Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blind Item Reveals

Back in November this was still big news, but as time has passed, some of the shock has gone from the blind item as the following is almost common knowledge at this point. I'm told the LA Times actually has been holding back on the story for whatever reasons known only to them.

November 9, 2007

#1 What Presidential candidate is sleeping with an aide?

Hillary Clinton / Huma Abedin(who is stunning by the way)


  1. Ho. Le. Crap.

    I feel like a moron for not knowing about this, given that it's practically common knowledge, as Ent says.

    Here's a pic:

    I wonder if Bill has tried to broker a threesome.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. weeeeeee! Ent, this a good one!

  4. Maybe they're holding it because it's just a rumour? Seems likely.

  5. Even Sean Penn would be more appealing than Hillary.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I shall now try to scrape up the remains, of the mess my jaw made when it crash landed on the floor.

  7. I checked it out and it appears to be true .. many political websites were buzzing about it .. now it appears to be common knowledge ..and apparently bill's paramour gennifer talked about hil's liking the same team in her book .. who the hell cares what her sexual preference is .. call me crazy, but I like the clinton's .. and would love to see them running this country again ... and inviting me to all their crazy sexually charged parties in the war room ...

  8. i heard this one about a month ago from a cab driver who said he was "in the know" and is coming out with a book called "confessions of an english-speaking cab driver" soon...he claimed.

    So, as a liberal, I'm not sure who to vote for -- a Muslim black man, or a lesbian woman (redundant, i know). I'm ready to try something other than waspy white man!

  9. I had to googleimage to find out whether Huma was male or female. This does feel like a conveniently timed rumour. Hillary is getting close to the White House, and a lot of Americans cant hanle that.

    At least, Hillary can echo Bill's defence: 'I did not have sex with that woman'.

  10. Sorry guys...this one isn't true.

  11. Its also on Wiki, as a rumor though.

  12. NFW! This is incredible. Thanks Enty. Your site ROCKS.

  13. So I'm guessing the UK Times is wrong?

    Spreading these rumors is kinda lame, I think actors and actresses is one thing (I'm looking at YOU Sean Penn!) but political campaigns, that's just dirty

  14. I love having a "Clinton" in office!

  15. I guess the "an" aide, instead of "his" aide was a pretty big clue.

  16. jesus Hilary likes fish?
    well she did say she was completely useless doing her own hair last night on Access...if she shows up wearing birkenstocks with her suits we'll know.

  17. Barack Obama is not a Muslim Black man, he is a Christian black man...not that it should matter. Just wanted to inject some facts...

  18. ligne c - oops sorry...should have checked on the facts before speaking. not that is matters is right. thanks for the polite correction

  19. Whoa. I call b.s. It's that whole "if she's in power, she MUST be a lesbian because a NORMAL woman isn't that assertive". sigh.

  20. All I can say is WOW - if this is true. BUT, somehow, I think Hil would have learned what not to do from the Bill/Monica dustup. I dunno, just seems a bit risky when you're running for Prez, and you know the media is going to look in every nook and cranny.

    Thanks Ent/ ;-)

  21. This is part of a smear campaign that has been in the works for months. All kinds of high school innuendo like "an anonymous letter from someone at DOJ who is in Hilary's campaign confirmed it ..." If the LA Times is sitting on a story, and even that I believe is part of the myth, it's because they don't trust the information. Hilary Clinton is not that stupid to have a lesbian affair when she is running for President of the United States.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. tomtyler - everyone is stupid when it comes to sex.

  24. whatevs!

    I'm not buying it.

    People are so sexist, it's ridiculous.

    at least the sexist fools aren't quite as violent as the racist fools.

    I sure Oprah is putting her money to good use and has her own private security team on Obama. I don't trust the Secret Service.

    I don't care if people don't like hillary's politics or her voting record or her issue positions. fine, criticize away. But to criticize her laugh, her "tearing up" (whch BTW she didn't shed a tear) or to spread rumors about lesbian affair is so tiresome and annoying.
    The MSM Mainstream Media (also, Middle School Mentality) has taken this election down to the gutter, and We the People should know better than to go there with them.

    Sorry for the rant.
    Back to the skewering of Celebs

  25. Obama isn't Muslim - his father was an Islamic Kenyan, but Obama was raised Christian and in his career in Illinois worked in partnership with inner city churches - and he still considers himself Christian.

    Not that it matters to me - I am dating a Muslim. lol

    But I see the point you were trying to make.

