Monday, October 22, 2007

Today's Blind Items--Rules To Live By

I don't have many rules that I live by, but there are some that are inviolate.

#1. Family gatherings are not the best time to hit on a sister-in-law.
#2. If Ryan Seacrest has your cell number, don't tell him you listen to his radio show or he will call you each and every morning to find out how he was.
#3 Don't cheat on someone who collects knives as a hobby.
#4 Espressos and diet pills don't really go well together.
#5 Exercise is a scam.

The most important rule I live by though is that I don't help people move. Oh, I will come watch, or let the movers in. Hell, I'll even unpack a box or two, but there is no way in hell, I'm going to spend a weekend helping you move just because your girlfriend threw you out of the house. This weekend though one of my friend's had to evacuate his house though, and so I broke my rule because I classified under evacuation rather than moving. Next time though I'm just going to stop by a Home Depot and find some movers because this is not something I ever want to repeat.

My friend knew that it better be an emergency to ask me, and I admit it was. His home was being threatened by the wildfires in Malibu and so he called me along with about six other guys to get everything out of his house. The thing is he had just moved in like three months ago and bought brand new, custom made furniture for every room and just didn't want to take the chance of losing it. So being the sucker I am, I agreed.

For those of you who haven't been to Malibu, let me just let you in on the fact that there is no such thing as a one level ranch home with a flat lawn and no stairs. My friend's home has stairs outside, and stairs inside and has managed to create a never ending twist of turns and curves that do not go well with large pieces of furniture.

I avoid stairs like the plague as well as anything that gets any kind of blood pumping through my artery hardened system fast enough to dislodge a piece of fat and kill me. I also dislike breathing in ash and having it coat my body so that I will be digging it out of my various fatty pockets for weeks to come.

Although I'm sure you are interested in my tales of woe and how I complained incessantly for two straight days to anyone who would listen, my biggest shock came when I heard a "hi, how have you been" coming from a house two doors down.

I knew the voice, but it couldn't be her. Could it? OMG, it is her. I thought she had left the state or left the country, but no, there she was. Vixen. She still has that look that made her so famous when she was younger, but with a few more lines of coke, a few more wrinkles from the sun, and a lack of any real expression, courtesy of Botox. She still radiated some of that charm and charisma she always had, but there was also a sense of what she had been through and what she continues to go through. Over the course of the weekend, she must have "accidentally" run into us 20 times, and changed clothes just as often. She did manage to work into the conversation that Surfer Boy came by now and again, but primarily when he needed money or drugs. Seems he hadn't quite given up the habit she introduced him to and he still came to her for her many connections.

It is just amazing to me that someone who had it all like she did, and was so well known could almost become a "who?" where you have to really explain who she was and what she was in before anyone can remember. Even then, you know they are still struggling to put a name with the face, or in this case body.

She seems to feel that she would make a good Mrs. to my friend, but she also seemed totally unconcerned about the fires we could see off in the distance. She evacuated on Sunday just like everyone else, but she didn't take anything from her home except for her dog and cat. Photos, memories, everything else, she said were unimportant to her and what she did now. I couldn't tell if she was being, deep, serious, making a joke or just preaching some kind of meditation, but she literally took nothing but the dog and cat and some clothes. She was headed off to stay with some vague friend or acquaintance and just kind of waved out her window as she drove away.


teddymac said...

Farrah Fawcett?

dixiebell said...

Rachel Ward.

Pinky said...

That Yancy Butler chick. Saw some MOW with her in it this w/end, and girlfriend looks ROUGH. And this MOW was done some time back.

From IMDB: In November 2003, she was ordered to enter a substance-abuse treatment program following her arrest for disorderly conduct after being found intoxicated and wandering in and out of traffic.

dixiebell said...

Daryl Hannah possibly. Farrah Fawcett isnt well and wouldn't be outside. She has a full time nursing staff.

Unknown said...

Nicole Eggert or Yasmin Bleeth?

dixiebell said...

