Wednesday, January 23, 2008

These Guys Need To Get A Life

A bunch of morons from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas have decided they want some publicity for themselves. They have achieved it by being the biggest jackasses ever. This is the same group that protests US soldier funerals, not because they are against the war in Iraq, but because they feel it is God showing how much he hates the US.

Did I tell you that members of the church are only allowed to marry other members? And since the members are for the most part related, this makes for some of those straight line family trees. Anyway, the jerkoffs led by the Reverend Fred Phelps have posted plans on their website to protest at Heath Ledger's funeral. The reason? Heath's decision to play a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain.

The web bulletin reads, "'Brokeback Mountain' star - Heath Ledger - is dead. WBC will picket this pervert's funeral, in religious protest and warning. "Ledger thought it was great fun defying God Almighty and His plan word. Ledger is now in Hell, and has begin serving his eternal sentence there."

The members of this church believe the Reverend and follow like sheep, but I think the Reverend has a little scam going where he rakes in attorney fees paid by the US government to the Reverend whenever someone denies him a permit for picketing and he fights the decision in court. It's estimated this tiny church of 90 members spent $250,000 last year solely on picketing.


  1. I think it likely that his funeral will be in Perth, Australia which leads to this lovely fantasy where a bunch of Aussie's round up these assholes, drive them to the outback and let the dingo's have their way with them.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Here, here, maryja. This whole thing is so shameful. Biggest hypocrites on the face of the planet, completely neglecting the fact that their actions go completely against the "Word of God" that they "live" by....

  3. If anyone can take care of these guys, it will be the Aussies. Give 'em hell.

    Someone else died a few months back...a soldier? I can't remember right now - but they sued to stop these guys from picketing and were successful. Hopefully the Ledger camp will get with a judge ASAP.

  4. Trix,
    That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

    oh and I liked Maryja's idea too.

  5. Best thing we all can do is to ignore the weasels. They're not going to Australia for the funeral. Even if they did, they'd be denied entry into the country.

  6. This is the same moron who picketed the funeral of Matthew Sheppard (sp), the teenager who was tortured and left to die on a fence in Wyoming, all because he was gay.

    I second Marijya's hope for that scenario! There is something seriously wrong with a "man of God" preaching crap like this.

    BTW, I attended a vigil in honor of Matthew Sheppard with friends, as we were horrified that something like that could happen in this day and age.

    Karma baby. He'll get his due.

  7. I read that church thing somewhere else this AM and I was shocked and angered by it. I cannot believe how insensitive and hurtful and plain stupid people can be. It was a part for a movie first of all. Besides that, who cares if anyone is gay or whatever. Doesn't the Bible preach that God and Jesus loves everyone. Greedy, Mean people suck!

  8. Actually, I hope these guys show up and get TONS of press. I don't think there are enough people that know about these assclowns. If more people knew, then maybe some pressure could be put on this clown and make him fuck off already.

    Micheal Moore got this guy pretty good on his show a couple of years ago. Though I don't know that "The Awful Truth" (Not Ted C) was ever shown in the US.

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  10. "which leads to this lovely fantasy where a bunch of Aussie's round up these assholes, drive them to the outback and let the dingo's have their way with them."

    And if they do that the whole damn state of Kansas will be forever grateful. This group of dingdongs has made life miserable for everyone here. They picket our universities, high school proms, funerals, weddings, etc. They are universally loathed by every Kansan (outside their inbreed congregation of course) We all know here that this is a case of he protesth too much...the ole' Rev likes to play hide the salami and is a self-loather. He is such a f'ing embarrassment to this state (though to be completely truthful he is not a Kansan...he is from Mississippi...and they can have him back...please)

  11. The Aussies won't let them near the funeral.

  12. Besides being in Perth, hopefully any details for funeral plans will be completely private and unavailable for public consumption.

    That said, I'd love to see Maryja's scenario play out in real life. Although death by dingo is too good for these morons.

  13. Hey, ENT...if I get the chance to meet you sometime I'll have to tell you my experience with Fred and his 'merry' band of crazies.

    I once attended a church they were picketing and it was just the oddest thing ever. And I'm not all that on the liberal side of things! Unbelievable.

  14. I was just going to make the same point Maryja.

  15. The best thing is just to ignore them. Any type of press, whether good or bad, is what they want. Eveybody, including blogs, need to stop posting anything about them.

  16. I'm not on the "poor Ledger" bandwagon, I think he brought alot of his problems on himself (and now his daughter will suffer for it - without a father) but this is insane.

    These are the same morons that protest US Military funerals because "God Hates FAGS". Last I checked, the bible quite clearly states "Judge not, lest you yourselves be judged" (depending on your translation it might be a thou). I don't even believe in their god but I'm sure the all-mighty is gonna have a special place for them ... and it won't be in the "I love you" section.

