Friday, December 28, 2007

Valerie Begue Keeps Her Title

Until about an hour ago, I didn't even know who the hell Valerie Begue was. Turns out she is Miss France. She was crowned Miss France earlier this year and then some photos which she took three years ago were suddenly published this past week. The photos caused a huge uproar in France and almost cost her the title. Well, she is going to get to keep her title but will not get to compete for Miss World or Miss Universe and will just have to be happy being Miss France. I think the photos are controversial, but hardly worth losing a title over. Remember, this is the same country that had its President divorce his wife so he could hook up with a model half his age. The most controversial photo is the one above. The video below just repeats and repeats and repeats the entire set of photos. They are pretty much safe for work although you can see through a wet t-shirt a little and the cover of the magazine has some bare breasts which are hard to see unless you look really close. Like you will have to really get close to your screen and watch the video over and over and over to get any kind of good look.


  1. French people support Valérie Begue and wasn't shocked by her pics. but the big deal is Mme De Fontenay, a very old lady who leads "le Comité Miss France" and wanted to take back her title. she's sooooo old fashion.
    it's her who should lost her title.

  2. not to nitpick ent, but the president's wife was not quite the woman scorned that everyone is making her out to be. She had left her husband years ago for another man. They got back together to try to work it out bc they have children. It was hardly a stable marriage.

  3. Man, I miss Prodigy. Shit, how long's it been since anyone's listened to "fat of the land".

  4. Madonna hung on a freaking cross in front of millions of people and lived to tell about it.