Also Linda Blair.

dixiebell said...

I mean, Linda Hamilton, sorry.

dixiebell said...

Finally, you gotta factor in who lives in Malibu. Yasmin Bleeth, Nicole Eggert and Farrah don't live in Malibu. None of my ideas could be right, but at least they're malibu residents.

Tracee said...

What about Shannon Doherty. What's she doing these days?

Unknown said...

I thought Hamilton was a GREAT guess, but when i looked her up, I got this:

Hamilton has been married and divorced three times. - Wiki

Unknown said...

The thing we need to remember, is that not a lot of people who remember her... everyone is throwing out guesses of pretty well-known celebs.

Pinky said...

Good point, Sarah. Looks like Yancy lives in Connecticut, but she's still knee deep in it...

califblondy said...

Personally, I don't think Daryl was ever known for her body or personality. I seems like Farrah, but ITA she's supposedly very sick and I don't think even Botox could help her now. The surfer boy comment though made me think it could be sadly either Redmond or Ryan.

Unknown said...

Pinky said...

Based on the list Kelly found, I'm going to have to go with Angelyne.

Unknown said...

Olivia Newton-John?

Unknown said...

good call pinky

"Although it has been claimed that billboard companies or a wealthy husband pays for her billboards, Angelyne, who is single, credits "investors" for financing the outdoor advertising."

Tracee said...

Wow. Angelyne fits. Now who was the surfer boy who claimed it was true love with her. Didn't someone guess Brody Jenner?

Kitty said...

I only knew Angelyne from the "Moonlighting" intro. Love Willis, hated Cybil.


Reese said...

I kind of like the Daryl Hannah guess. Even Jackson Browne looks a lot better these days than she does. I could never understand what anyone ever saw in her; to me she always looked like a tranny.

jin said...

It's Tawny Kitaen

Surfer Boy is Cisco Adler

His famous dad is Lou Adler

Kitaen was busted in 2002 for possession of 15 grams of cocaine.

Hoover or not, that weight is not personal.

Pinky said...

The only part that bothers me is:

"It is just amazing to me that someone who had it all like she did, and was so well known could almost become a "who?" where you have to really explain who she was and what she was in before anyone can remember."

I wouldn't say that Angelyne 'had it all' but this could just be EL upping the shock value ala Timmy/Shimmy (sorry to have to bring that up)

Anonymous said...

Angelyne never made it big on tv as the original BI claimed.

Unknown said...

jindi said...

in wiki, it says she is married and that her arrest was in 2006. Cisco wasnt 16 last year

Pinky said...

According to Wikipedia (I know, I know): In November 2006, prosecutors charged Kitaen with possessing 15 grams of cocaine in her San Juan Capistrano home in Orange County.

Unknown said...

Im honestly going with Suzanne Somers. The only thing that makes me sketchy though, is that her house burned down last year.. maybe she relocated in the same area?

Anonymous said...

Tawny's not in her mid to late 30s and she's been married twice. She has two kids. Also, she was arested in her San Juan Capistrano home, not Mailibu.

Toni said...

Also I believe Vixen was stating as being a child actress or at least having some career as a child/teenager. That doesn't fit Angelyne.

I like the Tawny guess. Is there any way to prove that Tawny lives close to Lou Adler - other than they both live in Malibu?

Anonymous said...

LOl, Pinky. I don't know who it is, but I can eliminate.

Pinky said...

The original BI: To set the stage here, this all takes place in Malibu so look up which celebs live there and that will give you a head start. We have a vixen who is mid to late 30's who might have been A list for about five minutes.Faded teen starlet who hit it big on tv, but now is strictly movies (when she can get them) who tries to stay in the mix but really lives well beyond her means, especially considering her lack of work and lack of marriages. As far as I know she has not been married.

Along comes her neighbor, a nice 16 year old boy with a typical surfer look (my client), but a dad who made it very big in the music business as a producer and has been married and lived with multiple women many of whom are very well known actresses.

