Friday, November 02, 2007

Is Lindsay Drinking Again?

She might not be drinking again, but it isn't stopping her from trying to order drinks. On October 19th Lindsay Lohan tried to order a vodka at the Viceroy Hotel after just sipping on water for close to an hour. However, with all of her friends getting hammered, Lindsay wanted to join in on the fun and tried to order vodka.

"But her people had called ahead and servers were told not to give in no matter how often Lindsay asked for alcohol."

Despite the expected denials from the Lindsay camp, a guest at the Viceroy overheard the exchange between the actress and a waitress, "I heard the waitress say that she was sorry but she wasn't allowed to serve her. Lindsay walked out soon after, looking embarrassed."

Well you know that if she is asking for drinks at a bar, then it is a very short step to finding a bar your people haven't called or just going to the store and buying a bottle and sipping it while you are strolling the rest of the aisles looking for the Top Ramen and wondering why people are staring at you. Doesn't everyone drink straight out of the bottle while grocery shopping? I mean, it's not like I wasn't going to pay for it, because I was and did. Security didn't need to be so rude about it. It actually was kind of fun. Kind of my own Leaving Las Vegas experience without the dying or the hooker sex from Elisabeth Shue. And it wasn't Vegas, but Ralph's on Sunset, but still. You get the idea.


  1. The poor kid. Anyone who's mom (allegedly) does drugs with them can't be expected to really be healthy. She's a trainwreck, but she's still a person. It sucks that she can't find some healthy people to support, love, and help her really achieve sobriety. Even moderation, if she's capable of it. So sad.

  2. She needs to hang out with Shitney again. Shitney'll get her some booze.

  3. Was she embarrassed she wasn't served? Or was she embarrassed that she asked?? After all, how many times has she been told No?

  4. This is BS. Her publicist had to put this out to make it seem she's on the straight and narrow. Or maybe more like a red herring.

    But you're right Ent, if she really wants a drink, she'll find a way.

  5. She needs An-abuse. A friend from a long time ago had a serious drinking problem so his doctor put him on that..a couple drinks and you get so deathly ill from it that forget about alcohol, all you want is mommy and a breath mint.
    He's been sober for years.

  6. can't they just put the booze in the Mystic Tan spray?

  7. Jax, isn't that what Danny Bonaduce was on? When he felt like drinking, he just didn't take it.

    She doesn't want to be clean. If she did, she wouldn't even be going to bars.

  8. I'm not going to judge her too harshly if she relapses. Its the only kind of life she's ever known.

  9. As they say in AA, if you don't want a haircut, don't hang out in a barber shop...

    And if you want to stay sober, find sober friends, not the ones who hang out in bars and get hammered.