  17. Brendalove, no, the marine's family sued these assholes BECAUSE they picketed and disrupted things by saying really hateful things and protesting. And the family won - thank GOD! Here's the story:

  18. Anonymous11:01 AM

    My dad is a pastor, my family is very religious. And my mom always used to point out to me how hypocritical people are about "sin"--that homosexuality is listed as a sin in the Bible in the same breath as gluttony and gossip, and the Bible states that to God, all sin is the same in his eyes. The word "sin" comes from a word that means "to miss the mark". Missing the mark, like in archery, is missing the mark--period. You arent better than the guy next to you because you got closer to the target--because you're both still losers. In other words, the very God they worship doesnt care about the nature of the sin, but that it was done. Making gluttony and gossip and all those other things equal in his eyes...

    but you wont see 'em picketing McDonalds (gluttony, corporate greed) or UsWeekly (gossip, corporate greed) will ya?

  19. When Nick Berg was beheaded there were rumors in our area (i live in the same town as Nick's family) that these yahoo idiots were going to protest at his funeral - why? I'm not sure because he wasn't a soldier. There was a group of motorcyclists (maybe 30-40 ) that were set up a mile or so away to keep the loonies from getting anywhere near the family. I've heard of other times they have done this as well... (the mortorcycle group)

    and while it's easy to say ignore them they are very hard to ignore - they literally will get in the faces and scream and yell at the mourners ... it's just a horrible thing for anyone mourning a loss to have to go thru.

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  21. The web bulletin reads, "'Brokeback Mountain' star - Heath Ledger - is dead. WBC will picket this pervert's funeral, in religious protest and warning. "Ledger thought it was great fun defying God Almighty and His plan word. Ledger is now in Hell, and has begin serving his eternal sentence there."

    I'm booking my ticket and I'm going too, and I'm straight. Me and the gays in Hell will look after Heath, and we'll have one HELL of a party. Fun times. :D

    Give me the Gays and a Hell of a party and Heath for eternity over the boredom of an eternal church service. No thank YOU.

  22. Ent, don't link to Godhatesfags website. You're just giving them hits and they probably get money that way.

  23. can we flood their website w/ spam-like boos and hate mail, let them know what its like?

    I hope that they won't make the trip to Australia, or that somehow the authorities don't let them in. Picket-ing funerals is completely ridiculous and disrespectful.

    I'm not religious, but I"m pretty sure the dead are to be respected to a certain extent and a funeral is technically a religious ritual, is it not? So they are messing w/ God's word and desires but messing w/ one of his sacred rituals. Oh so very hypocritical.

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  25. As awful as these people are behaving, let's not propagate hate by wishing hate crimes on them :(

  26. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Thank you, Moral Marian, but I dont believe just WISHING hate crimes on anyone, actually hurt anybody. And that kind of "lets stick my nose in here and tell people how to behave themselves" idea is the same kind of nosiness that leads to fanatics to act the way they do.

    I'll hate and slander whom and when I please, thank you.

  27. marian, normally I would agree with you but sometimes...certain so-called "human beings/god's children" just really piss me off.

    And, for the hell of it, can I share a nightmare scenario with you all? Can you imagine Tom Cruise getting on his Scientology soapbox about this because he has the 'obligation' to do so because Michelle and KatE once worked together and because only *he* could have saved Heath? Shudder...

  28. Trix, don't take my comment so personally and get overly defensive. Comparing me to these religious fanatics is going WAY overboard. As the victim of two hate crimes in my life, I really just want the hate to stop.

    To all - I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

  29. Bunch of f'ing fascists, this group. If the funeral's in Perth and if they try to enter the country for the specific purpose of stirring up sh*it, you know they won't be allowed in. However, I hope they are so the Ozzies can repay them on Heath's behalf.
    With hate groups, sIlence enables. You can't make it stop by expecting people to suddenly get a brain and stop. 21st century and we still have people who are this ignorant. Like the villagers in the old Frankenstein movie. Have to say, too, though that there are even educated people who confuse actors with their characters. Boy, does THAT make for very strange conversations. You wonder who the H you're talking to.
    ITA that this so-called reverend protests too much...

  30. Marian, I agree with your sentiment, but probably wouldn't have posted it for fear they'd express death wishes against me. ;-)

    I think people are just blowing off steam.

    If I recall, you're from down under, no? People must really be shocked there.

  31. FIRST they are going to have to get visas.
    Which hopefully, will be impossible for them.

    Trix--Your post was very interesting.

