Monday, January 28, 2008

Nicole Richie At 14:58 And Counting

As I saw the photos of Nicole Richie this weekend on her first night out since having the baby, I realized something which made me smile. This should be the last time we have to see or hear from Nicole for quite some time. Oh, we will have the inevitable photos of Nicole and Joel and the baby whenever Nicole needs some spending cash, or some new clothes, but lets face it she's done. The only thing that has kept her in the tabloids for the past few months has been the fact that she was pregnant. Unless she gets knocked up by Benji, no one is really going to care about her.

She isn't a great singer. If she gets any film roles, she will likely be worse than Paris, and the only television she is going to get is reality television. I actually thought she might have some acting talent, but the thing is she only has one character and it has been played out extensively on The Simple Life. Think about this. We saw her when she gave birth and then we haven't seen her at all since then. She's been out of the house, but no one has cared. The only reason anyone took notice is because she went to a pap infested restaurant. She wanted to show the world that she was already back down to her original skeletal weight of 85 pounds just a few weeks after giving birth. Actually, in all fairness I think she was 87 pounds when she was arrested. So, she probably is a few pounds above that.

Ask yourself if you are interested in anything other than the happy birthday photos of the photo once a year or so. You're not right? One annoying celebutante gone. Next.


  1. She'll be in the news after Benji leaves her.

  2. oh EL you trumped me! I have something i'm working on that i'll email you about tonight concerning Nicole. Not gossip but..something i stumbled on this weekend that made me go wtf?
    feel free to share with the class. lol.

  3. I'd rather it be Paris riding off into the sunset. Although, I don't think she's far behind. This famous for being famous crap doesn't last forever unless you're smart enough to play it right (like George Hamilton or the Gabor Gang). I don't think Paris has the braincells necessary.

  4. i like nicole and i think she is just trying to be a good parent and a better person so i dont think the attention is what she wants anymore in the picture she is trying to lower her head and she has never done that before in pictures

  5. Well if she's no longer viable, why are you writing about her?

  6. You make it sound like acting is hard. She may very well be a good actor. She was funny as hell on her show with Paris.
    Hell, Eminem, 50, even JT can act. And she already thinks herself very important.

  7. she is an accomplished musician, I don't know why she doesn't do something. Maybe Joel can give her the push to create.

    I care about her. She's trying to pull herself out of the muck of two devastating illnesses - addiction and anorexia - and make a life for herself.

  8. I'm not a religious person but I hope you're right, EL. Oh please, please, please can this annoying little piece of shit drop off the radar!

    Nicole Ritchie to me symbolizes everything that's wrong with the cult of celebrity. Her only claim to fame is she's rich and has a famous father. Big fucking deal! In my book celebrity has to be about more than that. You have to DO SOMETHING that warrants being famous. And you have to do it YOURSELF. Being rich isn't enough in itself and neither is having rich/famous relatives. It doesn't count if your parents are famous, or your sister or your dog or whatever. Do something that warrants attention and then you can be counted as a celebrity.

  9. I disagree. I think Nicole has longevity. She may not be in the news EVERY day, but I think she will carve a career for herself, whether it's acting or humanitarian work, and she'll be around a lot longer than Shitney or Parasite

  10. I agree with shiny-special-one: I hate people who are just famous because of their dog.

  11. I can't believe not ONE of you even commented on the 666 by her foot...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Good riddance! I think she's a bad person. Remember that awful invitation to her house party she wrote that leaked out? And she was terrible on The Simple Life. These girls' 15 minutes have gone on for way too long already. Buh-bye!

  14. Anonymous8:00 PM

    dee dee, Benji is the brother of Joel (the current baby daddy). It really would be news if she got knocked up by Benji, get it?

    Pink, I did see the 666 and had a little chuckle.

    Move over Paris and Nicole, there's a whole new crop of skanks for us to make fun of. Buh-bye now.

  15. PINKY!!!! Where the hell have you been?

    I didn't comment because I didn't bother looking. I'm done with this one.

  16. speaking of that infamous memorial day party... am i the only one to count the months between that event and the birth? 7 months... this girl partied in her first trimester... i sure hope that baby is OK, but unfortunately, developmental issues tend to show up later...

  17. Okay, then there's hope for you Peek ;)

    Twisty - I've was pissed off about a certain something that I won't be rude and discuss here. OT I almost had to move back to Chicago, and was gonna give you a shout, but it looks like I get to stay here in LaLa for now.
