Monday, January 07, 2008

New Outfit For Mayors

This is a photo of the MySpace page of Carmen Kontur-Gronquist. Not really that much different from many MySpace pages. Of course those particular pages are always of women complaining to me that they can't show their naked pictures on MySpace and so want me to join a site that costs $49.99 a day. After the first few hundred bucks I caught on.

The only difference between the porn ads and this photo is that Carmen is actually the Honorable Carmen Kontur-Gronquist who is the mayor of Arlington, Oregon. These photos which were taken before she became Mayor have become quite the sensation around town. Not just because their mayor is showing off her taste in lingerie to the world, but for the fact that the photo was taken in a fire station on a fire truck and no one is quite sure how and why she took the photos. Her MySpace is now private, but up until just a few days ago, anyone could see that Ms. Gronquist is one politician who is not really hiding a whole bunch.

In what could be considered some really bad timing, the City Council has it's annual meeting this Wednesday night and the first topic of discussion is sure to be these photos. For her part, the Mayor said she did nothing wrong and those who are offended need to get over it. "That's my personal life," she said. "It has nothing to do with my mayor's position." Kontur-Gronquist, who is also the fire department's executive secretary, said the photos were taken before she was elected mayor three years ago, and she saw no reason to remove them from the Internet after taking office. "I'm not going to change who I am," she said. "There's a lot of officials that have a personal life, and you have people in this community who have nothing better to do than scrape up stuff like this."

Actually the town is so small they probably don't have anything better to do than stare at their Mayor and wonder what being an executive secretary for a fire department really entails.


  1. The town should be glad they have a healthy mayor! Good for her!! No worse than showing someone on the beach - unless you didn't show us more racy pics...........

  2. Hey EL. Maybe she wasn't the 'executive secretary'. Maybe she was the 'head' secretary.

  3. if my abs looked like that i'd have it on my business card.

  4. Twsited Sister, you are too funny! And Jax, I know what you mean! I would paper my house with pics of me if my abs looked that good! DAYUM!

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Totally fake breasts -- look at the squeeze line -- and Joan Collins-like bizarre white makeup around her eyes. Stripper on a pole, anyone?

  6. its cuz women with fake tits aren't supposed to wear underwire bras. those are to lift and seperate natural boobs..otherwise the implants make the bra sit wrong and lift away from the body.

  7. I think you mean mayor on a pole.

    I don't know what a squeeze line is, but if you look at her right boob at the point it hits her chest, it does look like she's got an implant.

    Of course, she IS wearing a Victoria Secret Miracle bra, thus called because it's a miracle some of us don't get rug burns when we take that damn thing off.

    Catherine, don't encourage

  8. Twist check out How to look good Naked the UK will feel like a million bucks! tits au natural of every shape,size and sag. it was the best pick me up ever to be happy with mine!

  9. Thanks, Jax, I'll check that out. I did catch Get Naked with Carson Kressley last week and felt simply stunning afterward!

    And seriously, I thought he was very sweet on the show and made a lot of sense. We women put ourselves through such bullshit when it comes to US. I hate it.

  10. That's nothing. The mayor of a town near mine posed in her Mayoral chair nekid!

  11. Huh. Is she the mayor of a nudist colony, Snautrag? ;-)

  12. Uhh, yeah bitch it is a problem. You're a mayor — not a fucking 22-year-old sorority girl. Shouldn't you leave these photos to Playboy so the city could fire you properly?

    I hate dumb hos.

  13. Tracee, maybe this was part of a "Mayor's Gone Wild" video.

  14. Underwear - bathing suit... eh. So what? She's got great abs and arms.

  15. come on girls if it were a topless man mayor it'd be in a fricken calendar and they'd charge ya $20 for your fellow sluts!
    i'm just happy my 88 year old mayor doesn't know how to work a newfangled digital camera.

  16. Not only that, but the woman has a point. We constantly let men run around and cavort and think that it has nothing to do with their political choices, yet we freak out if a woman made photos for her significant other? Come on! That's fcuking ludicrous and anti-feminist, don't you think? YES, they're wicked tacky, but it's not like she's running for president. Oops, sorry John Edwards, forgot about that illegitimate kid....

  17. The woman has two points, but both are covered up.

    Well, if you really want equality than the women pols need to have someone on the side, not pose with little or no clothing. You're comparing apples with oranges. Or melons with nuts. Or something.

    And somehow I can't see Mayor Daley doing this.

  18. Ok body but damn what a hideous face. Looks like a tranny.

  19. hey, she dresses hella better than hillary, IMO!

  20. True, Bunny. And how happy am I that Hillary isn't winning the primaries?

  21. twisted, you are a hoot! Mayors Gone Wild? Too funny....roflmao!!

  22. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I have no judgement on women who want to have intimate or sexy photos for whatever purpose, but I feel sorry for this woman. She's obviously over 40 and still trying so hard to be some 20 something sex kitten, with the abs, and boobs, and belly button ring to match. Yet she still manages to resemble a big ole bag of beef jerky. Very sad.

  23. trix i was thinking saddle bag with eyes,but beef jerky is close enough.

    cougar in the firehouse watch out!

  24. Anonymous5:07 PM

    LOL that term cracks me up. Cougar.

    Dont women have to stop menstruating to have abs like that? I guess she could be post menopausal...

    Its just sad that someone who is smart enough to be in a public office, still feels that she has to stoop to such a superficial level. Seems these days, you cant exist as a woman unless you can juggle an amazing career, look like a movie star, and act like a porn star in bed and a scholar in public, all while being the perfect homemaker and mother. Is this an unfair tall order...?

    Saddlebags indeed. Or maybe like those old wineskins they used to describe in the Bible. Or hell, just a catchers mitt....

  25. She resembles the runaway bride.

  26. Where's the beaver shot?