16 year old boy gets arrested for possession of cocaine and dad wonders where kid got it as dad has been clean for a very long time. It turns out it was given to him by Vixen the neighbor lady who has introduced Surfer Boy to the wonders of the white powder and has also introduced him to other intimate activities. Surfer Boy thinks he is in love of course and dad is pissed to say the least. Surfer Boy starts discussing things he has seen at the house which explain how Vixen has managed such a nice place to live on a little amount of film and tv work and no live in or former husbands around. It seems that everyone in this little neighborhood knew to come to Vixen for all their pharmaceutical needs and Surfer Boy has not only seen who was coming in and out each day, but also how often and how much they were buying.

Surfer Boy originally told the police he got the coke from a friend and would not give up the name. It was not until he and dad came to my office that the whole story comes out. This is a no brainer and we call the DA and Vixen is arrested. If you look hard enough you will find the arrest in the newspaper. Surfer Boy makes a deal and is shipped off to New York to be with his mom and away from Vixen. Meanwhile Vixen is so far up the pipeline that she cuts her own deal of which I am not familiar with the details. I do know that within 48 hours of her deal the Mexican police acting with DEA officers made a sweep in the LA area and on the California/Mexico border.

The VERY interesting thing about this is that Vixen kept very good records and also paid taxes on her earnings. The records have some very interesting names and it is those names that helped her stay out of the public eye during this, EXCEPT for the actual arrest. The people Vixen was supplying were not only celebrities who often paid with funds from their employers, but also maids, drivers, bodyguards, etc. and Vixen knew who each was buying for.

Surfer Boy escaped from New York (wasn't that a movie?) and actually was found the next day at Vixen's house (next door to dad--well I never said he was smart) Vixen's corruption sexually of the boy was never made an issue, but dad made it an issue at that time so Vixen found a new toy and Surfer Boy went back to NY with a broken heart where he has subsequently (within the past couple of months) been photographed with a VERY A list female but with no idea of how it came to be. They should have read it here first.

Toni said...

Wow C - you can definitely eliminate. I subtract my Tawny guess. :-)

Is there anyway to find out who lives close to Lou Adler? I still like Cisco as the Surfer Boy.

I am new to the detective game so I don't have expert sleuthing skills yet.

Tracee said...

Shite! You're right C. Suzanne Somers huh? Isn't she married? I think we're looking for a single lady.

Tawny was a popular guess. And she is a coked out biotch. On Surreal Life she was kooky.

Pinky said...

I'm with the Adlers too. That guy has lived with almost every woman in California except Tawny Kitaen and Angelyne ;)

So, famous for their body and "mid to late 30's who might have been A list for about five minutes.Faded teen starlet who hit it big on tv, but now is strictly movies (when she can get them) who tries to stay in the mix"

Were there any youngsters on "Baywatch"? What other TV shows from 25 years ago where they had teens knows for their bodies?

jin said...

i'm hung up on Ent's tip that he changes small details to protect certain facts.

since then i've been going with the "best guess based on a preponderance of the evidence" ;)

tawney still seems like the best overall fit, imho but i dunno.

tara said...

its neither angleyne nor tawny.

tawny has been married and actually was arrested for beating him up.
angelyne never "had it all". did anyone bither looking at her before posting??? hello? def tranny, NOT a vixen!

Toni said...

o.k. don't hate me -
I know she was married and has a child.....but what about Valerie Bertanelli?

She lives Malibu - would have been late 30's - Divorced from Eddie in the time frame we are talking - really is a faded tv starlet - she never was able to anything else.

AND I LOVE VALERIE!!!! But thought I'd throw her out there!

tara said...

@toni: k. wont hate you, BUT WHY would you just "throw" betinelli out there when enty specifically said she hasnt been married? or that she only does movies now? how OBVI is it that valerie was married... YOU even posted abt her divorce??? AND can you please name a movie she's been in lately? also, why would you think its coke thats paying her bills when she has an endorsement from jennycraig???

why dont ppl READ the bi's BEFORE they post?? SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!