  26. This one is just ridiculous ENT. E

    ven if Hilary was a lesbian, Huma is a devout MUSLIM. There are pictures of her mother (a professor in the Middle East) wearing a Hijab. There is no way a girl from that background would have a lesbian affair with anyone. She would be stoned if she ever went back to the Middle East.

  27. Whoa WHAT?!!

    I'm with Kellysirkus and Brenda22 on this one.
    I'm not saying its false, just that it seems like a stretch.

    The allegations have been around since the summmer (remember the VF article) and I've read more than a few times that Huma answers the phone at Hilary's house during non-working hours.

    Either way, I'm not about to ring up my parents and say "Guess what I just read" about this one.

  28. Do you people forget what Bush supporters did to McCain in South Carolina? I'm just saying, there has been and will be a pattern of sleaze and rumour spreading with these races.

  29. Brenda, not every Islamic country is that harsh. The fact that her mother chooses to wear the hijab means nothing. If Huma were religious, she would wear one as well. Please don't sound like an ignorant American...

  30. yeah, this is a rumor. was in new hampshire last night at the hilary party and have some friends in teh campaign. huma is all about men and its part of a smear campaign. hilary and huma are not having an affair. they are like sisters and that is it.

  31. TomTyler- Exactly! Smears get esp. nasty when it's time for South Carolina primary, too (which is when the gossip about McCain's daughter came out in 2000).

  32. If this is true, can you blame her? That bitch is hawt. I'd think twice if I was Hill.

    And also, what presidential candidate ISN'T bedding someone in their campaign?

  33. I find it so utterly stupid and closed-minded that news (true or not) that a candidate is gay can cause someone's support to wane...It's just so stupid.

    Maybe we should just subscribe to bar ettiquite here - you know, "no sex (just overlook that first one), no religion, no politics?"

  34. Notice that a lot of sites that cite this as "fact" are conservative.

    I would bet that the story is being held because it cannot be confirmed.

  35. wow, this is gold, thanks ent!

  36. Could you imagine if Hillary became President and then came out as a lesbian? We would have not only the first woman President, but the first homosexual one too (that we know of). Now THAT would be pretty cool :)

  37. A lot of women are in power and nobody says they're lesbians. They're saying Hillary is a lesbian because there have been rumors for MANY MANY YEARS that she's a lesbian....just like there were rumors for MANY MANY YEARS that Bill likes to fool around. Some people are in such denial about reality that it's ridiculous.

    And Kim, speaking of being a woman president, I'm so sick of Hillary playing the gender card. Obama isn't playing the race card!

    Marisa....Obama is NOT Muslim.

  38. Rachel,
    Actually, I was born in Iran so I probably know a lot more about the Middle East than you do. I'm not a Muslim but I know that for a lot of Muslims, family obligations mean a lot. Also, There were a lot of articles on the internet mentioning the fact that she is very conservative.

  39. Ok, I'm shocked! Seriously. I thought it was gonna be revealed as Huckabee! And I have heard lesbian rumors for years about her, but disregarded it. Hmmm, so is Bill off the hook now as far as the whole lewinsky crap???

    TBH- not that I give a crap what anyones sexual orientation is, but if this becomes common knowledge I think her campaign will either be over or will skyrocket.

  40. Hilary is the only uncool lesbian in the world. She's like Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Candidate! Obama! obama! Obama!!!

    ps The LA Times can't reveal that because there's a legal issue involved. It's happening, however.

  41. what a disgusting rumor.

    If you think Obama doesn't play the race card then you simply haven't been paying attention.

  42. Muslims can't be gay. It's like a rule or something. So this cant be true.
    Obama can dunk a basketball too. I mean i've never seen him but it HAS to be true.

  43. I don't think this type of rumour should be published on an 'Entertainment' blog.

    I agree it's conveniently timed. I'm in the UK, however I've always taken an interest in US politics because whoever becomes the president of the USA has a lot of power in our world. I'd like to see the Clintons back in the White House but I have a feeling Hillary is in for a rough ride. We get Fox News over here and they're obsessed with her (not in a postive way obviously). I can't believe there's a tv channel that's so blatantly right wing.

  44. I'm with you all and calling BULLSH*T on this one. Probably a man who started it. Passing it on is easy. A woman can't be strong w/o her sexuality being called into question. We define ourselves and people need to get the F over it. Sheesh!

  45. people in washington have known this about hillary for years. i have a cousin who was working in washington during the clinton administration and he was telling us this back in 1993 or so.

  46. Muslims can't be gay?
    Really? I'll be sure to make mention of that to my very good GAY muslim freinds in Barcelona.

    Gays come in all shapes sizes and colours AND religions.

