Friday, January 11, 2008

OJ In Jail Again -- Call Him Miguel

At this rate, OJ Simpson will quite possibly get to explore each and every state's prison system before he finally dies. OJ was arrested for a possible bail violation and was thrown into a Florida jail. Allegedly OJ the idiot called one of his co-defendants in his Las Vegas robbery case and identified himself as Miguel.

Apparently Miguel didn't like the way the co-defendant testified at a preliminary hearing, and felt he treated OJ wrong. Of course Miguel was probably just doing this on behalf of OJ, and OJ has no idea who the hell Miguel is. I think next time OJ should go for the name Kumar. He might as well involve every ethnic group in his parade of idiocy.

The good thing for all of us is that OJ is running out of money so before long he might end up with some public defender right out of law school, and OJ will end up sharing a bunk with a guy. Named Miguel of course.


  1. Perhaps the writer here should just stick to no sourcing, cut & paste as usual.

    The actual story is on TMZ:
    "According to the court docs, O.J. directed his bail bondsmen, Miguel Periera, to contact fellow defendant Clarence Stewart".

  2. And somewhere up there in the cosmos, Nicole Brown-Simpson is laughing her ass off.

  3. OJ definitely deserves lots of jail time, but remember the Kobe case, when that "fan" took it upon himself to help Kobe by threatening the "victim".

  4. Very funny Ent - comedy writing should definitely be your next gig.

  5. I also saw the story on TMZ. They posted what I presume to be a transcript of a voicemail OJ left for his bail bondsman (Miguel Periera) telling him what he wanted him to say to the codefendant.

    The thing is, I didn't think twice about this post when I first read it. It sounds exactly like something OJ would do. He really thinks he can do anything he wants and get away with it.

    Wonder where he got that idea from.

  6. Oh- how I'd love to see him burn for this! Like Capone going down for 'tax evasion' (was that right?)
    All I know is he has a serious kharma cocktail coming at him and I wouldn't want to be anywhere around!
