Monday, November 12, 2007

Are We Sure Lindsay's Not Drinking?

Yes, Lindsay flashed her way to some attention this weekend, but it was what she did before flashing the world that makes me question whether she is drinking again or not. Lindsay Lohan has fronted the $100,000 fee for a seminar she hopes to run with Romanian, Aurel Raileanu, who has been recognized as the most powerful human magnet by Guinness. The World Record Guinness people and not the beer drinkers. Although, the beer drinkers would probably have more fun throwing metal objects at the guy to see if they would stick or not. Lindsay is taking the chance that her friends will be willing to chip in to learn how to use your mind to lift metallic objects. Recently, the con artist Raileanu lifted a 50 pound television set using just his mind. When asked why she would pay this nut-job's fee and arrange a seminar for him, Lindsay said, "I've always been interested in off-the-wall abilities. And this is a really interesting phenomenon. "I'd love to find out more about it and try and pinpoint what causes these supernatural abilities."

Well, I think the guy is nuts, but we do have one thing in common. We both live in a basement of our mom's home. Wonder if he has a blog also. That might be tough though, because if there were metal pieces, they would just keep flying at him while he was typing. Type, dodge, type dodge. The guy must have lots of bruises, and it must suck to always use plastic silverware. His mom must cut his meat for him or something because you know those plastic knives don't do a damn thing except break. I'm not sure why companies even bother making the knives.


  1. She should go to rehab for chemical abuse of Peroxide and Mystic Tan

  2. I smell a drug deal brewing.

  3. wasnt that reported on contact music though? which we all know isn't the most reliable source ever...

  4. This girl is turning into a Long Island mall shopper before our eyes!

  5. Anonymous1:43 PM

    This story reminds me of 'Wacko Jacko buys Elephant Man's bones'. I guess if you can't get attention by partying, you can get it by being eccentric. It's all about growing that Lohan brand.

    That horrible bleached-out witchy hair has got to go...yuck! As long as she's rocking this cheap-ass look, I'll never be convinced that she's sober.
