Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rene Russo Too Old For Thomas Crown Sequel

When filming begins on the sequel to 1999's The Thomas Crown Affair, Pierce Brosnan will be back and director Paul Verhoeven will also return. One person who won't return is Rene Russo who played the love interest in the first film and was set to reprise her role in any sequel. Instead, Rene was told she was too old to be believable as a sex symbol or love interest, and that Thomas Crown's character would never be with someone that old.

As of today, no one has been cast yet in the part to replace Rene, and despite being told she is too old, she is holding out hope that common sense will prevail. In the first film, Rene bared it all in a series of love scenes that displayed her body for the entire world to see. "Nothing has changed about me or my body. I still look the same, and still think I'm sexy. It's their loss," said Rene. Verhoeven is said to be looking at a series of 20 something's who will get naked and have sex with Thomas Crown. Pierce Brosnan is 54.

Rene, now 53 was last seen on the big screen in 2005's Yours Mine & Ours with Dennis Quaid in a Cheaper By The Dozen knockoff.


  1. This is ridiculous. I'm less-than-half Rene's age and I'd pay to have a body like hers. If it's some vapid tartlet instead of Rene Russo in the sequel, I know I won't be watching it.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    That's a shame, because I LOVED that movie. A great big pile of fun, and I loved the hand-clappy music (even if it annoyed most people). Boo for the casting people.

  3. Maybe it's me, but I really do NOT want to see a 53 year old with a 20-something year old. And I love Rene Russo. I hope they come to their senses, too, but looking at Hollywood's track record, I'm not holding my breath.

  4. Anonymous8:46 AM

    They were hot together in the first one - real chemistry. Rene looks fabulous for any age. These people are out of their mind if they think she is too old to be a sex symbol. Interestingly, it says the same thing happened to her for the batman movie - when Val Kilmer was cast in the lead role - she was deemed too old. That movie was several years before the TC movie.

  5. Snort. Like Verhoeven would have a chance with her in the real world.

    His fantasy is a woman young enough not to have been subjected to his films.

  6. Where are these quotes taken from because I haven't read them anywhere else.

    Russo isn't in the film because her character isn't in the film. It's based on another story - Ambler's "Light of Day" and it was said from the start of development a few years ago that her character wasn't in the film.

    I wouldn't be surprised if MGM didn't want her again since MGM wanted to hire a 20 something starlet for the original film and it was Brosnan as producer that insisted on an older actress and Rene. MGM was proven wrong though because their adult chemistry is what made the film.

    Brosnan may have less power now with MGM since he's no longer their Bond and Vehoeven unlike McTiernan might not be interested in an older actress but I can't see Brosnan going for a 20 something again - maybe 30 something at the youngest but not 20.

  7. I'm 30 somthing...I wouldn't mind having sex with Brosnan (for the sake of the movie that is!)LOL.

    Seriously, Russo is gorgeous and she and Brosnan had great chemistry. If this is true, bad decision on Verhoeven's part. Please don't subject us to another old man on young girl movie. ick!

  8. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Same old tired double standard.

  9. Whatever, Paul Verhoeven is creepy. She dodged a bullit.

  10. Age is relative, she looks good why does a number have to assigned to her. That just pisses me off.

  11. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Whats really sad is that Hollywood seems to neglect a growing legion of men who actually WANT a woman, a real woman, not some empty headed child-whore. Any DECENT man worth his salt wants someone who is his equal.

  12. Rene Russo still looks stunning, and without the benefit of surgery (I believe). Their loss! Who will they cast as the girlfriend, one of the Jessicas or Lindsay Lohan?

  13. Sweetie Yours mine and Ours was a remake of a Henry Fonda, Lucille Ball doozie and hardly a knockoff.

    It was actually much better than Cheaper.

  14. Thank you, Jax! I was going to comment as well. The original "Yours, Mine and Ours" is a classic.

    Renee is still very beautiful and a much better actress than most of the 20-somethings. I think I'll be skipping this sequel though I loved the original.

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'm sure the reason that "knock off" still stands is because Cheaper By The Dozen is also a remake, and the original was before Yours Mine and Ours the original. Yours Mine and Ours, while based on real people, partly already had appeal because of the Cheaper By the Dozen story, which debuted in 1946, and the movie, 1950.

  16. Anonymous1:51 PM

    And might I add, what they did with the new Cheaper By The Dozen, as compared with the actual book, is atrocious. The Gilbreth Family deserves its place in American History based on the works of Frank and Lillian during the industrial revolution of the 1920s....and what the movie came out with sorely disappointed me, as I'd read Cheaper By the Dozen and Belles On Their Toes many times as a kid and felt they deserved much more than stupid kid joke fodder.

  17. imdb is calling it Topkapi Affair and the rumor is Angelina Jolie as the female lead. It's still very tentative.

  18. Verhoeven had nothing to do with The Thomas Crown Affair. John McTiernan (Die Hard, The Hunt For Red October) directed it but, as he was sentenced to four months in prison...

  19. 50+ year old men should not be cast opposite women younger than 38. Period. It's unseemly. And gross. Not to mention squicky.

  20. she is so gorgeous. It is bullshit to get a 20something for a 50 yr old man.

    I actually have her pink trenchcoat from Yours, Mine and Ours. My boss worked on the movie, and bought for me from wardrobe........heehehehehehehe...

  21. I think Rene looks awesome, I can't believe anybody thinks she doesn't look good enough for Brosnan. Please forgive me for dissing Brosnan, but he isn't looking too great with his shirt off either.

    I think I'm going to be skipping this one.

  22. So is it just me or does this desire to have a barely legal whore instead of a renowned actress of skill say something nasty about the 'men' behind this move? I have no issues with older men and younger women (I'm married to a man 6 years older than I am) but some of the flakes in hollywierd seem to think everyone wants a shaved hoochy, std bearing whore because some 80 year old man poppin' viagra to get it up wants to relive his paedophilia days.

    I love Brosnan but if they cast a hoochy mama whore in the remake I'll boycott it!

  23. pierce was fired as 007 because he got too fat