Pinky said...

Bossy much, divabunny?

jax said...

divabunny...chill TFO.

tara said...

not bossy but doesnt anyone else get annoyed when ppl post things that are obviously the complete opposite of the clues?

YahMoBThere said...

Diva, sometimes, but you know EL isn't the most prolific writer we've ever encountered. A lot of his things are confusing, plus, if he throws red herrings into the mix as he says he does, then maybe people are guessing based on what they think is a red herring.

jax said...

Sure we all get annoyed but its not a site for your personal use only so please chill on the newbies. with anger out with love.aaaahhhhh. better?

syd said...

Here is an update that was posted on Vixen "Look at the Vixen blind item. I said as far as I know she is not married. I know she was not married at the time the events happened. After the events happened I do not usually keep up with that person’s life. I do not go to IMDB to check on every detail post event. It turns out Vixen has married but I only know this because I went and checked."

tara said...

agree twisted, but when someone posts a guess and pretty much NOTHING matches, its annoying.

fawcett? unless someone's been living under a rock they would know that she isnt mid/late 30s AND that she is battling cancer AND has been married AND has only done tv. like she's really going to change clothes 20 times and try for enty's buddy all weekend???

pretty same w/bertinelli. she is too old to be this BI, married to eddie van halen, left him over his substance abuse probs, doesnt do movies... yet they think this could be her???

my guess would be nicole eggert, BUT i didnt post this bc she has been married. i wasnt able to find the drug charge, but other than that, everything else pretty much matches.

Pinky said...

Oh for....Jaaaaaaaaaaax!!!!

tara said...

WAIT! this isnt for my personal use??? no one told me that! well, what the hell am i doing here then?

i'm not being mean~ i got snipped a few times when i first started posting...and then i started reading before i posted.

i would try the breathing thing, but my nitrous oxide tank is empty. ;)

Tracee said...

Ya'lls so crazy! These BIs can work people into a feeding frenzy, I get caught up all the time. I've learned that it's better to let peep throw in their 2 cents and move on. Sometimes those 2 cents can spark a new brainstorming session.


Ya know divabunny you have a point about Nicole...why was ent posting her in the pics section lately? I'm not sure what comment he made, but now you have me wanting to go check it out.

tara said...

nicole was born in 1972 (35/36 years old); started as a baby in beauty pageants, johnson's commercial...was a teen star, known for her body (baywatch) and then pretty much fell off the radar.

a few things dont add up for me though... i can remember when she was ever a-list, but if it was only for a second, then i may have missed it. also, she was the first BI abt vixen, enty said "to my knbowledge, she was never married"... she has been doing movies, so... from looking at wiki and imdb, she's my guess.

and YES... everyone can feel free to poke holes in my theory... since i can dish it, i can surely take it!

Pinky said...

EL knows Eggert and was concerned when he placed calls to her home and received no answer. Then her MySpace page went MIA. But then he said everything was hunky dory with her. I'd thought about her, and although EL said that he was wrong about her not being married, according to IMDB Nicole Eggert has a child. Doubt that she'd run off with the cat and dog and leave the kid. That behavior is pure Britany.

Unknown said...

I suggested Nicole Eggert, but was told that she doesn't live in Malibu.

jax said...


tara said...

sorry april... i didnt see your post before now... well, it def cant be nicole or yasmin bc from what i just found, theyre both still married.

still thinking its gotta be someone from a show like that since it says she was known for her "body"... this one has me stumped... any other ideas???

Pinky said...

