Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sneak Preview Of Lost

In case you just can't wait for the season premiere of Lost next week, here is a little taste of the first episode. About a minute in length, but really makes you want to watch. The problem I have with Lost or 24 or any great show is that even with TiVo, I get really far behind in television watching so now what I do is just wait until the season ends and then get all the episodes on NetFlix and watch them all in one weekend. So, then I watch this preview and I start to break down and convince myself that I do have time to watch and that I will keep up, and then in four weeks have let myself down. Kind of like my New Year's resolutions. I have kept one though. I have eaten something really bad for me at least twice daily. The reason for that one is so I feel good about myself for keeping at least one resolution. It also happens to be the one I keep almost every year. The only time I didn't was when I was in the hospital and they wouldn't let me eat stuff that was bad for me. So I had people bring it in, but it did ruin my streak because I didn't do it everyday.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I'm the biggest Lost fan you'll ever see but I absolutely refuse to watch that trailer. I learned long ago that Lost trailers amount to so much misdirection that I'd rather not bother!!!

  2. Trix- I love how misleading the previews are. This isn't bad. It's pretty simple. It definitely got me ready. 2 hours of Jack, Kate, Hurley.... Locke. I can't wait!

  3. Any shows like Lost or 24 that have a continuing storyline with lots of details, I can't watch on TV. I have to rent the freaking season because if I watch one episode, I want to watch them all.

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    There was a complete history of lost in 8 minute 15 seconds posted on ONTD the other day, it was hilarious.

    Honestly Ent, if my life were to decide between keeping up on TV or hanging out with any of your gal pals, I'd err on the latter side.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yawn? For a Lost preview that was pretty lame!

  7. I'm really looking forward to the premiere next week. I keep seeing previews but seeing the first minute was great. Thanks, Ent!
