Thursday, November 29, 2007

Morton Book A Dud Or Scientology Stunt?

Sources have been telling the Daily Mail that Andrew Morton's new book about Tom Cruise is so dull that it is not even being released in the UK. The source said, that despite two years of research, there is nothing in the book that is shocking or new, and that Andrew Morton was unable to find anything interesting to write about Tom that hasn't been written before.

I think the story is total crap for two reasons. First, if the book is interesting enough to be released in the US, why not the UK? Second, it is about Tom Cruise. Anyone with a slight interest is a potential customer whether boring or not. I expect the book to be released in every English speaking country. It will be a huge seller whether it is crap, boring, or only a rehash of old gossip. To say that it won't be released in the UK, when it is written by a UK writer and being published by a UK house, is an utter bunch of crap.

Meanwhile though, the newspaper has now published an article laying the groundwork for a few less sales, or water cooler talk that begins with "well, there isn't anything new in there."


  1. Isn't it much easier for celebs to sue for libel/slander in the UK?

  2. I'll buy it - and I'm counting on it being fan-freaking-tastic!

  3. Disturbing that the UK has caved in, but $cientology has a base there and they've obviously put pressure on someone, somewhere, in retrun for someone's naughty little secrets staying unexposed, no doubt.

    The excuse is very poor. A book not being publishable because it's dull? Well, fuck me but that hasn't stopped a billion and one other pointless pieces of prose getting into print before.

    This reeks of being "got at".

  4. The Daily Mail always has an agenda - nothing they print is neutral. They probably lost the bidding war to publish extracts in the UK, or someone high up is a Sci-tologist.

    It's going to be interesting to watch wee Tom's massive PR/legal machine at work. They already started with that big 'Tom's not gay' article by that private investigator.

  5. BS, I don't care if it's a total rehash I'm buying that book.

  6. I'm kind of surprised so many people are interested in reading this book. The revelations and final conclusions seem kind of obvious to me.

  7. I'm kind of surprised so many people are interested in reading this book. The revelations and final conclusions seem kind of obvious to me.

    You think that's all it's about? It's about voting where it counts. You may also buy the book to support the fact you don't like scientology. That's my agenda, to put my cash where my mouth is and support the writer.

  8. yes i saw that article too and the pi said that he gave morton the information and that tom is not gay and i am not buying him being straight at all

  9. When is this book going to be published? I can't wait!!!

  10. uber*nought - I was actually thinking that Tom Cruise is delusional enough to be flattered by so many people buying the book, like he is so interesting and relevant and important that we all NEED to know every detail about this AMAZING creature.
    But I can see your point, too.

  11. That little bit of info has got to be a Scientology smokescreen plant

  12. Cruise just protests *too* much. I'm looking forward to Morton's book. Cruise should count himself lucky Kitty Kelley isn't writing about him. Like Scarface, she (methaporically) "..kill(s) Communists for fun!"

  13. Lyz, I think it's coming out in February of 2008. Some of the readers here have pre-ordered it, so maybe they can confirm that.

  14. I think it comes out January 15th.
    I wonder why it wasn't released now in the lead up to Xmas?

  15. It will be published in every language in Europe and Asia as well as the Anglo world. I bet it is a big hit worldwide, especially Germany, where the government tried to outlaw Scientology.

    I'll wait for the library to get a copy; meanwhile those of you who are buying it need to read it fast and spill the beans so I'll know if even the library copy is worth it.

  16. Andrew Morton is not in hiding and receiving death threats over a "boring book"

  17. Morton is not hiding it all. It was a fake, just like the book (read the Daily Express (express dot co dot uk)). He lied to the publisher and they pulled the plug. And on Tom Cruise, there are so many "biographies" out there, who needs another repeat story about him...

  18. I think the UK story makes sense because of the libel laws - which means the book is indeed VERY interesting.