Thanks, Jax. All better now ;)

Yes, April, you sure did, and we sure did. However: Eggert has a terrier dog J.J. and a cat Smokey. Hmmmm...can any of you fine sleuths find out whether or not she has custody of the child, Dilyn? Says she's still married to Justin Herwick, but not the status of that marriage.

tara said...

after looking, imdb has nicole as separated, BUT someone posted that enty said he is friends w/her. from the way he described vixen, doesnt sound like theyre friends. besides, i dont think enty would post abt someone that he calls a friend...

where did it come from that enty was friends w/her? i looked for a "label" for her on cdan and cant find where he has one for her.

heres a tmz link from where she was out last week:

one last thing... how do ppl know that she doesnt live in malibu? i vaguely remember when she was on scott baio's vh1 show that he met her at the beach... thinking she does live on the bu...unless someone knows otherwise. she was born in glendale. she also has an addy listed for studioo city, but i would think that is her agents addy since its listed publicly.

captivagrl said...

i'm gonna guess josh shirley for surfer teen, dad is kevin"caveman" producer.... home in malibu and nyc..i think that kid's name is josh

captivagrl said...

looking at the original BI it would fit because i think mom lives in new york, dad is remarried with new baby..this happened a couple years ago..the vixen must be renting her place..still thinkin bout her...

Unknown said...

here is the original link to where ENT mentions he is friends with NE

Pinky said...

Quite awhile back, EL said that he'd left a message for Nicole and she didn't return the call. I think it was a BI at first, but then we figured it out, he did a reveal and the next thing you know there was an update and her website had a little note on it basically saying "I'm okay!"

I could be making that up though. It runs in my family.

tara said...

thank you for posting that link... i dont get why that was posted to begin with. did someone peg her for the answer to a BI?

he says he thinks she's incredible, so i dont thinkk he'd say that abt someone that was snorting and shacking w/the neighbor's teen.

curious_cailyn said...

My vote still goes to Nicole Eggert...

1) Re: Ent being "friends" with Nicole.. It's possible that he was genuinely concerned about her at the time, and was just trying to be nice with the "the incredible person" comment. (Remember - Ent used to speak quite highly of his "acquaintance/friend" Britney Spears, too!) :0

2) Nicole is the right age (35), and in her recent WireImage pics she's looking botoxed and a LOT older than 35 (i.e., showing signs of "what she had been through and what she continues to go through.") Wow. Check out her photos from 2005 - the poor thing looks likes she's aged a DECADE just in the last two years!

3) She was a "teen starlet" while on "Charles in Charge" (1987-1990) and starred on "Baywatch" from 1992-1994. I never watched the show, but it was HUGELY popular (worldwide), which might account for the "A-list for about five minutes" comment. Baywatch also explains the "known for her body" clue.

4) She lives in Malibu, according to this site: (Scroll to the bottom of the page.)

5) All of her recent work is in (straight-to-video) movies, and she has a "dog and a cat." (She's holding the dog in one of the WireImage shots.)

6) IMDB says she's separated from her husband - who knows for how long...

7) She has a daughter (Dylin), but Ent never said whether Vixen had a child or not... Also, if she talks openly about selling drugs with casual acquaintances (like Ent & his friend), there's a pretty good chance she doesn't have custody! (Interestingly, Dylin used to appear in photos with her, but I can't find any from the last two years.)

No clue who "Surfer Boy" is, though. :)

Miss X said...

What about Tiffani-Amber Theissen?

She's 33, so maybe a little young and is married per IMDB.

I don't know where she lives.

With going from Saved by the Bell to 90210 it seems like she could have been on the cusp of A-list.

You don't see/here much of her these days. And she only seems to get work in made for tv movies.

Feel free to discredit my theory. ;)

ablake said...

agree twisted, but when someone posts a guess and pretty much NOTHING matches, its annoying.

Agreed. But hey it's a site for fun so what can you do? *shrug*

Eggert would have never been considered A list, not even for a second. Charles in Charge was a cable show. Plus she's been married.

Rose McGowan would be a more accurate guess, but it isn't her. Sounds like someone semi washed up who is looking for a man. Surprised kid's dad didn't run her out of town, actually.

ablake said...