    Twisted Sister, I am sorry I have been nasty to you in previous posts. It won't happen again. Probably didn't take my pills that day. :(

  32. I think those fuckers are too scared to leave the country, much less travel to Australia to picket. They might run into culture... scaaarryy.

  33. WOW, Fab, thank you. I'm sorry I wasn't nice back and I have no excuse for it. Big hugs to you and let's just have fun gossiping now. ;-)

  34. I haven't posted here before--been a lurker for a while, but anyway...

    @ Irishstayc -- The motorcyclists were probably The Patriot Guard ( who mainly work to protect families from the pain caused by Westboro.

    It has nothing to do with whether someone is a soldier or not -- they were in my city when four high school girls died in a bus wreck last November. They did it to the Amish girls that were killed as well. They think that anything bad that happens to anybody is God's punishment because our country tolerates gay people.

    But I doubt they'll get let into Australia. And they don't need to get publicity, because that's what they want.

    Anyway, I enjoy your blog Ent.

  35. This "church" staged a protest outside my high school a few years ago. At a summer football camp in Pennsylvania, members of my high school football team were involved in a "hazing incident" that allegedly included sodomy. Westboro Baptist Church blamed the incident on the formation of a gay-straight alliance at the high school. The organizer of the church said, "If you tell all those kids that it's OK to be gay, that is why you end up with a group of children treating each other this way."
    Obviously, anybody with a pulse in their body would realize that that is absolutely ridiculous. And there is no connection between sexual assault, which is about power, and one's sexual orientation.
    This "church" just goes around boycotting/picketing because they have nothing better to do.

  36. Oh, man. More misguided, uneducated fundamentalists. Did they not get the memo? That Jesus was a sandal-wearing, long-haired, Middle-eastern, liberal Jewish hippie?

  37. These idiots would get laughed back out of the country if they came within spitting distance of us, I can tell you now.

  38. I posted in another thread but probably should have done it here since it's more relevant: Page 6 is reporting that he will be buried in Perth. Hope this puts the cork on the zealots' plans.

  39. There is no way on earth these arseholes could get into this country. Australians don't have much patience with religious nutjobs, and they would be denied entry. (Or perhaps let in so that they could be beaten up on arrival and fed to the sharks)!.

    I remember reading about this gang of cretins with the Matthew Sheppard story, and it sickened me then.

    I really feel for you guys in America with the way these groups of supposedly 'religious' psychos have hijacked the political and social agenda. Strange that the rest of the Western world has become increasingly secular, while religion continues to be a growth industry in the U.S.

  40. town bike- yeah I agree... Even thought there are many Christians here Australia is mainly a secular society. We do have some zealots but overall we are a tolerant bunch; unless you overstep the line and are down out right disrespectful. Then you will see just how strong our backbone is...

    But as for these insecure crazy morons, I think they just want to be loved and the only way they can get that is by getting some meaningful attention. So yeah we now all know you exist so you can all fuck off now!!

    Damn Pricks!!

    R.I.P Heath.

  41. Anonymous6:22 AM

    They picketed my law school graduation. It was, um, easy to ignore, really.

    They only achieve something if they get your attention and upset you.

  42. Yeah, maryja, can you hear the dialogue now?...(cue Aussie accent)... "a dingo ate my evangelist?"
    "Reverend" Phelps WILL ROT IN ETERNAL HELL.

  43. Oh, and THIS SH*T is why I HOPE TO THE GOOD LORD ABOVE that Huckabee NEVER becomes the president of the United States. Hey, he seems like a heckuva nice guy. But think about it---
    And is anyone wondering why Huckabee is being poor-mouthed on the news this morning (Thurs., east coast) about how he just doesn't have the funds to campaign like the rest of the bigshots. Excuse me, but WHERE are all the religious right people when THEIR kind of candidate needs support? Hmmm? Where is Pat Robertson--our region's supreme religious (evil) leader?

  44. SORRY, I had to go and get all political for a minute there.
    I say Rodney King for President!
    His simple words were the ultimate statement---"Can't we all just get along?"
    Excellent, yet difficult, words to live by.

  45. Kaye, I really feel for us too. Its unnerving that a country supposedly founded for religious freedom(meaning I dont have to believe in god if i dont want and shouldn't have it shoved down my throat by zealots)seems to be run, more and more everyday, by religion of one form or another. Everything seems to spin on it socially and politically. Separation of church and state anyone?....beuller?

  46. I'll never understand sheep following 'man-made' religion. Jesus said to love one another, simple. People proclaiming anything else are simply missing the point entirely. I'd hate to be on the flight with those morons should they be so stupid as to actually go TRY to go to Oz, there is a special place in Hell for the likes of them...imagine how Jesus must feel, hand on forhead, rolling his eyes...that plane may not make it. Thinking 'Lost'... :P
