2. sorry for my english, i´m not very good. But i just want to say that i love your blog and never let it die, please, you make my day with all this stuffs.

    i say hello from aguascalientes, mexico.

  3. I truly don't know how these guys are alive if everything we've read is true. It's really bad when their kids are around as this one states. But these aren't the kids we read about. None of the Stone's kids seem to have turned out bad. Unless I'm having a memory lapse.

    And Alejandro, your English is just fine for here. Welcome and enjoy!!
