Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Drug Abuse Has Damaged Fergie's Brain

I really like the headline Fergie must be back on drugs, but unfortunately after considering the monthly alimony checks, and my gambling habit, I decided I couldn't afford to take any chances and so toned it down a little bit. But, really the only other possible alternative is that Fergie did so many drugs in her youth that they have addled her brain, and not in a Keith Richards, goofy kind of smoking his dad's ashes way.

In her Woman Of The Year interview with Blender Magazine, Fergie compared herself to Princess Diana because she feels she appeals to the public in the exact same way. She says that because she can relate to everyone whether they be rich or poor, or black or white is exactly the same way that Princess Diana related to everyone in the world. She says, "People put celebrities on a pedestal and act like they're perfect. But I'm more like the people's artist - the same way Diana was 'the people's princess.' "I'm a little more human than other artists. I'm not afraid to show my flaws." Well, I will give her this. Fergie is definitely not afraid to show her flaws. She probably doesn't think she has any, but then again judging by the way she usually looks, she probably hasn't looked in a mirror since the last one she used to organize her meth.


  1. There is a difference between not being afraid to show your flaws and having your flaws aired because you're retarded. It's like she thinks owning the fact that she pissed herself on stage makes her approachable...no, it makes you a nasty mess with no taste or common sense.

  2. Fergie..you can call yourself the Duchess or whatever you want..you're still gonna be the skeeze you know you are.

    People's artist? for what? a shitty overdone album that stole half of its sound from Gwen Stefani? ya..that's artiste.

  3. Show me your penis, and then I'll believe you're approachable.

    And yeah, I DO say that to all the guys!!!

  4. Harriet..is that how you met your hubby?

    thatta girl.

  5. @ Harriet: Oh my! I'll have to try that!

    Anyone else get the feeling that Fergie's drug problems are just as bad as The Winehouse's? I think she just hides it better.
    I prefer fergie as the nameless chick in BeP that sings back-up.

  6. i think she was the one who overdosed on heroin and had to walked around the tarmack.

  7. I will never understand what Josh Duhamel, or anyone, could ever see in her.

    Wasn't it verified from another source that Fergie was indeed the one who overdosed on heroin and had to be walked around the plane the entire flight?

  8. I was totally thinking Fergie for the overdose/airplane blind.

    These fublebrities would serve themselves better by keeping their mouths shut.