  47. I know a cousin of Bill's. This 'rumor' of lesbianism was known back in Arkansas. Anyone who's going "she's not that stupid" obviously knows nothing of humans and sex.

    BTW, would YOU want to sleep with Hillary Clinton? Hell, even Bill doesn't do that!

    I won't vote for her because she has some really hosed ideas on key issues. If she were an open lesbian, or even bi that might explain some positions - but she's never going to admit it so pffft!

  48. I'm with the majority here and cry BS on this one.
    Whether or not Hillary is or isn't ain't an issue - however of all the candidates, she's certainly *NOT* careless enough to conduct any kind of affair (straight or gay) with an aide in the middle of a Presidential campaign.
    She's no Gary Hart.
    Obviously, it's a smear tactic.

  49. Here's an interesting take on Obama (and the race card he IS playing) and Hillary (and the female card she IS finally playing):

    I'm voting McCain so I could give a shit about this rumor, I do think it's tacky though.

  50. WOW, this is complete and utter shit. I guess since the first sex scandal almost took down a Clinton, let's start another one. This is completely low-handed and abominable. The lengths that losers will go through to smear someone. How about we look at this issues? We can't because we are a racist/sexist/classist/homophobic society. This is why I prefer to live in a lead box and have as little contact with the outside world as possible. You* people scare me!

    * You know who you are.

  51. Hillary has damn good taste. I always knew she was a smart woman. Good for her :-D

  52. Everyone in the political world has known Hillary bats for the home team since Bill's first term, at least.

    A lot of people in DC at that time said Donna Shalala was her girl, and others claimed it was a magazine editor of a very popular woman's magazine.

    She isn't the only ambitious woman in the world who is in the closet.

    The thing I have a problem with is the in the closet deal. It isn't a "smear" to call someone a lesbian if that is what they are, because there is nothing to be ashamed about.

    I don't care what someone's gender preference is, but I do get a little irritated with those who won't stand up and be counted.

  53. People need to wake up. Hillary likes Huma/women. Senator Larry Craig solicited a man in a public restroom. Bill Clinton has had numerous affairs. JFK had numerous affairs. The list could go on forever. Most politicians do this kind of stuff and their marriages are more like business arrangements. They are people who are attracted to adrenaline packed lifestyles of fame, power, and sex similar to people in the entertainment industry.

  54. I want to point out that this is clearly a SMEAR. You may not be homophobic, but many people are. Surprisingly, people would probably forgive her for an affair because most people can understand that and especially after Bill can't keep his dick to himself. The lesbian part is a tactic to take it further. Next time, it will be a monkey. Keep pushing the envelope.

  55. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  56. Gee, Brenda, I'm just really going to have to disagree with your contention that you know more about the Middle East than I do. I have a degree in Middle Eastern studies, I am fluent in Arabic, and I have lived and worked extensively in the Arab world developing literacy and other educational programs for women.

  57. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I think that being called a lesbian is a smear in the sense that she is a married woman, so the implication is that she is a liar and an adulteress. If Larry Craig weren't married, calling him gay wouldn't be an insult. Does that make sense? How 'bout two cents?

  58. There's no way I believe this ...

    LOL ... and Obama is not Muslim, he's Christian.

  59. This is regurgitated OLD bullshit from a bullshit anon blogger who respins OTHER PEOPLE'S questionable sourced work. There is no "Hollywood" insider here and sure as shit no political insider in the know. How many tweens are believing this?

  60. Rachel, you are one smart cookie.

    I have to say that after this, I now question the credibility of other blind items. I know, I know. We've been here before, but I still had a sliver of hope that this site was real, even though it is remarkably similar to Dlisted in it's stories, opinions and photos.

  61. You are rapidly losing credibility.

  62. regurgitated utter bs.

  63. Oprah did her show today on married women who love women. I didn't watch. You know, I understand that Bill Clinton lied and all that. But everytime I watch him speak, I forget all that and I am like "Why is he not president?" Then I remember the whole cigar thing and the lying and the fact he has already served two terms. He is the greatest speaker. Do you really think Hillary is sleeping with this chick? Or do you think people just want Hillary to be gay? Maybe it's true, but I just don't buy it.

  64. I think I saw this movie...wasn't it called "The Candidate" with Joan Allen??

    More lesbian action in this one,

  65. Sorry...meant "The Contender"...I sure do know how to stomp a punchline, eh?

  66. Some people are in such denial about reality that it's ridiculous.

    I'm with you on that one, Twisted Sister.

  67. What's the big deal?

    Clinton had his fun.

    Hillary should support gay rights better than she does though.

