Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The PC Police Need To Shut It

Page Six is reporting that Benicio del Toro made an appearance at the Gay Men's Health Crisis Center during a meeting for meth addicts. Benicio got up and said, "Hi, my name is Benicio. I am not an addict, and I am not gay. I am here to support my friend."

While I doubt that everyone in the group stands up and says, "Hi, I'm Michael, and I'm gay" like it was some kind of disease, Benicio could probably be excused for his stumbling over what he was saying and should be congratulated for being there if he was there to really help his friend. Benicio met the friend while doing some research for his recent role as a drug addict. You would think he would have learned enough while doing Traffic, but, maybe he needed to do some more to see what it was like from the other side of the law this time.

Lots of people are giving Benicio crap for calling himself the guy's sponsor. Yes, in order to be a "sponsor" typically one would have had to go through the 12 steps. However, just like he stumbled in his introduction, he is just using the first word that comes to his mind. This is what is so messed up about people in this PC world. A guy who could be doing almost anything in the world, goes down to West 24th Street to help out a friend. Makes sure the guy gets to a meeting. Instead of lauding someone for doing an act of kindness, the PC Police get all over Benicio for calling himself a sponsor. Do you think the backlash may lead to Benicio deciding to skip attending meetings with his friend?

Maybe instead of being on their high horse about a word, or a term, maybe they should look at themselves and ask if they have helped a friend like Benicio helped a friend. Damn this blog today is starting to really look like a soap box, but hey, sometimes things have to be said.


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Entie, we love your ranting. :)

    I just hope it doesn't become a paparazzi hangout hoping to get a shot of Benny the Bull. Recoving meth addicts have enough problems without their pictures being plastered all over the internet.

  2. PREACH IT ENTY! Because yall know if he just said hi my name is Benny, the next headline would be BDT is an addict and gay...
    The first step is always the hardest and I wish anyone all of the love in the world when they are getting clean.

  3. The PC Police need to fuck right off and if this offends you then fuck off too.

    Jesus Christ can't anyone do anything these days without some asshat making a huge deal out of it? Our world is a pretty fucked up place and we need to deal with more important things than who's helping who.

  4. I thought what happened in a 12 step meeting stayed in the 12 step meeting.

  5. WELLLLLL! [humming]

  6. I kind of like this circus clown but has he done anything since Traffic? The first thing that pops into my mind everytime I see him is "Do you like baseball."

  7. Warped Knitter - that's why I would never go to a 12 step meeting! People CANNOT keep their mouths shut, and I can only imagine how bad it is if you are a celebrity.

    I think Pete Doherty could use some serious 12 steppin' however.

  8. Last time I checked "support" & "sponsor" were not the same word. Non-addicts are allowed as support (& also for research) at open meetings. Did I miss where he actually said that? From the way it's written it sounds like Ent is assuming that's what he meant. But whoever let that get out is a douchebag.

  9. Careful ENT... we might have to start calling you TYRA!!!

  10. Can no one keep their trap shut? Geeze Louise.

    Here Benicio is being a stand-up guy, by going to a 12 step meeting with his friend. The fact that he felt the need to announce it to the group, is no big deal. They were probably just going around the circle and saying introductions, and so he said what he said.

    I agree w/Jax -- it seems like the world is full of asshats waiting for someone to do something that they can report on or bash.

    Oy vey.

  11. Question: Benny, not being a native English speaker, may have possibly confused the two, since the definitions are fairly close? Just sayin'...
    Your living room, Enty, so you say what you want.
    I hear you, Jax PC Police's time would be better spent actually DOING something FOR someone. There are an infinite number of causes to work on.

  12. from ENTY...

    Maybe instead of being on their high horse about a word, or a term...

    Does that mean Angelina Jolie gets a pass for saying she was "so in love" with her brother?