Miss X I thought of her too :) didn't realize she was married. Just don't know if she ever made the 'brief A list' quota

dixiebell said...

hi guys. I know from a former boyfriend of NE that Nicole Eggert was a serious cokehead/crackhead at one point. If she lives in malibu, then it's her, I think. she was huge in baywatch, and she had a serious coke problem.

angylene is a no way. she's a freakshow, always has been a freakshow, nothing but. Valerie Bertinelli is a lovely woman with a son, a boyfriend, and a diet company contract. she was married to a serious alcoholic-she's not and never has been a druggie.

Tawny, I think is too in the public eye-everyone knows her deal and this is someone basically out of the public eye now, which fits Eggert as well.

Anonymous said...

How about the other girl from Saved by the Bell who went on to star in the Las Vegas stripper movie by Joe Esterhaus. The movie was supposed to make her a star but it was laughable.

Production Girl said...

Hey Sweater,

Charles in Charge started out on a network channel CBS. I used to watch it before cable came around my way.

NE is a very good guess. From her myspace she really has an 'I don't care attitude' about most things, so it wouldn't surprise me if she took very little with her if she had to evacuate. But who knows, those red herrings of EL can be confusing. Also, EL THOUGHT the vixen was never married, but wasn't sure.

Production Girl said...

hey Alana,
Elizabeth Berkley from Saved by the Bell seems a good guess.

She is currently married according to imdb.

Bryn said...

If you see the update on Vixen posted by Syd, Ent he was not aware she was married, and says that she was not married "when this took place". He discovered by checking, that she has since married. So, it is someone who eventually married , and may or may not still be married.

Also, does Cisco Adler have a "typical surfer look"? I'm thinking more along the lines of Sean Stewart, Rod's son. Although he is old for this item, it could have taken place a while back.

schneefloeckli said...

vixen who is mid to late 30's

This rules out most guesses. :-( I'm still clueless as to who it could be. I think it's not Yasmeen Bleeth either because most people still recognize her. Maybe another one of those Baywatch girls? Or someone from Beverly Hills 90210? Sadly, I don't know most of the '80ies TV shows.

tara said...

cisco adler is too old to be surfer boy... he's 26/27 years old/ born in 1978. havent seen him dating very a list celeb lately since he's mainly been with mushy barton and kim stewart.

i think surfer boy could be brody jenner.., remember "princes of malibu"? his stepdad is famous composer david foster and that is who he grew up with. he was born in 83, so the timeframe fits.


YahMoBThere said...

I must be blowing right past the clue when I read it and it's driving me NUTS, so can someone please point out where it says she's in her mid to late 30's? I honestly can't find it, so I must be glossing over it.

curious_cailyn said...

Hey Twisted,

Her age is mentioned in the original "Vixen" post (from Nov 28, 2006): "We have a vixen who is mid to late 30's..."

Ent included a link to it in yesterday's post: "I thought she had left the state or left the country, but no, there she was. Vixen."


Kristen S. said...

I was curious about the Elizabeth Berkely guess, because she's mid-30's and botoxed, but her IMDB prof. shows she has done a LOT of TV in recent years.

YahMoBThere said...

Hey Cailyn, THANKS!!! You know I didn't even bother to click on the word because in the past some of the linked words were ads or just definitions. Next time I'll know better, and now I can stop looking for something that isn't in that

curious_cailyn said...

Twisted - I've gotten in the habit of avoiding links, too! ..But I think BLUE links are OK - the white (underlined) links seem to be the annoying ones!

Oooh! Look what I just found... Check out this Oct 14th TMZ Video featuring Nicole Eggert.


dixiebell said...

Elisabeth Berkley isn't a coke addict, and she never, ever "had it all". She also doesn't live in Malibu. Cailyn, I think it's NE.

Production Girl said...

My 1st thought was NE too. I hope this is a reveal soon, LOL.

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yvonne said...

While Nicole does seem to be the best fit, I can't get over the fact that ENT posted about her a few weeks ago. Why would he put, "I thought she had left the state or left the country,"?? But my research hasn't come up with any better suggestions, unfortunately... Keep searching, I guess.

Sethaday said...

This was already revealed as Yasmine Bleeth.


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