  68. Ent, the least you could have done was insert "rumoured" to be sleeping with an aide. And why was this "inside" info. kept until after New Hampshire? If Edwards or Obama had won, would they have been the answer instead?!

    I agee the distaste with this blind reveal is not that people are alleging that Hillary is gay, but instead that there are homophobic morons in the United States who would let this impact their vote, and a lot of people who would discount the candidate for an affair, period. (Of course, a lot of them are Republicans ;)

  69. @peek freans (5:09 pm)
    Thanks for noting that. As a lesbian, I'll be glad when the day comes that the rumor is stated as having an "adulterous" affair.

    And jesse d (from your 1:41 pm comment) I'm going to assume you meant to write "HETEROSEXUAL woman" not "NORMAL woman" :)

  70. TomTyler said...
    This is part of a smear campaign that has been in the works for months. If the LA Times is sitting on a story, and even that I believe is part of the myth, it's because they don't trust the information.

    Word! I do not believe this rumor, it's a perfectly timed bs lie to derail Hillary... just days after winning New Hampshire!

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Jax- LOLOLOL!
    re: Barcelona ;)

  73. I'm calling BS.
    i agree that is seems to be the "shes so focused etc she has to be a lesbian" smear campaign, sure look at England, Thatcher was called a man most of the time, saying she had more balls then her cabinet because she was brutal in what she did.
    As for her learning her leasson from Bill i would think she has and wouldn't risk it all again.
    And for people saying she could be stupid when it comes to sex, well so far she has proved very focused and direct and i really don't think she would do it.

  74. Don't know if I believe it, because it seems so conveniently timed. But my theory is that the people are sitting on this story and not taking it to the MSM right now because they want to see if she wins the dem nomination. If so, her fate, along with the dems, is sealed. They can release it after Dems have already chosen her as their candidate and then Repubs have a shoo-in for the White House. Because we all know that homophobia is even more acceptable in the US than racism or sexism. It's supported in the Bible, you know. FFS.

  75. I call shenaningans too.

    First of all, I like Hill, but Huma is so out of her league, it's not even funny. I think if Hill were to ever get with a woman, it would be like Eleanor Roosevelts lover (older, plain woman).

    Republicans and Democrats are cold, calculating bitches that would put Regina George to shame ("I was like, "Janis, I can't invite you, because I think you're lesbian." I mean I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There were gonna be girls there in their *bathing suits*. I mean, right? She was a LESBIAN.)

    If the LA Times aren't jumping on this like white on rice, because of questionable orgin, why should I believe this?

    I no longer trust Crazy Days and Nights anymore. You have as much credibility as that weirdo Casablanca dude. It was dirty, filthy fun while it lasted though.


  76. I no longer trust Crazy Days and Nights anymore.
    Otter: Flounder, you can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You fucked up - you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it! Maybe we can help.
    "Dirty, filthy FUN" is the operative phrase here, remember that.

  77. If the trolls are done...Can the haters please leave now...

    WHY???? Is this story so hard for people to believe??? Why is it easy to swallow that Sean cheated on Robin and she phoned everyone as the CDC & that Bryan Adams is an asshole but heaven forbid, something somewhat derrogatory gets said about a political figure running for the white house and people cry FOUL?! Why can't Hillary be BI? WHY??? Did Hillary personally tell you that she wasn't a lesbian? Does that make her less of a person? No. Does that make her moral standing questionable because she is married and is supposedly having an affair...with a woman? Perhaps. Honestly, who cares what the woman does in her bedroom! It's none of our business! Her sexual orientation doesn't change who she is and what she believe in. Her husband cheated...this may be why! Does it make it right? NO! In politics, Bad publicity is not welcome. Married political folks have affairs ALL THE TIME! Even GAY affairs...gasp! They just keep their mouths shut. Unspoken rule, if you will. The price of a divorce or personal scandal far outweighs a compromise between the Mr. & Mrs.. People know not to mess with politicians public personas' unless they have something to back it up. That could be a suicide mission if it was just made up.
    D.C. is very similar to Hollywood. There is a lot of "favors" going on there. It's part of the game. But it's not our business. Just because they are public figures doesn't mean we need to know EVERY little thing they do. All that matters is that Hillary (who cares if she is gay) or Obama (who cares if he is Jewish, Christian or whatever) can run our country if elected into office.
    But the haters are absolutely ridiculous! This Hillary is a lesbian stuff has been talked about for years. I said I was surprised it was Hillary when it was revealed. Not because I didn't believe it, only because I never really thought about it. Why? IT'S NOT MY BUSINESS WHAT SHE DOES WITH HER SEX LIFE!
    Look...there are journalists & P.I's out there whose job is to follow people and get info. They see ALL KINDS OF STUFF we don't ever hear about. They see this stuff first hand. They talk. It's human nature. This stuff is gonna get out. I am just so floored that people walk around with blinders on because they like a certain actor, actress, public figure, whatever and refuse to believe info about their "look up to person" could be considered "bad or questionable". They are human, aren't they? Not everyone is by the book "All American" as we all would like to believe. (I'm still disappointed about the Tom Hanks info. :0( )
    Is this part of a smear campaign? Probably. Welcome to politics! The info will eventually leak out as true once the price is right unless someone buys back or blackmails the evidence. Time will tell.

