Wednesday, November 28, 2007

You Thought Ali Lohan Was Bad

So far Jamie Lynn Spears has been normal, but of course we thought Britney Spears was normal until a few years ago. Ali Lohan is under the spell of Dina Lohan so it probably is only a matter of time before she turns into one big mess. But, what about Vanessa Hudgens? Did anyone know she has a little sister. A sister named Stella Hudgens who is barely 12, but acts 20. I have seen Vanessa's dad and he is one big, mean looking guy. It is hard to believe that he doesn't have more control over his kids. If he can't do it, then I really wonder if any parent can control their kid.

When I was 12, I hadn't even kissed a girl, wasn't really thinking about girls, and sure as hell wasn't having one sitting on my lap looking as if she wanted to f**k me. Hell, I'm not sure I even knew how babies were made. Maybe this is normal now. I don't hang out with teenagers, and so I don't know if this is the way things are now. Maybe I am just too old, or just remember with fondness the time when there were no video games and we only had 3 channels and PBS. I hope these photos were just a goof and that she is just messing around, but they really do worry me, and should worry her parents as well. The fact is Stella is on television, and so girls will look to her as someone they want to emulate. That is scary.

Photos courtesy of


  1. geez, how old is that "boyfriend"?

  2. NO way that's her boyfriend, he looks about 16, and she looks about 9.

    If it really is a boyfriend, he's only dating her because she's on television... or because of who her sister is.

  3. trainwreck of the future...on the fast track! thats just disgusting. i'm sorry!

  4. Anonymous12:15 PM

    that kid is 12? She looks about 8. Scary scary scary.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Kids are very sexual at 12 now. It's kind of sad, people blame it on hormones that are pumped into chickens (for bigger meat -- ha ha) and milk (for more production).

  7. maybe her dad DOES have control
    you know
    the same way Pimpa Joe Simpson has control

    both Vanessa and Stella may be doing exactly what they've been trained to do

  8. DNfromMN - I very much agree with you

  9. what is scary is that the general public is so short-sighted that they blame these individual girls because of the signals sent to them by US ADULTS.

    all this goes to show is that we are successfully encouraging the hyper-sexualization of young girls - and then hypocritically blaming them when they pick up on what we are shoving down their throats - pun intended.

  10. I feel for these kids. I really do. Someone - their parents, society - is taking away their childhood. I'd say it's the industry, but it's not. I see this in kids where I live - and that certainly isn't Hollywood. It's sad.

  11. Oh this just makes me want to puke.

    Shame on those parents.

  12. Ooooooh, NO! If i was her mama I snatch her ass. And then tie her to a chair and make her watch a series of women giving birth a la Clockwork Orange.

    You can act grown, but her ass has no idea. And that boy doesn't look 12! Boys mature slower...lawd please tell me that this photo is misconstrued!

  13. OMG...seriously? Are some of you SERIOUSLY questioning why this is happening? Hormones in the meat? ? ??

    M E D I A

    The very thing we, in our infinite wisdom, are glorifying in our own sick, twisted little way here.

    TV did not have sex and violence in the 50's...shortly before there was tv, radio had no images to impart. Before that, even, it was scandalous for a woman to show her bare arms in public. The difference is the media we are exposed to!!

    Even though we all abhor the idea of a sexualized 12 year old, it can really be much of a surprise--it's everywhere. Look at the dolls that are marketed to 8 year olds, for Pete's sake...they're a half step away from being Crack Whore Barbie. Unless she lives on an Amish farm somewhere, that little girl is being bombarded by sex sex sex--and she's soaking it up like the little sponge she is. Her parents could be the best parents in the world--but you have to remember that she's likely out of the house for 8 hours a day in school...socialization outside of the home has more influence than the family, believe it or not.

    Our grandparents started it, our parents nurtured and grew it, we perfected and perpetuate it, and they--the little ones of the future--believe it.



    it's very easy to throw stones at her mother, or at her - but it's a lot more difficult to look at OURSELVES as the problem.

    the truth is we ALL contribute to the criminal hypoersexualization of young women when we don't speak out against it.

  15. and personally GQ's paedophilic portrayal of Hayden Patten-whatever is far more disturbing than this.

    these are personal pictures: those were taken by a photographer, posed for by a young woman, approved by an editor and complicitly supported by advertisers and people who buy the mag.

  16. those pics of Hayden were sick but...

    these are nasty. That girl looks about 9 and that boy is much much older.

  17. 8? You people are being generous. My 6 year-old looks more mature and grown than this one. While I'm praying this is just a really bad, BAD set of photos it looks like more than one person is to blame here.

    Mommy and Daddy don't get a pass from me. I AM a mommy and I can damn for sure guarantee my kids (9, 6 & 4) don't look, dress, or act like this one. How do I know? I keep tight control on my kids' clothes, tv viewing and 'exposure' to 'american culture'. Sadly, we export the trashiest, sluttiest STD driven whores on the planet. I watch very carefully what my kids come into contact with, how they act, who their friends are. Apparently some want to blame society at large for the failings of parents to keep their childrens' childhoods from becoming polluted and sexualized. Society is a symptom, not the cause. Society is made up of US, not some nameless faceless group that forces our children (and us) to behave certain ways, to f*ck around and do drugs. If parents were nearly as involved in their kids as they are online gambling, porn and work little girls like this one wouldn't look like this. They'd look like little girls, they wouldn't be doing blow like Lohan does or alchohol like Barrymore did.

  18. This is disturbing. But I have a 12yo boy who started middle school this year and you wouldn't believe what those little hoochies are wearing...and this school is supposed to have a dress code.

    Its just unreal, a whole generation of Paris/Lilo/Kim/Brit wannabes just itching to join the skank brigade.

  19. I think this post is kind of mean and assuming. How do we know for SURE that this is her boyfriend?

    That said, a couple of you have mentioned hoochie clothes. I took my 5 year old (at the time) shopping for clothes and I just about died seeing what they had for little girls to wear at that age. IT WAS HORRIBLE! I saw g-string undies (wtf???) and super hoochie clothes. If you buy your kids such clothes, you are a sick pedophile inviting fuck. Blech.

  20. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Yeah I really cant stand mothers who dress up their little girls as whores. I have a little girl, myself. She's gotten to the age where I no longer allow her to play with makeup--nail polish and lipgloss and glitter was fine when she was 2 or 3 and I could keep her at home and wash it off before going out. Now that she's four, I've stopped all of that, shes only allowed clear chapstick and the occasional painted nails--and no lolita-ish colors like bright red.

    I just dont see how they can invite pedophiles like that. At the very least theyre conjuring up horrible images.

    Women are creatures who live in a constant state of wanting to please. Girls who are in this precocious state, and who can pick up from social cues around them, will EASILY and almost immediately start emulating what they see: they see men who prioritize sex and a porn star's body, men who in turn have the loudest voice in our society, and so they subconciously assume that in order to please "people", they have to dress all tarted up and skanky. What they dont realize, because they are children, is that just because a vocal majority feels a certain way or prioritizing certain things, that doesnt make it acceptable or right.

    The fact of the matter is, society itself IS the symptom, not the cause. And the rest is up to good parenting, PERIOD. Its ALL about the PARENTS.

  21. Ugh, words fail me. Just gross and wrong.