  78. i'm with those of you calling bs on this one!

    btw... hillary is soooo not playing the gender card. surprise peeps... i know this is a *shocker* but she IS a woman... so what if she acts like one??? shocking that there are women today that would even utter something so ignorant!

  79. I dunno how I feel about this one...
    I don't care for Hillary, and do not intend to waste my vote on her; BUT when I hear dirt on the other candidates, (like the assumption that Obama is a cover Muslim operatvie, or that Edwards has fathered a love child with a martian, or that Romney will turn the country into Mormon hell) I get angry...somehow our culture has a dysfunctional need to destroy the credibility of possible heroes...

    But something about this... things that make you go "Hmmmmm...."

  80. Divabunny, let me reply since you're directing this towards me. She ALWAYS plays the gender card. Aren't you listening to her comments about breaking through the glass ceiling and that it's time for a woman president or refers to the old boys club?

    This has nothing to do with the ways she acts and everything to do .with what she says.

    And if you think she didn't plant the guy in the audience shouting she should iron his shirts, you're naive. It's a proven fact that she plants people in the audience all the time (or didn't you read that either?).

  81. Sage, the difference is, the rumors about Hillary being a lesbian date back YEARS. LONG before she was a candidate.

    And again - Obama isn't Muslim!

  82. If it's true, that makes me respect her even more. :)

    It's funny, 'cause at the original post most of the commenters were hoping it was Hillary.

  83. Well Rachel,
    Maybe you know a lot, but having a degree in something is hardly the same as living it and being immersed in it since birth. I lived in Iran for the first 9 years of my life (and am fluent in Farsi it it matters). I still have family STUCK there. I've also lived in Turkey, (one of the more "Westernized" middle eastern countries). Even in Turkey, there are still women who are killed in a practice called "honor killings" by their family when they get raped or are suspected of sexual impropriety. There is still a law there that throws people in jail for insulting Turkish national identity.
    I'm not gonna argue over your knowledge of the Middle East versus mine. I'm just saying that I'm not an "ignorant American" as you accused me of being. Furthermore, I hardly think your degree and experience in the region makes you an expert on all things Islam.

  84. Twisted Sister:

    My comments about Obama/Edwards/Romney were all said with irony.... There's no way I believe the lies about any of them.

    The reason I'm going "Hmmmm.." about this HRC blind item is that there is an actual *gorgeous* person attached to the allegation.

    I'm a professional woman like Hillary. This may sound patronizing,but I'd never ever considered hiring a secretary/personal assistant who is that much of a knock-out. Extremely attractive people can be a distraction; in my field, I want the focus on me, on my work and my message. My staff is proficient, smart, savvy, look like normal, regular people and they are approachable and nice. No fashion models need apply.

    Professionals in public service (like Hillary) have to be very careful.... everything we do, every image we project carries a message to the people. Public service is not show business. This is why rumors like this evolve....

  85. Why does any of this matter? You would think that the best person for the job would win regardless of colour or sexual orientation. I think America has much BIGGER problems than whether or not Hilary is a lesbian or Obama is Muslim. America needs to get its act together.

  86. People are getting so serious! I don't believe this because, hello, Huma = too hot for Hillary. I would not have a problem with Hill being a lesbian or bi, but I'm just suprised if it is true. I see no sexual chemistry between the two. Seems to be more of a mother/daughter, protégée relationship, judging from pictures (and body language of the two). A Devil Wears Prada-esque Miranda/Andie type of relationship, if you will. Simple as that, I ain't no hater.

    This is just a little fishy, and like I said, this blog is still dirty, filthy fun. But I now regard it as sort of like reading Star magazine, or reading about demon babies being born whilst waiting at the checkout. Or, the way I regard Jeremy Piven at a bar: questionable of orgin and sleezy, I don't trust it as far as I could throw it, but I still find it hot.


  87. Ugh! ^Why do I keep mispelling the word origin?

  88. This story is such a crock of shit!
